A few years ago, Headfirst Productions, the studio behind Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, went bankrupt. It was mainly due to poor sales and long development time of their first game, and they actually had several other games in development:
There were making two other Lovecraftian games: "Call of Cthulhu: Destiny's End" and "Call of Cthulhu: Tainted Legacy", as well as a western-horror game called "Deadlands."
While there were trailers and gameplay for Deadlands and Destiny's End, as well as a handful of screenshots, both games had to be cancelled along with Headfirst disappearing forever. It was a shame, really; both games looks pretty awesome, and I would loved to have seen a continuation of the Call of Cthulhu-franchise. While I'm not sure, I do believe Bethesda, the publishers, still own the rights to the series. Maybe there is a little bit of hope?