Gears of War 3 Gets Release Date and Trailer


New member
Mar 4, 2009
My girlfriend posted this story to my Facebook today, and unfortunately I didn't get the link until well into my shift at work... needless to say there was a lot of jumping around and high fives, and confused looks from old people.

Very happy to have a release date to put down on my calendar [when I buy the 2011 one at the end of the year >_>], and I thoroughly enjoyed the trailer. It gave me the same chill the trailer for the first one did, depressing/regretful music to a scene of complete desperation.

Can't wait to see whats going with the Lambent and the Locust since the 2nd. Could we see the Locust forming an alliance with the humans of Sera to fight back the Lambent? And I still wanna know what Marcus' dad was up to, and why the Locust Queen looked so frikken human!


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Irridium said:
Ben Legend said:
Didn't Anya have redish hair in the last game? Or am I thinking of someone else?

And I had to double take on Dom, I couldn't tell whether that was him with the beard. =/
Know what you mean. Freaked me right the fuck out...

OT: Wow, I can't believe I'm actually kind of exited. Then again I never hated the Gears series, just had a whole "meh" felling towards them.

Either way, I liked the first game's trailer better.

Weird! I was thinking of that song while I watched the video.

Orange Monkey

New member
Mar 16, 2009
hah, for a second i thought they had a Locust on their team! Now that would be equal opportunity.
And that armour just looks so out of place on her shoulders, surely they could of made a modified version? unless this chick is built like a bricklayer!


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Decabo said:
Skopintsev said:
Decabo said:
Skopintsev said:
Logan Westbrook said:
"When we released Gears of War more than three years ago, we set out to tell the world an unforgettable story of bravery and sacrifice in the face of insurmountable odds,
Psshahahahahah!! That I can't say with a striaght face. Oh cliffy, you always make my day better.
PS3 fanboys: Always raising the bar for pettiness and insecurity.
...Why would I be labeled a fanboy? Oh, it MUST be because i have a MAG avatar right? God forbid I just DON'T LIKE GRRRRRRRZZ of War because its my opinion.

Grow up, I said nothing bad about the game itself. It has a laughable story, and Cliffy claims its unforgettable.
Bashing a game you clearly don't own on a console you don't have: The main symptom of a fanboy.
Maybe so, but I fully agree with him. Cliffy B. saying Gear's story is "unforgettable"? That really is laughable.

O.T. I'm about as apathetic towards this as I was towards Halo 3. Just seems like more of the same, fluffed up with an unnecessarily large budget. I was never really that fond of the first 2. Though, admittedly, I did have the occasional fun play-session with friends. However, it became tiresome quickly. Beyond the cover system, there's really nothing to Gears. It's fun, but shallow.

capin Rob

New member
Apr 2, 2010
WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Oh wait, thats a year away :(

capin Rob

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Carmine deid, but in a note you read that there are 2 more carmine brothers A.K.A loucst bait.
Mar 26, 2008
Baird is definately in the trailer, next to Cole. I'd recognise those goggles anywhere.

There is definately something going on between Anya and Marcus; you all saw that look at the end of Gears 2. Maybe Delta get into trouble and Anya throws down to help Marcus out. Notice the knife bayonet old school Lancer she throws to Dom? Love the grizzly beard btw.

People need to chill a little. This is the first official trailer. I'm sure the story and gameplay mechanics are going to be fleshed out in future trailers. They have a year after all.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Cliff's always managed to make the trailers look absolutely amazing, but when the game itself comes out, it always fails to get above anything but average. It's a definite rent for me, seeing as I'm curious how the story will end, but after the disappointment from Gears 2, I doubt I'll ever buy this.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Sonicron said:
Looking forward to it. Gears of War isn't among my favorites in gaming, but the first two titles were still good, solid entertainment.

Hard to imagine mankind could be considered even more fucked than at the end of the last game... wonder what went wrong this time.
I'm guessing that after the douchebags sank Jacinto in the second game, they decided that after flushing out the remaining locusts to the surface, they just started light mass bombing the entire area. Hence the pompei esque ash corpses.

So, out of the less than 30 million or so people left on Sera, how many are actually still in the military, and not the rednecks riding the derricks?


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Darrkon Fearlock said:
Skopintsev said:
Decabo said:
Skopintsev said:
Decabo said:
Skopintsev said:
Decabo said:
Skopintsev said:
Decabo said:
Skopintsev said:
Logan Westbrook said:
"When we released Gears of War more than three years ago, we set out to tell the world an unforgettable story of bravery and sacrifice in the face of insurmountable odds,
Psshahahahahah!! That I can't say with a striaght face. Oh cliffy, you always make my day better.
PS3 fanboys: Always raising the bar for pettiness and insecurity.
...Why would I be labeled a fanboy? Oh, it MUST be because i have a MAG avatar right? God forbid I just DON'T LIKE GRRRRRRRZZ of War because its my opinion.

Grow up, I said nothing bad about the game itself. It has a laughable story, and Cliffy claims its unforgettable.
Bashing a game you clearly don't own on a console you don't have: The main symptom of a fanboy.
Quick to accuse with no proof. Classic fanboy yourself
Proof of you bashing a game you don't own for a console you don't have? I'm pretty sure I have proof of that, since I quoted it.

And for the record I have all 3 current gen consoles.
What have you proven? How do you know I don't have a 360? Because I don't like Gear's story?
Well first of all, you just told me, and second of all, you linked your PS3 to your file and not your 360, which seems unusual, doesn't it? You wanted to insult the biggest new franchise of this generation because it's on a console you clearly don't own.

I'm not getting more into this, kid.
I do actually have a 360. I don't have a Live account beacuse its a modded console, just because its not on my profile doesn't mean it isn't there. I suppose because my Steam account isn't on there either you would assume I don't have Steam?
OK I'm sorry but you've really lost all credibility when you come with "I don't have a Live account beacuse its a modded console" really? Why do you find doing that necessary.
Makes sense financially. I've never had to buy a 360 game, and without a live account Microsoft can't track it. There's no reason for me to get a Live account. If I want to play online games, I use my PC, PS3, or soon to be Wii for Monster Hunter.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Simalacrum said:
Has anyone else noticed how Dom, not Marcus (the protagonist) is getting the most screen time in this trailer? I have a hunch that the story is going to revolve a lot more around him this time around...

Not that it matters to me, I have a PS3 :p
He's had the most "interesting" story up until now. Now that Marcus' father may play a larger role, I see that Dom may end up in the background again.

That and his beard of sorrow, while cool, tells me he still can't get over his wife... -_-;

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Was that a new shotgun? NICE! It looks like I'm going to get what I want and that is a full tier of weapons for both armies: A COG shotgun/Locust shotgun, hopefully there will be Locust Sniper Rifle and the COG will get a rocket launcher or something along those lines to combat the Boomer's Boomshot...and don't say, "they already do, it's called the Mortar", because I don't count the Mortar as a true hand-held weapon since it slows you down, unlike the Boomshot.
I also hope we'll be able to lug around a Troika cannon like the Mulcher.
Oh and just for the hell of it, EPIC GAMES go ahead and include Melee weapons in SP and MP like say, oh I don't, Skorge's Chainstaff or the Mauler's flail.

Ok, I might be getting over-optimistic but hey I can still dream/hope.

[edit] OH HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THIS!!!!! We now have to deal with the Lambent!!!! Woooooooooooooooooo, can't wait! I'm dying to know what that whole thing with the Lambent Locust the Cole killed in the second game means when the blood of the dead Locust goes back up the wall.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
I seriously can't wait for this. Been wanting a Gears of war 3 for so long.