Games You'll Defend 'til You Die


New member
May 29, 2008
The Kingdom Hearts series
For filling my dull life with joy, i will defend it till i die


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Deus Ex
The old Fallouts
The Baldur's Gates
Also Starcraft and Warcraft 2
There are more, just can't recall.

All the classics that I played to death when I was younger, and still revisit now and then.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
In no particular order, my special games, the ones that I'd die defending:

Skies of Arcadia. The single flaw in that game was that the random encounters happened too often. However, they even realised that in-game and gave you an item through a sidequest that dramatically reduced random encounters. Oh, and then there was the upgrade to the ship late in the game that allowed you to never have to go through another random battle ever again if you should so choose. So, all in all, that wasn't much of a flaw.

Tales of Symphonia. The two are often compared, but I really can't pick a winner because they're so damn awesome in their own right. I think I *just* prefer the battle system in ToS, because it is unusual (look it up if you don't know it already) and works brilliantly. Plus, REGAL. I need say no more. It makes me very sad to see it criticised in the way that some do.

The Golden Sun Series. It made me almost cry with happiness when DS was finally revealed after six years (of course, this means that I will need to by a new DS. After four awesome years, the top screen finally stopped working (after almost snapping off completely a year ago), which makes it quite hard to play). I can't wait for that game to finally come out :,)

The Fire Emblem series. These games I love to death, every one of them. I have played them all to death and beyond, and still I fall in love every time a new one comes out. I chanced upon Fire Emblem [7] (the first to come to the UK) back in 2003, and have never regretted it once.

The Guitar Hero series. Just the perfect idea for me. Some joke that I was born singing, and, in their old, anecdotey way, they're right. Music is in my blood, and this series has really helped me a) find new music and b) express myself through music that I couldn't play normally (although soon I'll be learning). It also helps make the dream feel like a reality, if only for a short while, and for that, I adore this series.

Yes, regarding these games, my fangirlism has no bounds.

Wrong Headed

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Definitely the GTA series, it's surprising how many "hardcore" gamers dismiss GTA as pop-culture when it's unquestionably the best series of games ever made.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Abedeus said:
Only Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights. They have little to no flaws.

Every other game has a flaw that I can relate to, but those two - none.
What about the endless backtracking in Neverwinter Nights?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
azurawolf said:
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Sure the graphics weren't all that good but the gameplay was awesome and you just can't beat the originals.
That too. Back then was a simpler time, a time of only one hundred and fifty (one) Pokemon, of Bill turning himself into a Kabuto, of shorts being comfy and easy to wear, and of youngsters informing us of this. Ahh, nostalgia...

Metapod Wars FTW.

Ago Iterum

New member
Dec 31, 2007
Animal Crossing. It's a relaxing, calm fun game, just because it doesn't gave guns or an actual point to it, doesn't make it a bad game. It's sandbox on a whole new level, not only is it non-linear, it has no required objectives whatsoever! Yay.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
I defend the Halo Series, by the blood of my father and the blood of my son I swore to defend Halo, even to my dying breath.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I will defend Ace Combat 5 to my dying breath. It was the ony game to make me care about every single character.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Definitely Halo 2.

Despite all of it's shortcomings in the single-player, the texture pop-ins, the terrible cliffhanger at the end, it has bar-none the best multiplayer I have ever played. It was fast, it was difficult to master, and it held my attention for 3 years straight without me touching another video game. That's more than I can say for any other game I have ever played.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Aliens vs Predator on the PC. More mouse throwing pants peeing moments than any other game ever. Including the awesome panic of shooting grenades at my feet whenever I heard the click click click of a face hugger scuttling about.

And multiplayer as the Alien where I wrecked a friend and another guy on his team asked "where did he come from?" and my friend said "Everywhere!"

Then that abortion that was Aliens vs Predator 2 came out and part of my soul died.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
SultanP said:
Abedeus said:
Only Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights. They have little to no flaws.

Every other game has a flaw that I can relate to, but those two - none.
What about the endless backtracking in Neverwinter Nights?
Mmmeeh. NwN is about online. That's why I have NwN 2.

Online and mods, both things got destroyed in the sequel.