Games you wish you HADN'T bought...

The Lawn

New member
Apr 11, 2008
Aetmos said:
Phantasy Star Universe. Such a collosal waste of money that was hard as hell to cancel.
Same :p

That and Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Bleach. As in "I want to drink Bleach, that game is so bad."

And World of Warcraft. Took years off my life, but I kept playing hoping they'd change stuff up a bit, but alas, the carrot continues to dangle.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I try to read the reviews of a game before I buy. Generally, I only buy keepers, but a few slip through the cracks. My most recent blunder is Rainbow Six Vegas 2, a surprisingly bland FPS considering the hype the first game received.

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. Dear Lord, this game was actually worse than the movie Pearl Harbor. I got the Gamecube version, which I would discover actually had the final level cut from it, ending the game with a huge cliffhanger. It was such a disappointment, I vowed never to play another Medal of Honor game just to teach EA a lesson. It's hard to trust a series where graphics and gameplay get progressively worse with each sequel.

Narc was awful too. True Crime: Streets of LA was a little overrated. Yakuza had bad music, clunky controls, and a painfully confusing plot; half the time I had no idea what I was doing in that game or why.

Lvl 64 Klutz said:
Devil May Cry 3... I still haven't gotten past the second level...
Lower the difficulty. DMC3 is IMPOSSIBLE on anything other than "easy", even if you're a seasoned gamer.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
NWN 2, even though I enjoy playing it online it is one big graphics failure. There are many problems with transitions from areas during online games, which funnily enough don;t happen in the singleplayer.

But the Singleplayer is just dreadfuly... boring, cliche, don't know how to classify it, I simply can't play it till the end. I enjoyed the 2nd Campaign more than the first one (Expansion that is) but I am so sad that they did not allow the player to start from a specific chapter, rather than being forced to go from the very beginning...

Online it would be golden, if the Graphics weren;t demanding and with all the bugies ruining every second and third area transition (on the bad days), and of course if the concept of joining an online game was miles easier than it is now... if it were at least in half what it was back in NWN 1 that would be not good, it would be uber.

*sighs* Where did the old days go to?!

Duck Sandwich

New member
Dec 13, 2007
Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2
Blood Omen 2
X-Men Legends
X-Men Legends 2
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

The last 3 actually entertained me for some time, but since then my standards have raised and I can't stand them anymore.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I forgot to mention Galactic Civilizations for the PC. Now, I love strategy games, but I had to play this game for five hours (seriously, I started at 5PM and stopped at 10PM) before it got mildly interesting. I figured I'd give it the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it takes a while to like a game, like with GTA: San Andreas, or Assassin's Creed, or Hitman. But no matter what happened, I found myself trying to spark a war out of boredom and the fact that I was so unsuccessful at this, even after shooting random spaceships if I was lucky enough to find them, only frustrated me more. If interstellar war is this boring then I hope aliens have the heart to spare us by blowing up the Earth in the first five minutes of the conflict.

Battlefield 2 is another game that made me want to hurl my PC out the window. Oh, excuse me DICE for not possessing the illegally acquired space aged super-computer necessary to play a 16 person single-player map with minimal graphics and sound effects without freezing the frame rate. I played this game on a brand new PC and I thought smoke was about to come out of the keyboard. I was regretting my loss of $40USD (about $42 for you friends down under) within the SAME DAY.


New member
Mar 23, 2008
Lands of Lore III. Worst. Went out of its way to dump on the series.
Resident Evil 4. Silly me, I expected it to be a survival horror game.
Super Mario Galaxy. Short and unsatisfying, like its interpretation of the fire flower.


New member
Sep 6, 2007
Clive Barker's JERICHO-terrible console-port
Imperial Glory - so much promise ruined by poor implementation.
Dawn of unfinished, unrealized beta product with b-grade production values.
Medal of Honour:Airborne - short game and the patches are way too large to continually D/L (over 1 and half GB each, except for the first). Little to no support otherwise.


New member
May 1, 2008
Half Life 1, Half life 2
These are awesome games, but....

i could only play them in 10 minute spurts.

for some reason the developers decided to include motion blur for fast camera movements in these games. this made me very sick to my stomach very fast, so bad that it would ruin a whole evening for me - headache, nausea, vertigo... i REALLY wanted to play these games through, so i'd try....
they cause such physical misery for me that i had to give up on them entirely.

most other fps' are fine, but i'm afraid of trying new ones. Half Life 1 and 2 ruined an entire game genre for me.


New member
Jan 23, 2008

I bought it to have fun playing the campaign cooperatively, like I did with NWN years back. Mistake. After playing The Witcher, going back to NWN2 is like playing My Little Pony.


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
hollow-soull said:
- primal (ps2)
Aww, I liked Primal. Granted, I bought it used for like $10 and the combat wasn't that great, but the story and characters and puzzles were interesting.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Dawn of War, DoW:Winter Assault, DoW:Dark Crusade, DoW:Soulstorm
I had heard of Dawn of War before, so i bought them all. Well, i got my mom to buy them all. It's not that i dont like them, its just i have like ADD and get bored easy when a game has ANYTHING wrong with it. With Dawn of War it was the inability to zoom out farther than being able to see 4 people on my screen (exageration, but still). The rest i havent played, and i havent gotten past like round 3 on DoW, so id say they were a waste of (my mom's) money.

Fable: The Lost Chapters
I loved the game, i loved fable on the xbox, and i loved TLC on PC. I accidentally bought this game 3 times though (don't ask) and 3 CDs dont really make the game UBERBETTER.

Guild Wars- All 4 games
Amazing game, id recommend it to anyone with a few years to spare, because that's what it costs. Played this game for 6,000 hours over 36 months. You can see why i regret purchasing it.

See guild wars above.

No idea where to go. Ever. Oblivion was better, imo.

Couldnt play past the first, maybe, 2 minutes. The dl process fucked up and i dont think i can reinstall it because i alrdy used the CD key. I was expecting it to be a good game, i might waste another 30$ on it.

When released, AMAZING GAME. If it had kept its path, id have said it was the best game ever. The Combat system was Revolutionary, it was awesome! It's free now because of a shitty patch all the real guilds left and the company filed for bankrupcy. Its a free game now, spent 60$ on it.

Everquest 2
Didnt know it was pay-2-play when i bought it (i was like 10 or something).

I got my new computer after i got this game. 3 gigs ram, Quad Core 2.6ghz, I cant run this game past a few hours in. Fuck that shit.

If you like grinding the same 4 areas with the same 4 monsters with the same 4 looking weapons and the same 4 armor pieces in the same 4 colors you can color them, you get my point.

Thats just all the games near my desk, i shud post console tooes


New member
May 1, 2008
herodotus said:
Imperial Glory - so much promise ruined by poor implementation.
I'm holding out for Empire: Total War. Imperial Glory was a game I was going to spend money on, but I wanted to see someone else get burnt first.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
tagMaverick said:
I got my new computer after i got this game. 3 gigs ram, Quad Core 2.6ghz, I cant run this game past a few hours in. Fuck that shit.
I ran this on a 2k+ gaming PC and it fucking crashed it.


New member
May 1, 2008
The Lawn said:
That and Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.
Ditto. I wanted so desperately to like it but anything that chains your legs to a tree and throws you a bone ten feet away is NOT fun and deserves shooting. In the legs. With MELONS. GIANT WATERMELON GUNS.


The perils of importing DS games:

Dynasty Warriors DS - Shocker. Why did you do it Koei?
Honeycomb Beat - Being told you're as evolved as an Amoeba is always asking for a smack in the face or a stylus through the touchscreen as it may end up.
Card Fighters Clash - Oh. (Seriously, I can't say anymore than that.)