Games you wished you liked


New member
May 10, 2011
To echo some of the others here - the Witcher 2.

I thought it was shit and I can't say why. It's deep, interesting, rich and all that good stuff - but I fucking hate it.

It really perplexes me because I can't put my finger on why I don't like it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Put me down for Dishonored, too.

Everything about it should make me love this game. A great opening, fantastic atmosphere and visual design, and interesting first-person combat that could teach Bioshock a thing ot two.

And yet, meh...

I guess I wish I could like The Witcher games, too. They seem very intricate in both lore, story, and characters. And again with some terrific visual design that looks imaginative yet practical. But the combat is just such a fucking overcomplicated chore. Also the monotone voice acting leaves much to be desired.

Mr C

New member
May 8, 2008
Another said:
Monster Hunter :(

I tried to get into both Unite on the PSP and 3 Ultimate on the 3DS, but I just couldn't do it.

On paper it sounded awesome! It takes skill!, craft your weapons!, fight giant monsters! But, I couldn't stand the PSP camera. The 3DS camera was fine, but that's when I discovered that it take ages to be able to kill anything fun. Maybe if I was in high school again and had time on my hands, but between a job and having doing an engineering degree, I just don't have the time.
I got one of the PSP versions and had a similar experience. I got the impression that it required other players to get the most out of, a luxury I didn't have. If a console version comes out that I can get someone I know interested in I would give it another go, until then...


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Skyrim. I don't know why I can't get into it, but I can't play it for more than half an hour without getting bored and playing a different game.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
Fallout 3 / Fallout New Vegas.
I loved part 1, 2 and Tactics. Played them multiple times to get different endings. But with part 3 and with New Vegas, I always felt that I was missing something, like I was playing a different story than the game was presenting me. I also felt I had to make my own story to keep on going in the worlds presented, and felt that whatever decision I made, had no impact on the world at all.

Because of all the reasons mentioned above (Fallout). Loved all the games which came before, but this one...

Shadowrun Returns
Played the pen & paper game, played the SNES game, and now, a reboot on the PC? Yessssssh! ....what, I'm done already? But I've barely played 10 hours! And all those decisions I made had no impact on the game? :-(

Civilization V / and DLCs
I loved all its predecessors, but the latest version just doesn't hold my interest as much. There are turns in which you are harassed with lots of different messages and actions you need to take, and then there are ten turns just clicking 'End Turn'. The AI is ridiculously bad, and didn't improve with Brave New World. Friends with another civilization from the beginning? Outgrowing them in every aspect? Looks like you are going to win? Then they will suddenly declare war on you. Yeah. It's also very difficult to win in any other way than militaristic.

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
I want to like Final Fantasy so much, I really do, but I just can't. I've tried. I want to be part of this huge phenomenon so I'm not pissed when Squeenix releases *yet another Final Fantasy* and it's one more game taking up space in the world that is part of a series I care nothing for at all. I want to like it the way I like Metal Gear Solid, so I don't sit and be annoyed at it all. But I can't.

I also want to like Elder Scrolls, any of it, but I also can't. Once the novelty wears off, I get bored as well. Someone put their heart and soul into making a giant open world masterpiece, but all it does is make me yawn after maybe 10 hours.

I dunno.


New member
Aug 17, 2009

I tried so many times to like this game. Theoretically its the perfect RPG but the world is so bland, combat so boring and NPCs just throw walls and walls of text at you.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
Borderlands, both games. I can see reasons why I SHOULD like it, but it just didn't click for me.
I can't quite but my finger on why.

New member
Mar 17, 2011
Final Fantasy VI - Almost everyone I know around my age thinks that FFVI is the best Final Fantasy, and often the best RPG ever made. While I liked some of the characters and most of the game's basic concepts, I thought the game was pretty boring and uninteresting, especially compared to other Square RPGs on the SNES from around the same time period like Final Fantasy IV, Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger. I wish I could see in it what everyone else does.

Monster Hunter - I thought it sounded like my kind of thing, tried Freedom Unite on the PSP and Tri on the Wii, was not at all my kind of thing. I don't know how people do it, it makes my brain feel like it's dissolving from boredom.

Dynasty Warriors - My partner loves all the Musou games and I've bought a lot of them for him. I've liked other hack and slash games like Drakengard, but Dynasty Warriors (and other related Musou games) I just find to be too dull to play.

Every Civilization game after II - This is one that I'm pretty sure I could learn to like, I just think II had the perfect balance of gameplay and everything after that I've found really, really hard to get into.

Myst - I'm a massive fan of the point and click adventure game genre, and when Myst came out when I was younger I was blown away by how beautiful its world was, and its fans talk about how fascinating and rewarding the game is. I've tried playing it several times and it is completely fucking nonsensical.

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus - What piece of my brain is missing to prevent me from seeing what everyone else sees in these? To me there's nothing about them that is actually interesting or compelling.


New member
Feb 3, 2012
red dead redemption and Assassins Creed 3 both are fun great games, but then the animal hunting and skinning and, for RDR horses can die. . .i just....cant kill bambi, real life or virtual :( if they were monster versions or non realistic it would be easier but no...they look and sound just like real deer, wolves, foxes and rabbits. if the hunting could be a side thing that wasnt important, i'd still play the game but you need to hunt in AC3 to get the best stuff which is game breaking for me. oh well.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Games I can't play despite countless tries:

The Witcher 2
The Dragon Age games (Despite loving Mass Effect)
Any game with turn based combat (It stops me enjoying so many good games!)

Games I initially had a good time with but now I can't be bothered to go back to:

Metro: Last Light
Far Cry 3
Ni no Kuni
Dead Space 3

It's like I can't finish anything! Just what qualities does a game need to satisfy me these days?!

Remember Me held my attention to the end... and that's not even all that good!


New member
Jun 19, 2009
FreelanceButler said:
I wish I liked League of Legends because so many of my friends play it. There's not really many games all of my friends unanimously like, so it'd be nice if I could have fun with the one game that fits the criteria.
I used to be able to, but it's like one day I just realised how much of the game I didn't actually enjoy. In fact, about all I was left with enjoying was playing Sona.

I haven't played frequently for about 3 months now, so I'm hoping a long enough break from the game will let me enjoy it again.
That is what happened with me (only with Brand). Then I started playing all the other game modes and it reignited the game for me. Classic was just too stuffy with lots of jerks and a restrictive meta game. 3v3, dominion, and ARAM, however, were lots of fun. Felt like a whole new game jumping around twisted treeline with Zac and everyone picking whoever the hell they felt like playing on dominion.

It's just funny, because when I first started playing (end of season 1) Dominion was still really unbalanced and unpolished, but they've made it significantly better. Don't know why they don't push it more. So yeah, when you try it out again, give the other modes a shot. Buy a random champion and see how they work.

On Topic

I wish I could get into some older games that I used to love, like Deus Ex, but they just haven't aged as well. I also wish I could enjoy the Elder Scrolls, but can't overlook things in them that bother me, like bugs or copy-paste dungeons. But sooo much looks so fun.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
SilkySkyKitten said:
Far Cry 3

Now, I will admit, Vaas was a pretty creepy and well written villain. Probably one of the better villains I can think of in recent gaming history, but... he was really the only major highlight in a game that had too many annoyances for me to enjoy it.
What really annoyed me was how much I grew to hate him. There was that one particular scene...
...where you were in a drug trip sequence with visions of him coming pair after pair, and if you fail to shoot one or reload quick enough, you get stabbed to death. I died about 10 times, after which I clicked the button to stab many times, though that was pointless.
Also, the heavy enemies and the cliffs - when driving - really got on my nerves.

Also, Big Daddies are so strong that I quit playing Bioshock. What's the point in playing that game when situations arise in which you waste all of your health packs and still can't get Adam energy? The environment? I don't like it.
Super Meat Boy, Driver: San Francisco, Crayon Physics Deluxe, and Jamestown are other games that I somewhat liked but gave up on because of difficulty.
Dec 10, 2012
BloatedGuppy said:
Colour Scientist said:

I really feel like I'm missing out because it looks amazing and other people have so much fun with it but I bought it on release day and just couldn't get into it.
I tried for a couple of weeks but unfortunately that type of game just doesn't draw me in.

I had similar issues with Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3. It wasn't until I made a decision to stop fast traveling and play the games like RP sandboxes that something clicked over in my head and they became some of my favorite games of all time, instead of curious disappointments.

Not saying that would work for you, and some people view not fast traveling as the rankest of insanity, but it sure worked for me.

OT: I can't think of anything off hand. There are precious few games that I can't merit in, and the real stinkers I'm usually aware of well in advance and simply don't touch them.

In all honesty I find the volume of complaining about decent-strong games on this forum and others baffling. I don't know if it's a lack of perspective, or people just hard wired to be cranky, or what. There's a world of difference between a solid but disappointing title like, say, DA2, and a truly broken game.
I went through the exact same experience with the open-world Bethesda games. Played Oblivion, just couldn't even force myself to like it. Skyrim was much more engaging, but got tired before too long. Fallout 3 I played through once in about a week, and didn't pick it up again for a year.

Then one day, I felt like playing Skyrim again. I needed something to improve the experience though, and since my issue was that the roleplaying is actually extremely shallow in TES, I decided to go "hardcore mode." I thought up an interesting backstory for my female Breton mage, and dove into the game with the intention of making my decisions based on what she would do, not what I as an experienced player with foreknowledge of the game would do.

Everyday she had to eat and sleep, or she would begin to deteriorate physically; I had to simulate this a few times by basically playing like I was drunk, moving more slowly, stumbling around in combat, that sort of thing. I never once fast-traveled, and I only took the quests my character would actually be interested in taking. What ended up happening was, just by following these rules, I played through a 40 hour story experience driven by me and my choices, with very little in-game repercussions, but inside my head it was an epic and surprisingly well-told story of one woman's drive and ambition, the dark places it took her and the incredible triumph she finally achieved. It was great.

So that's how I play all my sandbox RPGs now.

Sorry, OT:
Aside from the above games, I can only think of one. Dishonored. I do like the game, don't get me wrong, but my opinions run very close to Yahtzee's. It's a fantastic world with a uniquely forboding atmosphere, and the actual sneaky-stabby gameplay is a lot of fun, but the game is missing things in the story department, and the setting was not used to its potential.

I should like Dishonored a lot more than I do, but aside from some excellent stealth-based gameplay, it has little to offer beneath the surface.

Also, Beware the flames you have unleashed with your claim that DA2 was "solid" and merely "disappointing." You know that the majority of opinion, and therefore the fact, is that DA2 is a betrayal of all things humanity stands for, a cancer upon this earth and something that should never be spoken of except in tones of terror and loathing, a la the 2 minutes of hate in George Orwell's 1984.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Oblivion. I really tried to like this game, but I just couldn't. It looked really good, it had great voice acting, but it just bored the hell out of me. And don't even get me started on my character's inability to so much as defend herself when she was carrying more than she could.


New member
Nov 21, 2012
Guitar Hero: Metallica Slow strumming, weird solo bit, fast strumming, weirder solo bit, fast strumming. Repeat for ten minutes. Repeat 47 times. The only game that was ever a god-honest chore for me to complete. It's Guitar Hero and I should love it, and it's supposed to be one of the better ones, but... no.

Final Fantasy X The Sphere Grid is a work of genius. The scale, the imagination, the sheer number of possibilities of things to do with the characters... shame Tidus is an arsehole and Yuna is Jesus and I got that metaphor several hours ago without needing it to be beaten into my skull by a frankly uninteresting story. This is why I prefer X-2, because while the gameplay is somewhat more basic, at least the characters seem to actually be enjoying their time. It's difficult to keep on moping with the miserables.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
i guess majora's mask. i hear it praised to high heaven all the time, but i just can't play it. timers really turn me off. i wish i could get past that, and i've tried, but i just can't do it.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Gran Turismo 5

I just can't seem to fully like the game. Yes its a great driving game with great looking PREMIUM cars but just does wow me. Lack of crashes, AI is clunky that races get boring apart from Season events. Top Gear thing was all hype but no... seriously it was terrible and too many crappy standard cars. Alot of the times just no excitement with 50 versions of a Skyline GTR.