Games You Want, But Will Never Come Out


New member
Jul 28, 2010
mikespoff said:
Planescape: Torment, remade with a decent graphics engine.
That's a mighty good idea :D

Also, Chaos Overlords remake or a sequel. That would be fantastic. Supposedly it's in the works.
Ascendancy would as well be a thankful material for a remake (original is abandonware so it can be picked up for free online - something I wholeheartedly recommend)

And I think someone mentioned Jagged Alliance 3. Also would make a great game, no doubt about that.


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Sep 11, 2009
Wing Commander 6 and 7 . I want to know how the story goes on. Where are the Bugs coming from? And when do we finally do our big team-up final fight with the kilrathi on our side?

Annoying Turd

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Jul 3, 2009
Ultima Online 2 and sequels to both Planescape:Torment and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

Those games really need sequels.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Xlr8DETH said:
unfortunately i dont think a star wars battlefront 3 will ever be released or a proper Kotor 3
Totally with you on that one.

Also, GodHand 2 and a proper non-handheld Okami 2 (with Kamiya if possible)

+ A new game in the Bladestorm franchise.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
I wish there was a Star Wars or LOTR RPG. Not MMORPG (can't really stand those) but a single player console version, a lot like Oblivion but in Middle Earth or a galaxy far far away...


New member
Mar 10, 2010
I want a sequel or another Jet Set Radio Future and also Star Wars Battlefront 3, those 2 games right there will complete my life!


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Descent. Period. One of the most awesome games that sadly fell when the company fell too. I wish even something remotely similar to appear. SOMETHING.

I got more. I want a C&C in the tiberium universe from the original creators (you know, westwood studios, which are now petroglyph studios), and not from the leftover working at EA now. When Tiberium wars came out I thought that's bad, then came out Tiberium twilight and it proved to me that it can go worse (I actually like Tiberium wars now compared to the 4 XD).

What else... Ah yes: Heroes 3. I am still waiting for someone to make a good copy of this. I mean c'mon, this game is older than dust now, and people STILL play it. Heroes 4 was a disaster, 5 kinda was ok but gets boring quickly. The only real successor which can claim to be good is Kings bounty, which I enjoy much. Problem with it: it does not have multiplayer or LAN. Sigh...

A Dino Crisis sequel. I have no clue why they didn't make it. Seems Resident Evil was so awesome they abandoned this game completely. May I remind you, they abandoned it on a CLIFFHANGER. RAAAGE XD

Oh and when the heck is that Stargate MMO coming out already? It got canceled and restarted more times than an old used car from the 50's. :D

Someone mentioned Chrono Trigger. HELL YEAH I'd be for another one!

I got more but that;s enough for now.

Steve Fidler

New member
Feb 20, 2010
darth.pixie said:
A Vampire Bloodlines sequel (as another topic here said), a Kotor 3.

Another Neverwinter Nights series would be awesome but it won't happen due to the fact that the Forgotten Realms sucks, now.

And I'm waiting for a Divine Divinity 3 and Overlord 3 (if they make it)

Looks like you are getting your wish. A Diablo I/II style "Instanced" online game based off Neverwinter.

Xerosch said:
Kenko said:
Anachronox 2 ! Who's with me!?
I AM! Wow, I've been thinking about what I want to play while reading this thread and yes, 'Anachronox 2' would be a game appearing within a beam of light while a choir hails its arrival.

And this:
Vagrant Story 2
Gabriel Knight 2
Loom 2
Vampire the Masquerade anything
Lost Odyssey 2
Xenogears 2 (though Squareenix is too far gone)
There was a XenoGears 2, called XenoSaga. It was bad, real bad.

I'd like to see more entries in the Jedi Knight series, with force powers similar to Force Unleashed (the way that hold/grab/etc. works)

Also more entries in the Crono series. Trigger was excellent, Cross was amazing in a different way. Or that 3D Remake of Trigger that was being fan-made but got shut down. Gosh that game looked amazing. I wish they would have been allowed to finish.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Steve Fidler said:

Looks like you are getting your wish. A Diablo I/II style "Instanced" online game based off Neverwinter.
Oh my...

It's a shame that it's about the Spellplague (hence the suck) and a MMO but still...

Thank you, I did not know about it.

Now then...I'll have to start complaining about a D&D single-player that won't be made.