Games You'll Defend 'til You Die


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Dungeon Keeper 2. Yes it's a Peter Moleneux game(I personally never really cared about who the developers were), but at the same time it has actually decent writing, no moral choice stupidity, fun spells, and decent strategy. If anyone says "oh its Peter Moleneux so it must suck/have stupid moral choice" then may you die in a pit.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Alphacron said:
Dungeon Keeper 2. Yes it's a Peter Moleneux game(I personally never really cared about who the developers were), but at the same time it has actually decent writing, no moral choice stupidity, fun spells, and decent strategy. If anyone says "oh its Peter Moleneux so it must suck/have stupid moral choice" then may you die in a pit.
I thought the problem with Peter Molyneux was that he just made up features that were supposedly in his games? Not that his games were actually bad.

That's the only argument I've seen against him at least.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Draco Kaiser said:
Halo 3. It gets way to much hate even though it is a fun, creative fps.
Not trying to bash, 'cos I enjoy Halo, but I'd agree with fun, but how is it creative? It practically defines 'generic FPS' these days.

Draco Kaiser

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Sydi said:
Draco Kaiser said:
Halo 3. It gets way to much hate even though it is a fun, creative fps.
Not trying to bash, 'cos I enjoy Halo, but I'd agree with fun, but how is it creative? It practically defines 'generic FPS' these days.
The shielding system to me was new, I liked the weapon variety like Needlers and Brute Maulers and the design of the Covenant was pretty cool along with the vehicles.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
No game. First, I'm not a fanboy to defend games till I die. Second, my favourite games are hardly flawless. Third, everyone has the right to bash a game he doesn't like, even exaggerating a bit.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
WrongSprite said:
Skratt said:
Laura. said:
Far Cry 2! D:
Poor game, everyone hates it so much :(
It one of the most immersive games I've ever played.

The rest of the games I like can defend themselves...

Wow! That game has a fan? Should I be impressed or afraid?
Blimey, I didn't realise trolls could simulate emotion now.

OT: Morrowind. Because it's pure gold.
:) We can! Though it appears our evolution is not yet complete because our bad jokes are still misinterpreted.
May 28, 2009
I won't defend them until the death if someone makes a valid point. It's when they make a completely baseless assumption with no evidence to support it that I get angry. Also if the games is very much an underdog of the gaming world, but in clever-land it would be the one that sells the most, I mention it frequently.

Deus Ex, Beyond Good and Evil, KOTOR, the Mother/Earthbound series, and countless others deserve so much more than they got. Granted, KOTOR sold well, but the others really didn't sell like they ought to have done.

Can you believe one person called Deus Ex over-rated and gave it 20 out of 100? That just makes me angry.

Anyone who doesn't like these games has completely missed the point of them, has no taste, plays movie-to-game releases, and makes homophobic remarks as often as possible. These people are inhuman.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
BolognaBaloney said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Amarok said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
wouldyoukindly99 said:
Someone has actually insulted Bioshock?
Fans of System Shock
Odd, I have a friend who likes System Shock and Bioshock, although he thinks Dead Space is the true successor.
Bwuh? How is that? Dead Space was nothing like system shock.
Sorry for teh late reply, but Dead Space is way closer to System Shock in the atmosphere. Although you'd have to ask my friend about I didn't really see to much of a similarity myself but hey!


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Tales of Symphonia and Golden sun. The latter doesn't need defending, and the prior needs defending from its horrendous sequel.



Good news everyone!
Jun 9, 2008
Dead Space: One of the best new IPs to come out in a while.

What I like so much about it...

I am a horror fan, so duh...

The graphics and sound presentation are some of the best I have seen, but what they do along with gameplay is add to the emersion level. I'm a 25 year veteran of gaming and Dead Space is the most emersive game I have ever played. Turn off the lights and you will start to feel like you are on the Ishimora. I do remember once when I was in one of the outside sequences, I found myself holding my breath. Every little detail that they added was to enhance the emersion and make you forget you are playing a game. No HUD, no sound in space, no fire in space, zero-G and zero-G effects, the graphics, the sound, the story. This is what a "next" generation game should be.

Yes the game has it's faults... it turned into and action game halfway through and left the horror behind, but by that time I was so emersed in the game, I didn't care.

There aren't many games that have such good synergy like Dead Space, it is just a good example of how all the little details come together to make something really good. (I would also put Bioshock and Batman AA in this category)

Just my opinion. But I will defend it with flaming chainsaws.