Games you have given up on and why?

Spy Killer

New member
Feb 4, 2010
TOGSolid said:
I do remember the game saying I had to go close 4 or 5 different gates as part of the main quest.
yeah but you only have to close those gates to get the extra soldiers and help that the towns offer to help close the great gate. Also, the Great gate is piss-easy too take care off therefore making the other gates completely pointless to close.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Stupid acronym names...), when you get the five hundredth fetch quest across the map and realize that they will never be anything different. Quit->uninstall


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Super Ghouls and Ghosts. I spent hours trying to get through that fucking game and god knows how many lives, i finally make it to the second to last level or whatever and the princess tells me that in my hours of trial and error i had missed the hidden amulate and so i had to go back and get it. Then the game sends me back to level, Fuck that noise, that is unreasonable.


New member
May 26, 2009
Soul Reaver one for the ps1. There was no direction in that game it was pretty much Pop here you are go run around try not to die and hopefully stumble upon what needs to be done...AND..Demons's Souls *shudder* need I say more.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Metal Gear Solid 2. Only played this for the first time recently, and I have to say it was the most frustrating experience I've had with a game in years! I got all the way to fighting Dr Octopus as Cyborg Ninja on that roof, gave it a few goes and gave up. I just don't think that game offered enough rewards to justify the rise it caused in my blood pressure.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Every Final Fantasy between Tactics Advance and 13 non-inclusive because they seriously sucked (13 was a huge surprise). While the games didn't get particularly difficult, I'd consider having experienced what I did of them as being dicked over.

Crysis, because I only got it for the sake of testing my computer (it was a triumph) and aside from the ball-busting requirements it's just another nothing-special FPS. I was all excited, but it's essentially just an incredibly well-polished turd.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
D Bones said:
Niracas said:
What I mean is, what game did you play, get quite far in, and then get dicked over so badly you just flipped off the screen and walked away for good?

For me I think it's FFXIII, im at last boss and as you know in this game when the character you control dies, game over. No phoenix downs, no raises, no nothing. This game doesnt even have a Re-Raise spell. Anyways, i've tried killing the boss about oh.. 10 times. The first 5 it took 20 minutes to whittle him down to 25% (I play it safe most of the time). Each attempt it seemed like I had it in the bag, when, out of nowhere DEATH! Game over. The next 5 or so times I had learned you could kill him pretty easily with Poison/Poisonga that worked wonderful. I can get him to barely any HP in way under 20 minutes, however guess what? Death again! Today was the last straw. He was at 2000/5mil HP and deathed me. I flipped off the screen and walked to my room. Also note this is with all possible pieces of protection on me. I guess im just really unlucky.

How about the rest of you guys?
Buff/Debuff that jerk, he's really easy if you're leveled up enough. I know what you're talking about though, he's giving you the old sword chop. He killed me a few times too and I was pretty strong (crystarium as far as it would go for everyone's main role). You can get a shitload of XP really easily right outside of Orphan's cradle, there are a few dudes you can fight, save, reboot, repeat. You can get like 26000 CP per fight.

OT: Fallout 3, I found it overwhelming, ugly, and the characters waxy and stiff. Just not a game for me.
You mean the enemies that were Mini Bosses in that last area? The Cieth with the big sword and the two pathetic dogs? If so i was thinking about that but I thought it might take forever, but I may try it now.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
supertoast099 said:
GoW III on Titan mode. Guess why.
C'mon, if I can do it, you can do it. Just keep at it - how far did you get, by the way?

On topic: I gave up on Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3, both for the same basic reason - motion controls really piss me the hell off. After the 12th time Link wouldn't swing his sword because I wasn't wagging my wrist correctly, or the tenth stupid door in Metroid I had to slowly pull out, twist, and then push back in, I gave up and longed for the Gamecube days where I could enjoy each series without this gimmicky garbage trying to force immersion.

"Ooo look Samus is aiming where I'm pointing! It's cuz I'M SAMUS! Hur hur hur" I'd rather have an interesting story to pull me in, instead of the fact that I have to do work every 2 minutes...

And speaking of interesting stories, FF12 doesn't have one. I played that game for hours and hours, only to realize that I didn't really care. I actually liked a few of the characters, but the pacing and story of the game eventually just bored me to tears.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Operation Flashpoint 2. Around the fourth mission. Because I just realized, I'm playing a horrible alpha build here.

Max Payne. After a nasty save issue that kept me respawning into certain fall-related death.

Modern Warefare 2 Multiplayer. When I just realized, we don't really enjoy this anymore, we just keep playing it (me and friends).

Descent 3. After I realized it made no sense whatsoever and not even my guidebot knew where it was going.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Half Life 2.

Just couldn't get into it, for some reason.
Might try it again at some later point, but I doubt it.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
Thunderhorse31 said:
supertoast099 said:
GoW III on Titan mode. Guess why.
C'mon, if I can do it, you can do it. Just keep at it - how far did you get, by the way?

On topic: I gave up on Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3, both for the same basic reason - motion controls really piss me the hell off. After the 12th time Link wouldn't swing his sword because I wasn't wagging my wrist correctly, or the tenth stupid door in Metroid I had to slowly pull out, twist, and then push back in, I gave up and longed for the Gamecube days where I could enjoy each series without this gimmicky garbage trying to force immersion.

"Ooo look Samus is aiming where I'm pointing! It's cuz I'M SAMUS! Hur hur hur" I'd rather have an interesting story to pull me in, instead of the fact that I have to do work every 2 minutes...

And speaking of interesting stories, FF12 doesn't have one. I played that game for hours and hours, only to realize that I didn't really care. I actually liked a few of the characters, but the pacing and story of the game eventually just bored me to tears.
Those two goat things in Hera's Garden. Fuck those and whoever decided to make them impossible to kill.


New member
Mar 30, 2008
Prince of Persia 1 - it was a great game but too hard to really get into since I only had a friend's PC to play it on.

Oblivion - Yeah, what repetitive piece of crap that game was... I mean, even the voice acting was repetitive.

Fable - Dunno why, I just played it once for several days and never went back to finish it.

Black & White - First, I found a way to "break" the game by painting myself into a corner, so to speak. Second, the game bugged out half way through and I just gave up.

MMO's - I really want to like them but I just don't, so I've never made it to the "end game content" in any of them.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Painkiller. Really fun but quickly unforgiving, but that's not why i stopped, one level i spent ages trying to kill the dudes without losing a ton of health every 2 seconds, then i found out that i accidentally caused a glitch which makes it impossible to finish the level, can't be bothered to start again...