Screw Half-Life 2 and screw the Valvangelest Church. Don't get me wrong; Half-Life 2 is a very good game. I think most of us can all agree on that. But I have two severe objections here, to two ugly trends that mold the online community into an amorphous blob of like-minded nerds guffawing like a bunch of buck-toothed donkeys.
Valve is not a God-sent company and everything they touch does not turn to gold, despite what its rabid superfans may say. Valve has a wide variety of well-made games, but I fail to see the impact that Half-Life 2 and Portal have had on the gaming landscape other than silent protagonists, see-saw puzzles, and obnoxious cake memes. Steam's good, though.
The other ugly trend that I see to this day is the sustained group hatred for a game that was released over a year ago. It released, the critics panned it, and it didn't sell that well. It is disappointing that it had a horrendous 14-year development hell, but people still treat this old news like a cataclysm the size of Mass Effect 3's ending, Street Fighter X Tekken's On-Disc DLC, and Diablo 3's online-only single-player combined. Even all those are old news by now.
TL;DR, to each his own and shut up with old news. You're not a douche if you only "like" Half-Life 2 and you're not a pariah if you actually liked DNF.