Games you have given up on and why?


New member
Feb 25, 2009
i think that 99.9% of people will that have played the game will say this so it's kind of cheating but, i wanna be the guy, im at the last boss but i gave up.

The Hairminator

How about no?
Mar 17, 2009
xbeaker said:
Trials HD. I simply do not have the fine motor control to beat the higher level courses. I can't believe anyone does (and yet there are replays to prove it is possible!)
I know! That game is such great fun until it gradually, without warning, becomes fekkin impossible!

Also, Ninety-Nine Nights. I was like "HURR is dis game supposed to be hard?" until the first boss which killed me again and again (VERY OP), and I had to do the extremely simple & repetetive and rather long first level again. And again. And again.

I traded that pile of crap in for a real game instead.

fenrizz said:
Half Life 2.

Just couldn't get into it, for some reason.
Might try it again at some later point, but I doubt it.
What's not to like? Combat is rather awesome, there are physic puzzles, and there is a GUN THAT LIFTS STUFF AND SHOOTS IT AT YOUR ENEMY!!


New member
May 15, 2010
Dead Rising.

Despite how great I thought the game was, I always found characters such as Adam the clown were ridiculously hard, and the save system just made me give up.


New member
May 12, 2009
I gave up on DMC4 a while ago after having fun with it, because Dante Must Die mode was frustrating me. (only stopped for a few weeks) Then went back to it a week or 2 ago, and finished Legendary Dark Knight mode, and just finished Dante Must Die mode yesterday. =D

I think I have officially given up on Street Fighter 4 because the online is just so are either a combo mastering, focus attacking pro or every other person who loses to that guy because they don't play 24/7 and know about frame data and etc...

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
TOGSolid said:
I do remember the game saying I had to go close 4 or 5 different gates as part of the main quest.
It's been a while since I played Oblivion, but if I recall there's only 3 Oblivion gates that you're absolutely required to close. The one in Kavatch, the one in Bruma, and the Great Gate at Bruma. There's gates outside every city in cyrodil(sp?) that you must close if you want to get those cities to send troops to Bruma to assist in repelling the siege, but it's not absolutely necessary.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Deus Ex. Wonky controls, boring story, unforgiving and broken gameplay.
I think there's some more, but I can't remember them right now..


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Sacred 2. I made it very far in the game but at the end I couldn't muster up enough spite to finish it. The quests were droll, the enemy placements were a joke. The semi enjoyable class quest was cut short and had a rotten ending. The voice acting was horrific and I never got the set items I wanted.

I don't know why I tortured myself for so long. I guess the urge to complete the games I own, blinded me to the hellish reality that still keeps me up at night.

Oh, but it did have some snazzy scenery.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
World of Warcraft. I really liked the game and all, but it was just eating to much of my time and money so i just said "Screw this im done."


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Every Call of Duty game but most notably MW2. The competetive multiplayer is a failure in every concievable way. Maps are still unbalanced, you get more kills from kill streak rewards than your weapon, luck seems to always play a factor in your kills/deaths, joining games in progress etc.

When I didn't get tossed into a shit storm in progress, I usually averaged 60 kills a game as I only played sabotage and never helped my team win. It only took me 3 days to call in 10 nukes to get the rotating radiation emblem.

My point is the game was just way to easy; nothing could stand up to a silenced ACR with stopping power. Last game I played, went on a 43 kill streak only to have it end when someone got a chopper gunner out of a care package then kill me while I was in a building... GJ Infinity Ward. Haven't players MW2 since, hell I haven't even turned on my ps3 since. The FPS is a dead genre.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
I have a few I've given up on

Half-Life 2. The game got far too repetitive for me (oh look, another physics puzzle).

Far Cry 2. There was never really any incentive for me to progress through the story. I found myself running around seeing where the next cliff I could drive off of was.

This may be in a different manner then most, but Oblivion. This one is a little different then most on the list, as I didn't give up on the game itself, just the quests. I found myself making stories on there with my characters as opposed to playing the main quest line.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Hasbo said:
Dead Rising.

Despite how great I thought the game was, I always found characters such as Adam the clown were ridiculously hard, and the save system just made me give up.
I actually loved this game, it wasn't too hard, but I gave up on it too for a different reason. I went through all the work and effort to not jack up the story and I made it to the end of the third day with everything complete, was waiting for the helicopter and it didn't count me as there. This happened more than once and I said screw and haven't played it since.


New member
May 15, 2010
Mr.Squishy said:
Deus Ex. Wonky controls, boring story, unforgiving and broken gameplay.
I think there's some more, but I can't remember them right now..
I'd argue that's the best game ever.


New member
Feb 6, 2010
brutal legend, awesome metal world with a epic soundtrack a cool cast of metal legends and funny hack and slash combat=cool
failed console RTS with stupid controls and an overpowered emo faction=not cool.

and avatar, just because the controls were deluxe crap with fries and unions and the mission were too fucking repetitive. god that game could be so much more


New member
Aug 28, 2008
theSovietConnection said:
This may be in a different manner then most, but Oblivion. This one is a little different then most on the list, as I didn't give up on the game itself, just the quests. I found myself making stories on there with my characters as opposed to playing the main quest line.
But you're allowed to.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I would say ff13 but a lot of you have said that so Xenogears.I love the first disc but good lord when you hit the second disc the two main characters sit in a seat and tell you what is happening.That pissed me off I had to sit throw two hour's of that with one random battle and then they gave me a chance to walk on a a mini map and I saved and turned it off.I just got pissed that they did that I want to get to the end but I have to get some free time first but I don't think I could sit throw that to the end.