Games You Want, But Will Never Come Out


Ad-Free Finally!
Apr 24, 2007
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
Dragon Age 2 - That was actually a Dragon Age sequel, not a reskinned Mass Effect
I'm so glad we as a gaming community actually take the time to play a game and wait for it's release before we start criticizing it.
I can only comment on what has been shown to us so far.

Considering that Dragon Age was such a commercial flop and everyone hated it, I can understand why they are changing the game so drastically from the original release, to make it more "mainstream" and "action oriented"

Maybe I wouldn't have to criticize if they showed me how they were keeping true to the "Baldur's Gate spirit" idea going in this latest edition...
What do you mean it was a flop? It was one of the highest rated games of 2009. It received several Game of the Year Awards from a wide variety of highly respected Magazines/Site. It has a rating of 91 on Metacritic which isn't exactly easy to pull off. And I personally have sunk at least 30+ hours into the game. The reason they are changing it is because they feel it is a better direction to take the game. The few complaints that surrounded the game were linearity of skills/spells and the fact that Warriors and Rogues had to many passive abilities (Also the hats. No one liked the hats). From what I've seen it's essentially the same kind of gameplay just that the warrior and rogue classes aren't going to sit there and auto-attack for the entire game.
I guess you didn't quite catch the sarcasm in the post...


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Lord_Jaroh said:
I guess you didn't quite catch the sarcasm in the post...
You suck at sarcasm. And your comment is still stupid considering that the game hasn't been released. Saying a game has seen drastic changes and sucks due to the 5 1 minute clips you've watched is a poor judgement of an interactive medium.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Durxom said:
Either it be because of series cancelation, companies going out of business, or just a lack of interest, there are some games that you just hope and wish will come out..but doubt that they ever will....So, here's your chance to list them =D
Katherine, by Altus. I really really hope I'm wrong, but I fear it will never be released here.

Also, Xenosaga 4-6, and Xenogears episodes 1-4, and 6. And yes, I realize that technically some of those might be the same game, but I wanted to cover my bases.

Oh, and a Final Fantasy 7 remake. And while I'm at it, Final Fantasy 7-2.

Edit: I forgot Vagrant Story 2.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Well hell, I guess I'll give this a go.

(cracking knuckles)

1.Star Wars: Battlefront 3 (Pandemic may be gone, but Rebellion made great PSP sequels.)
2.Warship Gunner 3 (Still the only really good and unique Koei series, I still play WG2.)
3.Need for Speed: High Stakes 2 (I loved almost all of NFS:HS on the PS1, and I still want more.)
4.another Aero Elite (Japanese series, one US outing, but beats the days out of Ace Combat IMO.)
5.Midnight Club 5 (supposedly the MC Team has been axed by Rockstar, damn.)
6.SEGA GT sequel, a real one for the Dreamcast original.
7.All new Crazy Taxi game.
8.4x4 Evolution 3 (yes the originals were crap, but for some reason I still enjoyed the original in all its awful glory.)
9.WWE Crush Hour 2 (Twisted Metal gameplay, but not nearly as irritating as past Twisted Metals.)


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
CronosYamato said:
What may count: Tales of Vesperia for the PS3, In English. The extended version too. The entire game they built up Flyn as some awesome guy, and you get really excited when he finnally joins your party, but when he does, he only has 4 attacks, no secret arts, and leaves after 1 battle!!! Oh, not to mention that you can use 4 times as many techniques at once (mapped to the controller that is) than in the Xbox version? Why? No clue. The extended version has more dungeons, characters, weapons, dual secret arts, and Indignation (those familiar with the series will understand why this not being in the game is an outrage.). Its is overall a better game than the original, and i would buy it in a heartbeat. Whats stopping me from just importing it you ask? Well, apart from my inablity to read Japaneese, FREAKING REGION LOCKED SOFTWARE!! RAGE!

What will defiantly count: Zone of the Enders 3.
THIS! Oh God a million, trillion, bazillion, a number so high I don't even know if it exists times this! The worst thing is, we still haven't gotten Tales of Graces and will probably never see Tales of Xillia here. The concept art for ToX is absolutely gorgeuos, like nothing I've ever seen before. I fail to understand how such great games fly under the radar, truly it's a crime!!

Also, StarCraft Ghost. I had such high hopes for this game, really is a shame it got scrapped.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Kakashi on crack said:
dungeon keeper three!!!

It'll neverh appen though...
This and Omega Boost 2. For some reason Polyphony is working on some shitty racing series now. I have no idea why they moved away from mecha with 90's British rock music.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
A direct sequel to Vagrant Story (Ashley Riot is badass in black).

From 6:00 onwards...


Ad-Free Finally!
Apr 24, 2007
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
I guess you didn't quite catch the sarcasm in the post...
You suck at sarcasm. And your comment is still stupid considering that the game hasn't been released. Saying a game has seen drastic changes and sucks due to the 5 1 minute clips you've watched is a poor judgement of an interactive medium.
I guess we are not allowed to make any judgements about games before they are released based on what has been shown to us then, ever.

Based on the clips I've seen, as well as the developer talks that have occured, the articles that I've read, and the question and answer periods that I have gone through, I have determined that they are changing combat to be more "action-oriented" rather than the tactical adventure it was before (removing the tactical camera and jumping into battle directly). They are also changing the story format to be about 1 specific person that they give (a Commander Shephard if you will) rather than to role-play a character of your choosing from the beginning. These things to me tell me they are changing a lot of what made Dragon Age so unique in the first place, and is why I played the game.

Yes, the game has not been released, but the developers have not shown me anything to allay my fears at all. I can only make my decision to buy the game based on the advertising that they show us, and right now it shows me that they are changing it. They are trying to make this sequel a more mass-market game, trying to appeal to a new market, rather than stick with what made the first one good and unique to begin with.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
General BrEeZy said:
a modern war game where instead of playing one person, you play in an army, and you just win the battle to pass to the next campaign level. and when you die, you assume control of another person on the battlefield instead of being one unrealisticly lucky soldier.
that and a "realistic" war game, COD isn't very realistic, i think trained soldiers should be albe to move at a decent speed while looking down the sights and maintain stability, and should never even have their gun "at the hip" at all. oh, and a more realistic sprint distance. even those muscular guys with their gear can cover ground longer and harder than they do in the games. thats just me though...
I swear many years ago I saw a freind plkay a game that did that thing with the solders....bettlefeild 1942? Im not sure i think it was world war and you could even play australians Im not sure


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Lord_Jaroh said:
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
Dragon Age 2 - That was actually a Dragon Age sequel, not a reskinned Mass Effect
I'm so glad we as a gaming community actually take the time to play a game and wait for it's release before we start criticizing it.
I can only comment on what has been shown to us so far.

Considering that Dragon Age was such a commercial flop and everyone hated it, I can understand why they are changing the game so drastically from the original release, to make it more "mainstream" and "action oriented"

Maybe I wouldn't have to criticize if they showed me how they were keeping true to the "Baldur's Gate spirit" idea going in this latest edition...
What do you mean it was a flop? It was one of the highest rated games of 2009. It received several Game of the Year Awards from a wide variety of highly respected Magazines/Site. It has a rating of 91 on Metacritic which isn't exactly easy to pull off. And I personally have sunk at least 30+ hours into the game. The reason they are changing it is because they feel it is a better direction to take the game. The few complaints that surrounded the game were linearity of skills/spells and the fact that Warriors and Rogues had to many passive abilities (Also the hats. No one liked the hats). From what I've seen it's essentially the same kind of gameplay just that the warrior and rogue classes aren't going to sit there and auto-attack for the entire game.
I guess you didn't quite catch the sarcasm in the post...
Ill say that Im sick of everyone crying RUINED FOREVER!!! before playing the bloody thing,

(I suport the changes and look forward the story, which *gasp* isnt lets gather an army to defeat the great big dark threat, that being said I LOVED the story of Draogn age)


New member
Dec 8, 2010
gamerguy473 said:
Episode 3?
Basically this.
God damn you valve, you have plenty of money now from your goddamned crates in TF2. You can certainly afford to make Episode 3.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Lord_Jaroh said:
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
I guess you didn't quite catch the sarcasm in the post...
You suck at sarcasm. And your comment is still stupid considering that the game hasn't been released. Saying a game has seen drastic changes and sucks due to the 5 1 minute clips you've watched is a poor judgement of an interactive medium.
I guess we are not allowed to make any judgements about games before they are released based on what has been shown to us then, ever.

Based on the clips I've seen, as well as the developer talks that have occured, the articles that I've read, and the question and answer periods that I have gone through, I have determined that they are changing combat to be more "action-oriented" rather than the tactical adventure it was before (removing the tactical camera and jumping into battle directly). They are also changing the story format to be about 1 specific person that they give (a Commander Shephard if you will) rather than to role-play a character of your choosing from the beginning. These things to me tell me they are changing a lot of what made Dragon Age so unique in the first place, and is why I played the game.

Yes, the game has not been released, but the developers have not shown me anything to allay my fears at all. I can only make my decision to buy the game based on the advertising that they show us, and right now it shows me that they are changing it. They are trying to make this sequel a more mass-market game, trying to appeal to a new market, rather than stick with what made the first one good and unique to begin with.
you may be pleasantly surprised, anyway when it comes out you dont necciarly have to buy it, you could read reveiws and articles or even ask the people here at the escapist, thats what I do when Im unsure about a game

in regards to charachter, personally I think there is a balance between role playing and your charachter being...a charachter, Dragon age did this briliantly how ever given the choice..yeah Id prefer them to talk just seems like they are more there and I can get attached to them, and you can still shape that charachters actions and alignment...just like role playing...

the worst and only offender I can think of was Oblivion, My charachter was simply a walking camera for uninterested NPC's to talk to as if they were really bored there were no dialoge options other than to get the most basic information, it only takes a few minor changes but Fallout 3 improved upon that alot, my charachter had an identity and felt more part of the world...just through lines of text


Ad-Free Finally!
Apr 24, 2007
Vault101 said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
I guess you didn't quite catch the sarcasm in the post...
You suck at sarcasm. And your comment is still stupid considering that the game hasn't been released. Saying a game has seen drastic changes and sucks due to the 5 1 minute clips you've watched is a poor judgement of an interactive medium.
I guess we are not allowed to make any judgements about games before they are released based on what has been shown to us then, ever.

Based on the clips I've seen, as well as the developer talks that have occured, the articles that I've read, and the question and answer periods that I have gone through, I have determined that they are changing combat to be more "action-oriented" rather than the tactical adventure it was before (removing the tactical camera and jumping into battle directly). They are also changing the story format to be about 1 specific person that they give (a Commander Shephard if you will) rather than to role-play a character of your choosing from the beginning. These things to me tell me they are changing a lot of what made Dragon Age so unique in the first place, and is why I played the game.

Yes, the game has not been released, but the developers have not shown me anything to allay my fears at all. I can only make my decision to buy the game based on the advertising that they show us, and right now it shows me that they are changing it. They are trying to make this sequel a more mass-market game, trying to appeal to a new market, rather than stick with what made the first one good and unique to begin with.

you may be pleasantly surprised, anyway when it comes out you dont necciarly have to buy it, you could read reveiws and articles or even ask the people here at the escapist, thats what I do when Im unsure about a game

in regards to charachter, personally I think there is a balance between role playing and your charachter being...a charachter, Dragon age did this briliantly how ever given the choice..yeah Id prefer them to talk just seems like they are more there and I can get attached to them, and you can still shape that charachters actions and alignment...just like role playing...

the worst and only offender I can think of was Oblivion, My charachter was simply a walking camera for uninterested NPC's to talk to as if they were really bored there were no dialoge options other than to get the most basic information, it only takes a few minor changes but Fallout 3 improved upon that alot, my charachter had an identity and felt more part of the world...just through lines of text
I am hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised, yes. When it comes out, I will take the time to do research on the game to see if it is worth my time. It is just very difficult these days given the current state of affairs with pre-order bonuses, DLC, extra content...but only if you pre-order (this is just a generalization, not talking specifically about Bioware although they, and EA are contributing to the problem).

More and more we are seeing games getting content snipped only to be spoonfed to you later at a cost, or having stuff you can only get if you take a chance and pre-order the game before you can find out if it is going to be good or not. With a no return policy being very anti-consumer, it is very dispicable situation we find ourselves in. I hope that our industry sorts itself out, but I don't have high hopes.

Anyway, that's enough of a rant for now. Hopefully the game will be good when it comes out, as I would like to see more Dragon Age.