Gearbox CEO: Duke Nukem Forever Is "Exactly Like Half-Life 2"


New member
Sep 5, 2010
How did this guy get his job? Does he still have his job? If so, WHY does he still have his job?

This is like a priest comparing Jesus and Satan. Its like 3 stuffed walruses being compared to a basket of kittens. Sure, there are "Similarities", but nearly all games have them. Are CoD and BF the same? Sure, you can shoot people in both of them, and use weapons based off of the real world, but thats about where it ends.

Duke Nukem Forever was not a "Terrible game", i will admit i got a few moments of joy out of the entire thing (very few, and with how short it was, they werent to far apart), but to compare it to HL2? Thats just..... stupid. I dont like to throw around the word stupid, as many people are just uninformed or uneducated, but this guy is stupid. STUPID!

johnnnny guitar

New member
Jul 16, 2010
Oh shut up Randy the game was shit and it is even worse shit now and the comparison to half life 2 is laughable a thing Half life 2 also did was take the original game's mechanics and elevate them to a new level Duke Nuke'm forever on the other hand striped all the old games mechanics of multiple weapons, fast game play and open spaces for a horribly bland unfun slow FPS and the sad part is from the looks of it is we had a great Duke Nuke'm forever in development at one point.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
DNF is exactly like HL2. Except for the regenerating health, two weapon limit, tone, characters, story and writing. In other wor-

You know what, I can't even try to keep a straight face through that.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Therumancer said:
Hmmm, well I think Randy is right on some levels. Of course "Half Life 2" was ancient at the time Duke Nukem came out. DNF was supposed to be a fairly innovative title, and saying that it was pretty much exactly like an dinosaur of a game from years before it's time isn't much of a defense. To be honest Valve is in an odd position the longer it takes for them to release "Episode 3" because while people expect it to be more of the same from HL2, they also expect it to be more polished and have some innovations within it's conventions.

On some levels I think DNF suffered from it's time in development limbo, as a lot of what it did would have been considered far better, and more innovative, if it had been released on something closer to it's initial planned release dates.

That said, I think the character of Duke Nukem is fine for the most part, low brow humor is fine, and I'd ignore the left wingers who scream about misogynism. To be honest it seems Duke has as many women as fans (just as he is now) as guys, and probably even more. Having watched the weeks up until the release of DNF I saw more girls taking an interest in the title than guys, and doing things like pressuring their boyfriends to take pictures of them (or with them) with various DNF promotional cut outs and such. Really, he himself shouldn't be changed at all.

The problem I had with DNF is that the world was a little too Duke-centric, the entire planet basically being a cult of personality to him to this extent didn't work that well. Duke, and his exagerrated personality, works best when the rest of the world is his straight man. It's hard to laugh because something is "just plain wrong" when it's not wrong for a world that has a "Duke Dome" it's just expected at that point. Done correctly Duke should be exactly like he is, and have everything coming up aces, but the rest of the world should see more or less normal, with the humor in part coming from how everything falls into line for Duke, making him seem even more awesome by association.

In short, I think the franchise should continue, and a lot of the criticisms should be ignored, that said DNF was a mess of a game, but as most reasonable people will tell you, it kind of has an excuse to have been such a mess. "Duke Nukem" is a series I'd give one more chance to get it right.

Oh yes, and those people complaining about Duke's "Misogynism" and how women react to him are those who don't really "get" the game and a lot of it's humor. Duke Nukem was supposed to be offensive to a lot of people, and the people saying that are the guys who are supposed to be offended and justify taglines like "irreverant, and offensive" as selling points. The complaints kind of show that this aspect of the game was nailed, it just wasn't a solid enough game to be embraced by those who DID get it, or motivate many of them to come to
it's defense.
Exactly. I've just about every Duke Nukem game ever made, including DNF, and I can say with certainty that Duke Nukem Forever is what people that play a Duke Nukem game should expect to see, it fits with the rest of the IP perfectly. If people don't like it, then they just don't understand Duke Nukem. Duke has always been about being masculine, about using women, about being showered with praise left and right, about being offensive and badass at the same time, and all of that taken to ridiculous extremes, but above all none of it is to be taken seriously, and if you go in the game treating DNF seriously, you're just not going to enjoy it.

I agree that the two weapon rule is kind of stupid, but it's forgivable because it's never really a problem, I've never run out of ammo playing the game or anything. As for the regenerating health, it actually a lot less tedious to deal with than having Duke smash open a fire hydrant or toilet and have him drink the resulting water for a couple minutes to get back to full health like the previous games would do. Besides, what's more badass than a guy who can get shot full of holes, blown up, etc. and all he has to do is take cover for a few seconds and he's back to 100%. There are plenty of people like that in fiction and many of those end up pretty much but universally praised *coughWolverinecough*.

Overall though, I like DNF. As somebody who's been a fan of Duke Nukem pretty much my entire life, I've been waiting for DNF for a looooonng time, and that game is pretty much what I have always been expecting to get.


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Jack and Calumon said:
Stop looking for Calumon, Gearbox needs to know if we're clear.
Sorry, nothing's ever clear until Calumon weighs in.

OT: Dear Mr. Pitchford:

You are cordially invited to please stop digging.




New member
Jan 15, 2009
malakaira said:
Oh shut up Randy the game was shit and it is even worse shit now and the comparison to half life 2 is laughable a thing Half life 2 also did was take the original game's mechanics and elevate them to a new level Duke Nuke'm forever on the other hand striped all the old games mechanics of multiple weapons, fast game play and open spaces for a horribly bland unfun slow FPS and the sad part is from the looks of it is we had a great Duke Nuke'm forever in development at one point.
oh yes. the 2001 trailer. watched it countless times which was even included in the DN manhattan project and this is even better then DNF.
thats the duke i wanted to play. looks like tones more fun and more colorful. but no, we get a really horrible version of halo with less colors and dry humor.

how can he can compare it with HL2 is beyond me. its a clear rip off from halo in a very bad way. hell, i even enjoyed halo much more then this crap.

oh i forgot, this one of course fits as well.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I hereby present Mr. Pitchford with this year's Stand By Your Crap award.

You've earned it!


New member
Jun 15, 2011
This game was awesome, I don't understand why it is so universally loathed by people.

But it sure as hell was no Half Life!


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I understand his point.

The controls for DNF are awful.

Brandon Logan

New member
Jan 20, 2011
I have to agree with the sense that both games are thrash. Now when HL3 comes out it will be exactly like DNF. An over-hyped game that's even closer to shit then that one level of Conker's bad fur day.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
I feel you Mr. Pitchford. There was this one time when i tried to replace Mona Lisa with a drawing of a turd. Unfortunately authorities weren't so pleased. Why were they? I have no idea.

I mean they are both drawings with colours right?

On a more serious note: Just shut up and stop trying to compare DNF with better games that are 8 years old. It is both embarassing and idiotic.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Duke Nukem Forever Is "Exactly Like Half-Life 2"

Oh, honey. No. No.

Bless your heart, no.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
For a second there I thought Mr Pitchford had been replaced by EA's PR.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
also_nadrag said:
Actually, title should read "Gearbox CEO: Pacing of Duke Nukem Forever Is "Exactly Like Half-Life 2""

But I guess that one word couldn't fit into the headline. Shame because it completely changes things but I guess saying something sensible just isn't as interesting as mis-quoting someone.

Weird that nobody seems to have read the article and noticed this.
that is what it is like here, read title, read last paragraph, read 3 posts then post a 10 word comment without context


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Incidentally, from a mechanical perspective, masturbating with one's own hand is very similar to masturbating with a glove made of sandpaper.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Just keep telling yourself that, Mr. Pitchford. In the mean time, everyone else will be laughing at you.