Games you wish you HADN'T bought...


Beware of geeks bearing gifs.
Aug 11, 2008
UPS Express said:
I'm going to have to say Dead Rising. The gameplay itself wasn't the problem, but the difficulty curve is so ungodly I couldn't stand playing it for more than 15 minutes at a time, and the on screen text is too small
I personally never found it that hard? but I had spent some time with the demo. But I agree the text was tiny!


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Gun Griffon Blaze..

Granted it was only $4, but the non-western style control scheme that ISN'T changeable, completely ruins the game.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Monster Hunter Freedom- BORING!!! Unfortunately, I didn't research this game enough before I bought it. I was expecting some exciting fights against bad-ass monsters, like I saw in videos and screenshots. Instead, I spend hours walking around finding plants, bones, or other useless crap. The controls were terrible, Load times were a pain, and walking from one screen to another took forever. I know that some people like this kind of thing, but this was one of the most boring games I've ever played on any system.

WWE Crush Hour- Once again, it was my fault for not researching enough into this game before buying it. Of course, back then, the thought of playing as The Rock (My absolute favorite wrestler at the time) driving in a monster truck with rocket launchers blowing things up was a dream come true. I couldn't even get past the first few levels of it's single player because of the almost impossible objectives. At times, the game screwed you in the ass so hard that you wouldn't be able to shit right for a week. Props for anyone who knows what movie I referred to.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Metal Slug 3 on XBLA. It wasn't half as long, and the ending wasn't half as epic as the original game. Oh, and Virtua Fighter 5. After I found out this game has no story at all, it was total shit. And no, I can't "trade in" games here where I live.


New member
Aug 12, 2008

Every time a new game comes out from them, I look at it and get excited, and tell myself that I am really going to like it. Knowing full well I hate the Daggerfall-esque engine. And every time I buy into it thinking "its gonna be better", and every time I regret it.

Liam Wolfy

New member
Nov 21, 2007
Red Shadow said:
Matrix: Path of Neo. Awful awful broken mess of a game. I paid £4 for it, and that was far too much.

Shadow the Hedgehog: Sonic characters with guns... there are no words.
This is true...

Ty The Tasmanian Tiger... It was good but now, ERGH! The voice acting is awesome until the second time.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Halo 2
Halo 3

Every time a new one came out, I bought into the hype and was then disappointed. Co-op was fun, but I always felt let down after the fact.

Black & White (I've ranted already about this game in other posts)
Deus Ex 2 (omg abortion)


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Resident evil 4 for pc

god... worst thing ever didnt even beat the first level codent get by the rock that comes rolling at you but they had such shitty controls I will NEVER play it again I shot it with my
brothers AR-15 (assault rifle)



Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Eternal Ring - I won't be surprised if no one's heard of it, it was a complete heap of a game.
Basically a FPRPG (First Person Role Playing Game) about some guy, seeking out a ring or something like that, i know the story as a whole wasn't too much different from what the story implies, but i was playing for about 10 minutes before i started to get fed up of watching my character's hand going back and forth in what i suppose resembled a stabbing motion against Crabs.
It felt like Morrowind for the Xbox all over again.
(Although Admittedly you can at least turn off the 3rd person view on Morrowind.)

FFXII - Most people i talk to seem to like it, i however can't seem to get the appeal, i love the FF series as a whole, apart from some of the recent Nintendo spin-offs that i've never looked into, but never had the capacity for caring about it. i think what turned me off XII most was probably the "Hey look, we're emulating an MMO" style of combat.
Wasn't a very smart choice in battle system especially when a fair few of us were used to Kingdom Hearts 2 by that point.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I kinda regret buying Overlord, not because I thought the game was bad or anything, but because I never play it because I've developed an attachment to my minions and I'm afraid that I'll end up getting them all killed, which is the same reason I avoid Pikmin (Yes, I know It's weird). I also wish I hadn't bought Mass Effect, because there was no replay value. I found the Techs and Biotics to be useless, so all that I did was use guns, making every playthrough virtually identical.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
The only game I've ever regretted buying was Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, they promised so much for that game, put in almost none of it, the levels were too long, there were only 8 levels, and the multiplayer was one-sided (that blasted Omen XR gun) and it's the only FPS I've ever seen where you couldn't jump...

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Eternal Sonata. it's bad, very very (very) bad.
Whatever the blonde chicks name is (I Forgot): "But the important thing to remember is that governements and people need to talk to each other..."
Little kid (who I actually kind of liked: "what do you mean (thus setting the scene for a long speech about the dangers of power over others)
Me: (rolls eyes) "here we go again" (Gets up to, I don't know, have a snack or something)
-comes back in about ten minutes
Blonde girl: "...And thats why governments can't be trusted"
Tall guy (who looks like a girl):"wait... I don't get it, why shouldn't we trust the government?"
Me: "(screams incoherently about just wanting to fight more dancing plants)


New member
Aug 13, 2008
ThaBenMan post=9.59143.450330 said:
*sigh* I guess I'll have to say Rock Band.

And I may have some disappointments-in-the-making. I currently have no fewer than 4 games on pre-order at Gamestop:
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Fallout 3
Brutal Legend
All of those look amazing, BUT until they actually come out, you never know...
Unless you live in the city, I find no reason to preorder anything because even as powerful of a nation gamers are... stores will not be out of games like these (although i already pre-ordered mercs 2 to please my friend)

I regret buying
1. assassins creed (stupid halo 2 ending and then... what? Half assed replay mode!)
2. GTA IV (good story... but then the multi player sucks and I'm board)
3. Dead Rising... (what do you mean I can only use the katana for 10 swings! WTF!!!)
4. F.E.A.R. (love slo-mo, but I don't want to be afraid of a little girl)