Games You'll Defend 'til You Die


New member
Aug 22, 2008
Teris. Doom 3.

yeah, doom 3. You know the game that everyone hates because of 'monster closet' type gameplay? Well I loved it. I can say Dead Space also suffers the same problem, however, I like Dead Space too (it really is just RE4+Doom 3)

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Console RTS...LOL

But seriously, some of theses game you have to wonder who's thick enough nto knock some of these games. I can see some but OoT it doesn't need to be defended, its fights for itself.

But I choose Majora's Mask for all you Ocarina fanboys. I just had more fun with it.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Laura. said:
Far Cry 2! D:
Poor game, everyone hates it so much :(
It one of the most immersive games I've ever played.

The rest of the games I like can defend themselves...
...And my Axe!

I've never understood the shit that FC2 gets. My mates mock me for liking it, but they will never understand the love I have for it.

I would also defend Dawn of War (I and II) to the death, as well as Company of Heroes. But I haven't heard much hate for either of those games, so as yet I've never had to defend them. But I would. Mark my words.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
No game is above reproach, and I tend to be pretty tolerant towards contrarian views on games that I've liked. There are a few that I belive don't recieve the recognition they deserve, but that is balanced by the games that I've played that don't deserve the acclaim they receive. I legitimately enjoyed both mirror's edge and deadspace for example and both of those games are regularly talked about in disparaging terms (usually for being short).

One thing I absolutely don't like to see however, is when a game the silly elitist bashing of popular titles. WoW might not be the game for everyone, but when someone tells me it's a bad game I have to wonder what sort of reality they live in - afterall, millions upon millions of people have paid to play the game, and it seems consumers are pretty savy when it comes to purchasing entertainment items. In spite of major hype and a huge budget, Battlefield Earth was an absolutely horrid film. After the first crowds cleared out the movie nosedived its way into the pages of history as one of the biggest flops ever. Were WoW a legitimately bad game, I would think that it wouldn't have enjoyed it's years of success.

So, for the most part I'm not going to defend any game to the death. I'll correct factual errors when I see them, I'll tell people what I think about a game and I'll most certainly make a comment when some elitist jerk-bag tries to gain some e-respect by trashing a popular game with bland and baseless arguments.

DrDeath3191 said:
The Conduit. Too many of Yahtzee's yes-men have taken his review of the game seriously, and a great game suffers for it.
I don't excactly think his review is lying, nor would I consider the Conduit a "great game". It's a solid game for the platform, yes, but I'm fairly tired of the apologetic boilerplate of "for a wii game". The game allows for immense customization in the controls, but straight out of the box the game can charitably be described as "clumsy". The design and pacing of the game are nothing special, seeing as the mechanics have already been done (and done pretty well) in Metroid Prime. The story exists, but I never found it terribly compelling. In short, the only thing the game does to set itself apart from any of my many options for FPS games is that it exists on the Wii.

This leaves me in an unfortunate position. If I compare it to other games of the current era, the game seems at best slipshod and fairly dull. It is only when I tack on the boilerplate of "for a wii game" that I can be charitable. There simply aren't many games like the Conduit on the Wii, and for this reason alone the game has it's merits. I would recommend it if someone was looking for a shooter for the Wii, otherwise I'd likely never mention the game to anybody.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Halo and I probably will have to defend It till I die. I wont go to far to defend Halo wars though.

(I also advocate an actual defense, Halo fanboys piss me off as much as anybody els)

also mass effect even though it doesn't get that much hate


New member
Oct 10, 2008
"Tomba!" is the only game I will defend. Mostly because I loved that PS1 game and Whoopie Camp no longer exists, so nothing will come out in the future to justify it's problems...not that there are any!

I feel no need to defend games like MGS to the end, because I'm sure Kojima's feelings aren't going to be hurt. That said, I will defend certain games, but I will be completely willing to admit they have flaws(a la Half-life 2).


Wishes he had fewer cap letters.
Mar 7, 2008
Trace Memory, A game beloved by me and one other guy.(as far as I know)
Sonic Cronicles the Dark Brotherhood - Buy it and consider it donation to lift my Cliffhanger Blues...
Cave Story, The endgame sequence fights in this game are just cruel, Not a single Health container to be found beyond the first fight but I'd be a fool if I said I didn't enjoy it.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Machines Are Us said:
None, because even my favourite games of all time are open to criticism by me, I ***** about them all the time. It would be hypocritical to not let others do the same.

That said, if I don't agree with a particular criticism then I will defend something I like.
true, but i try to let others opinions sway my point of view, but i dont let them anyways.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Sure the graphics weren't all that good but the gameplay was awesome and you just can't beat the originals.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Laura. said:
Far Cry 2! D:
Poor game, everyone hates it so much :(
It one of the most immersive games I've ever played.

The rest of the games I like can defend themselves...
I know, I don't get why everyone hates it so much either.
I really enjoyed it.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
you have to burn the rope... it is Epic and crazy hard, im still stuck about half way through to god damn difficult for it's own good


New member
Sep 16, 2008
Mass effect. Alot of people hate it but I love it. It may have a few bugs but it is still a good game.