Gaming Addiction Leads to Death of 3-Month Old Korean Girl


New member
May 4, 2009
For the love of... GAGH!
Were those two lobotomized or something?! They lived with their parents PAST 21, they SOMEHOW managed to get away from their crap long enough to mate (which must have been the most akward, disgusting, rushed piece of crap sex ever) then they have a daughter, whom they mistreat because they're too busy with their VIDIJAGAMES?

I know of 5 year old kids with DS's that take better care of living things. Those dickholes.
Not to be racist or anything (well, everything's racist these days) but damn, Korea... damn... what's up with you? Don't act all innocent, China, you're in this, too. Japan, too. A while back some kid killed another over a feud in an MMO in Asia. For the love of God, people. Get it together. Games aren't that great, especially MMO's. Is your life really so sad, pathetic and miserable that a damned MMO is more interesting than your children?
Shoot them. I'm serious. Go all George Orwell on them and bug their PC's. If they spend more than 3 hours a day in an MMO, take action and arrest them or something because chances are, they're neglecting something or someone, including themselves.

Now this will give gamers even MORE bad press to handle. Not only are we neck-beard sporting, obese, acne ridden social rejects with bad hair and small cocks, now we're baby killers. Thanks, seriously, thanks, guys. We REALLY needed to be small cocked baby killers.

Korea is strict on everything, crackdown on bad parents.
Videogame addiction is an addiction like any other. Just because your 3,000,000 neighbors are in it with you it doesn't mean it's OK or good.

end of rant.


New member
May 10, 2009
well thats just bloodly shocking but a trend is starting me thinks which is pretty horrible


New member
Jun 11, 2009
RaNDM G said:
Australia?Remind me what we've blamed on others latley?
WorkCover for causing suicides.

Huawei for espionage.

Emirates airlines for price fixing.

I could go on if you want me to.
Ah yeah sure if you've got nothing better to do.

While your at it compile one for every other western country as well because blaming some 'other' organization,company,country is a common trait.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
eels05 said:
RaNDM G said:
Australia?Remind me what we've blamed on others latley?
WorkCover for causing suicides.

Huawei for espionage.

Emirates airlines for price fixing.

I could go on if you want me to.
Ah yeah sure if you've got nothing better to do.

While your at it compile one for every other western country as well because blaming some 'other' organization,company,country is a common trait.
ok, now the topic is starting to go off the beaten path, it's getting confusing :p. But yeah, agreed; blaming it on other countries/companies has become very common.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Donnyp said:
TheDoctor455 said:
Donnyp said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Donnyp said:
Same statement i always says applies here still.

We need to institute a Parenting license. If you can't pass the course you don't get to have children.
You get a cookie for having a good idea. Bravo good sir.
I have a cookie. The best in fact. Just look into my Profile. I know its a good idea. Imagine. A world with less stupid people. A world without the Octo-mom or John and Kate Plus 8.....i just shed a tear.
That sounds like a step towards utopia.
The step after that would be outlawing all Reality T.V and killing anyone who suggests Bachelor or American Idol or anything thats even close to reality that isn't something like Man Vs Wild or Survivor Man. Oh and all contestants who were on Survival Real life and all those shows are put on an island populated by Hungry Bears.
o_O...I like it. We could put cameras on the island and call it "Survivor: Real Life".....well, there's not much else to name it. But yeah, I like the sound of a parenting license. If you need a license to drive, fly, why not parenting? I mean, it's all proof of responsibility or at least competence. Why hasn't this been brought up before?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
i dont think this has to much to do with game addiction rather than irresponsable people not taking care of there child


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Oh man... I'm just too speechless about this.

I mean, it's a damn tragedy about what has happened, but at least the child didn't have to suffer much longer from her parents' own irresponsibility.

I hope her little soul is at peace. :'(


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Austin MacKenzie said:
Gaming addiction turned horrifically tragic as the three-month-old daughter of a Korean couple starved to death while her parents were caring for a virtual daughter during a 12-hour MMOG session.
I would laugh out loud at the supreme irony in that, if it weren't so thoroughly disgusting.

Anyhow, Jack Thompson and Michael Atkinson can say whatever they like about this, but the truth is that this couple was simulating a healthy, wholesome activity, rendering all of Thompson's and Atkinson's argument useless. They've made their name criticizing games with violent and sexual content. What are they supposed to say to a game that was simulating childrearing? Anything they could say would sound like they were discouraging the practice of raising kids. Okay, now I really want them to issue statements just so I can hear them do just that.

Still, I can attest to the entrapping power of games and Internet. The game is not truly to blame, but the parents aren't totally guilty either. They need help...but they should have had the sense to get help before letting their own child die.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Ok let me see if I got this. 2 people who are parents and gamers beat thier kid, feed her rotten formula and take off for a 12 hour jaunt in MMOland. And during this trip thier kid dies. And you are reporting it as gaming had some part of her death? Did you guys happen to hire an ex lawyer to write for you? Has white hair? Sharp nose? Doesn't like Rockstar?

DoW Lowen

Jan 11, 2009
Jesus... fucking... balls.

This is a terrible, tragic and utterly disturbing story. I mean games are fun, but... really? Too much of anything is bad. I really feel ashamed to be a gamer right now.

Psychological analysis: The parents had confidence issues, they most likely felt too afraid to look after their own child properly. But with a virtual child they can make no mistakes, the rewards were obvious and more immediate and if anything went wrong they can try again. Mistakes don't exist in games because every consequence can be rectified, every error can be tried again. Gaming makes people think that they are invincible, that if something goes wrong they can simply hit the reset button.

Julianking93 said:
Oh great, Michael Atkinson and Jack Thompson will be all over this shit.

The acts of these 2 idiots who care more about a fucking 3D character than their own child will now most likely be used as more "evidence" that videogames are bad.
Too be honest they would have a point if they argued that gaming can addictive. I've seen wives leave husbands, careers ruined, social isolation, financial disaster occur because of video game addiction.

Atkinson and Thompson only argue the 'games causes violence' lines which isn't eve entirely true and the fail to see the REAL problem with video games which actually makes them look even more fucking stupid.

anthony87 said:
Wonder how long it'll take Atkinson to roll with this one...


New member
Jul 20, 2009
uppitycracker said:
You can be addicted to tying your shoes by this logic.
Well, you can. Just as you can become addicted to turning on/off a light in your room exactly 50 times before leaving it, and washing your hands 400 times a day, or that you can only shake someones hands for an even amount of seconds.

Yet, I suppose, awareness of these things are the crux factor. People are aware of mental disabilities where people have these things happen because they are out of the normal behavioural pattern. Addiction can lead to these sorts of actions. These people were not of the right mind when this happened. The issue here is that they have let themselves become so infatuated with their gaming that they allowed something like this to happen.

Much the same way that a drinker who lets their drinking go too far and glasses someone over the head in the middle of a fight, both are suffering an altered state of mind that causes the direct incident. That is at the fault of the person for allowing themselves to enter into that state of mind in the first place.

This is why you are meant to feel sorry for people with OCD and the like, because they have no such choice in entering this state of mind or not.

A few issues raised in my mind from this story:
1) I find it amazing that no one noticed that these people were abusing this child. Especially considering they were living with their parents, who while presumably old, would have had to have noticed a malnurished child. Starvation isn't a quick death. It is slow, it is obvious, it is painful.
2) These people have been raised and live in a culture such that this didn't set off alarm bells in their own head. That's a fairly big one. It's a natural instinct to take care of your child, especially for females, and for one so young.
3) The environment in which these people were living their lives (at an internet cafe for most of the day) has no controls on these activities. Addiction isn't monitored, controlled, looked out for. It is the same as gaming on poker machines in most countries as I'm aware of, you can't approach a patron and say anything about their gambling habits. Only refer them to a telephone number if they approach you first, or offer them a self-exclusion scheme. Neither of these focus on the issues that cause these sorts of addiction, nor do they show IMHO a proper duty of care for the supplying agencies.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
This has to be the worst example of gaming gone wrong I have read thus far. I shudder to think that sometime, somewhere... someone or some people will top this...


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Yeah those raid quests in WoW can be long, screw good parenting when you have a level 80 character.