Games you have given up on and why?


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Star Wars Galaxies because of the New Game Enhancements and Combat Upgrade.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Modern Warefare 2: When I gave it one more chance I got frustrated in less than a minute, hackers, little kids. etc. I couldn't take it.

Call Me Arizona

New member
Apr 27, 2010
It's just not getting me into it anymore, it's the same damn game and I haven't truly enjoyed one since Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
mushupork3mpire said:
Misterian said:
F-Zero GX.

If you know how needlessly hard this game is, I think you know why.
aha. yeah my brother had this game. i think this was the first game i ever picked up the controller, only to put it riight back down 5 enraged, epileptic minutes later.
Praise the lord!

someone who understands my pain.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
First to come to mind is Battle Toads, I managed to get to the level where you go through the spiral and I just stopped. It took me ages to get there and I just couldn't be bothered doing it again and again, there is only so many times I can go through all the same challenges again.

Titans Quest is my second, I got to the last boss through medium difficulty and got bored, the game is exactly like Diablo 2 so I lost interest quickly.

Twilight Princess was my last, not because it was like OoT but because I was forced to go where it wanted me, that I had to change from Link to wolf over and over in battle and because the difficulty curve is all over the place.

Meta 99

New member
May 2, 2010
Munches Oddesy, it's good, but it goes on for fucken ever. there's like 300 levels, and each one is about 40 min at least.


New member
May 15, 2010
Gears of War 2
The story mode and horde mode were really fun,however, the multiplayer killed it for me. It has its moments but i find myself more frustrated than having fun. It's rather sad that i enjoy playing against bots more than human opponents.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Saint Psycho said:
Oh, I think I'll pop back in with Fable (PC). Haven't played any of the second one. Haven't felt the urge for disappointment in a while. When I like to roleplay, I tend to be the big, nasty, evil guy that the good guys quake in their shoes about. But in Fable, me being evil was moot.

Sure, in the end, things cost a bit more from the vendors, but I killed more than enough to get most things I need for free, and stole the rest from the merchants. And by steal, i mean walk in, carve them into bloody, quivering chunks, stride calmy over and pick up what I want, punt the guard on the way out, and leave town.

I was penalized what? A whole eight minutes. Woowhee.

Fable 2 is not much different mate, i enjoyed it, it was good; but i felt there was a lack of achievement on my part when i was playing it for some reason. but the longeivity of it and the occasional slow motion caera while slamming some baddies off a cliff got me through it. And i tried until about 2 thirds into it to be a good guy, just so i didnt look like a monster; but by then i'd been knocked out so many times, the scars on my face made me monstrous enough; and so i turned darkside sweeping town after town raiding every house and store i could beat the doors off. and eventually turned into a giant red guy with horns who occasionally wore womens shoes because they look significantly more badass than the mens. Still for £12 i wont complain.

In the grand scheme of things, I was still a Hero, taking quests from the Heros Guild, fighting for fame and glory and blah blah blah.

Really, what was the point of it all, if it still amounted to the same at the end.


New member
May 1, 2010

After the first few hours of running about shooting things and trying to level up a level or two, stock up on money and guns and all that, I decided to try and get into the story a little bit.

Pity there was none to be found.

I got about 3 more hours out of it before I called it quits. I was bored beyond belief to say the least, which is a pity, because if it had a decent story I would have fallen in love with it.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
every Legend of Zelda game i have attempted to play, because i get distracted by other things and forget about it


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder.

Horrible, awful, terrible excuse for an RPG. Graphics suck, battle system is barely tolerable, map is LITERALLY a fucking maze and there is no story to tell you where the hell your ultimate objective is. I have no idea if I was a room away from the final boss or 100 floors below it. (Assuming the game has one at all.)

Also, I guarantee your entire party won't have enough combined accuracy to hit the broad side of Mt. Everest with the fucking Death Star.

I managed to kill everything, get to the 10th level and I ran out of things to do. I kept going in circles. There were places the map said I hadn't been yet, but after hours of trying to figure it out, I just said,"fuck it," threw in my case of games and haven't touched it since. This was probably 5 or 6 years ago.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
FF12 : i just stopped caring
same for force unleashed, just kinda woke up one day, looked at them and thought, " and i care about these twits, why?"


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

I just get so annoyed and frustrated by the horribly tedious combat.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
This is probably really cheesy of me to say but half-life2 i went through about a third of the game got bored out of my mind and said fuck it and booted up morrowind.