Therumancer said:
The problem I had with DNF is that the world was a little too Duke-centric, the entire planet basically being a cult of personality to him to this extent didn't work that well. Duke, and his exagerrated personality, works best when the rest of the world is his straight man. It's hard to laugh because something is "just plain wrong" when it's not wrong for a world that has a "Duke Dome" it's just expected at that point. Done correctly Duke should be exactly like he is, and have everything coming up aces, but the rest of the world should see more or less normal, with the humor in part coming from how everything falls into line for Duke, making him seem even more awesome by association.
Well put. Duke Nukem is a fun character, but like a lot of other things, you can't just throw it at someone and say "IT'S FUN, LIKE IT!"
Duke's jokes and actions are nowhere near as funny when everyone in the game world praises how awesome he is for doing them. In DN3D, there really wasn't anyone around to listen to Duke's lowbrow ramblings and persistent self praises, and it made his ego seem even larger. In DNF, it's almost as if the entire world is fit to Duke's ego; everyone loves him, there are buildings and statues devoted to him, etc. It's not as funny to see someone who everyone thinks is cool as it is to see some guy who thinks he's extremely cool.
However, another thing; the writers seemed to be a little off on Duke's character. In DN3D, he was a douchebag, but the loveable kind of douchebag. He was hypermasculine, but not to the point of being a meathead.
In fact, in DN3D, Duke's one liners weren't center stange, just a really fun bonus. Hell, you could turn his voice completely off in the options. In DNF, it's constantly shoved down our throats, demanding that we find it funny.
The series (and character) still have plenty of potential, but we can all agree that DNF was crap. A lot of excellent franchises have some really crappy titles *coughInvisibleWarcough*.
OT: As for what he's saying:
That's like saying that Deadfall was a lot like Seven because some of the camera angles were similar.