Games You Want, But Will Never Come Out


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Lord_Jaroh said:
Frozengale said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
I guess you didn't quite catch the sarcasm in the post...
You suck at sarcasm. And your comment is still stupid considering that the game hasn't been released. Saying a game has seen drastic changes and sucks due to the 5 1 minute clips you've watched is a poor judgement of an interactive medium.
I guess we are not allowed to make any judgements about games before they are released based on what has been shown to us then, ever.

Based on the clips I've seen, as well as the developer talks that have occured, the articles that I've read, and the question and answer periods that I have gone through, I have determined that they are changing combat to be more "action-oriented" rather than the tactical adventure it was before (removing the tactical camera and jumping into battle directly). They are also changing the story format to be about 1 specific person that they give (a Commander Shephard if you will) rather than to role-play a character of your choosing from the beginning. These things to me tell me they are changing a lot of what made Dragon Age so unique in the first place, and is why I played the game.

Yes, the game has not been released, but the developers have not shown me anything to allay my fears at all. I can only make my decision to buy the game based on the advertising that they show us, and right now it shows me that they are changing it. They are trying to make this sequel a more mass-market game, trying to appeal to a new market, rather than stick with what made the first one good and unique to begin with.
Okay I've only read one article and watched two clips but even I know the combat wasn't changed that much. For starters you never had to do the tactical thing in the first Dragon Age. I played it on Nightmare and I only ever had to do the "tactical" on boss battles and when I needed to place a spell in a specific spot. Aside from that I would just play it. And guess what!? They have the exact same system! You can pause the freaking game or you can just do what you want. I doubt you'll be happy either way because heaven forbid they actually take a game and try to make the sequel better. Cause, I mean it's not like despite it's overwhelming well reception they didn't have a HUGE part of their player base complaining about how static and repetitive combat got, nah that didn't happen at all (See THAT'S how you do sarcasm through non-verbal communication). See this is why we can't have nice things. Because when a game studio actually tries to go out of their way and make the game better based on what people ask for we get a whole other player base that can't stand to see the game change. If you don't want the game to change then go play the first game. Sequel's are meant for innovation. But it doesn't matter what I say because you will still complain about a game because it happens to be moving towards more interaction instead of more auto-attacking.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Star Wars: Battlefront 3
An interquel between Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross (with gameplay mostly similar to CT)
Luigi's Mansion 2

Edit: Just saw a link to this...

Perhaps Luigi will get a second ghost hunt


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Star Wars: Republic Commando 2... check the credits from the first one... you will see it...


New member
Oct 28, 2009
A remake of FFX GREAT GAME update it so it look great on the PS3. GOD I WANT REMAKE!!

Or a remake of seiken densetsu 3 for the DS


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Durxom said:
Either it be because of series cancelation, companies going out of business, or just a lack of interest, there are some games that you just hope and wish will come out..but doubt that they ever will....So, here's your chance to list them =D

Also, I'm placing a limitation on the choice, the game has to be part of an existing franchise, meaning no "I wants a FPS with laser beam sharks and mushrooms hats", but stuff like "I want a sequel to {insert game name here}" or "I wish there was a RPG version of {insert game name here}"

My personal choice....I want a new Guilty Gear game =S I know it got cancelled, and I know that now Blazblue(which I own and play) is pretty much Guilty Gear 2.0 , but I really wish there was a new version of it. I miss using Faust, Venom, and Bridget T_T
i want a mass effect 2 that met my expectations


New member
Jan 21, 2011
Dungeon keeper 3, hopefully dungeons is something like what it wouldve been

Simcity 5

C&C tiberian twilight, i mean scrapping everything theyve done after tiberian sun and just having westwood go and do what they wouldve done without EA, no generals, C&C3, RA3 or C&C4 none of that trash.

Alpha centauri 2

Half life 3, with the time its taken for episode 3 i doubt they will make a half life 3, but ya never know maybe valve will surprise us all and say its canned episode 3 in favour of a new game with a brand new engine that theyve been working on this whole time and its due to be released this year! I can dream...


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Pretty much a localised version of any decent Tales of......... game. Yeah, it's probably never gonna happen.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
SMT Persona 5 on PS3... and a CoD game that is like 4, not the bullcrap that came after it.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I would love a follow on to FFX ...

A little bit more serious, I want a "rock and roll racing 3" that game was freaking awesome! Good ol' nightmare, kicked arse on a straight but couldn't turn a corner for shit!