Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


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Jul 17, 2008
YokoSesshoumaru said:
I didn't buy it... but my brother got it for me.

Sonic Heroes... wow... I loved Sonic Adventures for the Dreamcast... but Sonic Heroes for the Xbox was horrible.

It was so irritating having to change between the 3 characters. Ugh.
I agree. To top that off...what comes out after heroes but....

Shadow the Hedgehog - Once you've seen it you know it's only really downhill from there...

Next is Zelda: Twilight Princess, but for a valid reason. I bought it just before some fairly important exams.....NOT a good idea, I can tell you.


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Jul 17, 2008
Yatrix said:
I don't buy games I don't like. I usually research them before I purchase.
You win. Seriously.

I'd say Grand Theft Auto 4 and Oblivion. All peopel seemed to say was good things... and all I saw was rental quality gameplay. It got boring. I'll be selling back GTA soon...
Jul 8, 2008
Mortal Kombat: Armaggedon - I bought it for $20 and the fucking thing was the same as every other fucking MK game. You'd think with 60 characters there would be more than 8 fucking fights in arcade and the crypt would actually have some things of value.


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Dec 29, 2007
Dead Rising...
Brilliant game, but just way too hard, I die before the end of the first day :(

Devil may cry 2
Just very very bad...

Medal of Honour: Rising Sun
Made me realise why OPSM2 was such a pile of shit (they gave it a 10/10)


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Jul 15, 2008
HAZE, wanted a nice shooter for my Sony saw it out new in the store, bought it, put it in, played the first 2 missions realised how lame the gameplay was, not to mention it played and looked like a PS2 game. Returned it the next morning and got a full refund hahaha.

Other than that.. MASS EFFECT for 360, but the only reason was cause I paid $88 (AUD) and then a store had it on sale for $49 a week later. But I don't mind, great game.

Ninja Gaiden... It was good for the first few levels, but once you get into the city... its just the same for the rest of the game.. not mention its fucking hard, I still haven't finished it.

And finally Assassin's Creed. Overhyped, great gameplay, but shitty and redundant mission layout. I got so bored of climbing those towers and looking around... and doing the same set of missions in each city.. If I had anything better to do I would have put the game away, but instead I completed it cause I was on holidays. Trading it on Force Unleashed when that comes out.


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Feb 23, 2008
scuse the slight inquisition:

"Im afraid to say SSBB, but then again, stupid me for wanting online gameplay :("

uhhmm.... it does.

Also: chaos theory, it sounded interesting, and was only $10 from steam, shouldn't have bothered, it's just boring (not puzzling, just frustrating). Wik and the fable of souls on the other hand is awesome


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Jan 24, 2008
Half Life Anthology on steam, I hated TFC, and never really dug the Half Life games that came with it. I did however like Half-Life 2 and TF2. So yeah...

SSBB: Played it, and then it struck me. It's just like Melee... that one went back to Gamestop pretty fast.

Deus Ex Invisible War: On account of, I can't get the damn thing to work.

FFIII: 1. Absolutely no story: Okay yeah I can dig that if the gameplay's good. 2. Grind: Okay well at least it's tolerable. 3. No saving in dungeons: That's it, I give up.

Supreme Commander: It was fun for a while, until I went online and discovered how steep the learning curve was. Kinda put me off RTS's.

Battalion Wars 2: Went in expecting more of the originals awesomeness, was disappointed.


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Jun 30, 2008
NHL 2K7. didn't work.
AvP: extinction. i suck at RTSs so i cheated and never entirely beat the game due to boredom.
The Outfit. bought it, played a lv, haven't touched it since.
Front Mission 4. fun for a while, then the difficulty curve up and slips you a cock-flavored sandwich. got mad, turned it off.
Tenchu: fatal shadows. boring, same grind levels, Rikimaru NOT playable.

Asymptote Angel

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Feb 6, 2008
nokori3byo said:
Pacific Strike.

Not old enough to remember it? Well then, you're lucky for two reasons.
I am! It was shit.

Mine are Magna Carta: Tears of Blood, Star Wars: Rebel Assault 2, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (those games are only interesting when I'm playing them out and about on a Game Boy for some reason), Dark Cloud 2, most Final Fantasies, Star Wars Episode III, LEGO Racing (whatever the actual title was), and others.

Arch Magus

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Jul 17, 2008
Dungeon Siege, hands down. That game was so retarded you could make a level 99 character in single player with cheats and play him online in legitimate servers


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Dec 3, 2007
Spider-Man 2 for the PC. It's a nightmare, it really is.

The kiddy-fied version of the already mediocre console games! Yay!?


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Jul 16, 2008
Bet on Soldier - I have to admit it was stupid. Crap AI, Crap gameplay ana Absolutely no proper story line at all.


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Jun 30, 2008
Enter The Matrix. WAYYYY too many glitches.

Wii Fit. What's the point?

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. I could've gotten Haze instead...Cuz GH is slowly dying.

Mr. Mesquito. Last level was impossable for me.

Metal Slug Anthology. I don't even play it.


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Nov 14, 2007
SteinFaust said:
Front Mission 4. fun for a while, then the difficulty curve up and slips you a cock-flavored sandwich. got mad, turned it off.
I loved Front Mission 4, I got it as a gift when I was around 12; I played every morning before school and every afternoon when I got home till I finished. I've actually been looking for something similar to it for the PC for the last month or so since I've since sold all my consoles.

As for games I've regretted purchasing..

Red Faction 2: (xbox)- Rented it first and loved it, went and bought it for 50$ after I returned it, only had 20 minutes of playtime left to go through. went to trade it in, as without truly destructible environments multi- player blew; was down to 20 bucks brand new and this was just 2 days after I'd purchased it.

Sin Episodes- Emergence: I loved the game but when I finally realized there was never going to be any more episodes I was pretty pissed. Now I never look to purchase any episodic games unless they have multiple episodes out already.


New member
Jul 15, 2008

It had it's moments of fun but with only like 6hrs of gameplay, even twenty bucks is just too much...