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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I'm sorry, this doesn't make any sense to me.
Claiming that subscription service like PS+ premium or whatever isn't worth the value because you don't have time to consume most of it is sort of missing the point of a non-specific subscription service.

Would you also argue that Netflix is a ripoff because you can't possibly watch all that content and you don't own the movies?
More logical is to conclude it works for some and not for others.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I'm sorry, this doesn't make any sense to me.
Claiming that subscription service like PS+ premium or whatever isn't worth the value because you don't have time to consume most of it is sort of missing the point of a non-specific subscription service.

Would you also argue that Netflix is a ripoff because you can't possibly watch all that content and you don't own the movies?
More logical is to conclude it works for some and not for others.
It depends on the person. For people like us who keep up to date with games and dedicate a significant amount of our free time to them, are more willing to play challenging games, and have a sense of collecting, it makes no sense. For someone that's more casual, enjoys games but doesn't invest a lot of time into them, doesn't know or doesn't want to invest into learning how to sus out good from bad ones or keep on top of what's coming out, a subscription makes more sense.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm sorry, this doesn't make any sense to me.
Claiming that subscription service like PS+ premium or whatever isn't worth the value because you don't have time to consume most of it is sort of missing the point of a non-specific subscription service.
It is to me, when most of the games are AAA trash, or has games I already own, be they physical, digital (as long as the license don't expire. The fatal flaw digital distribution), or both. I know they're indie games that get on there too, but I usually either have them, order ones I don't like or I'm not interested in. The same effect applies.

Would you also argue that Netflix is a ripoff because you can't possibly watch all that content and you don't own the movies?
More logical is to conclude it works for some and not for others.
At least Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Peacock, and several others have their own original content. In addition with old continent as well. It's called having a proper balance. None of these streaming services are perfect either, but I usually favor HBO Max and Netflix, cuz they usually have what I want to look at. I mainly go to the former to look at DC animated movies I don't have yet, and the latter I really only go for Netflix original content that has been brought to DVD yet.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
or has games I already own
Ok so you shouldn't buy this service, sure. But that doesn't make it a bullshit product or "Bad" or wrong or whatever.
Every product or service isn't made for every consumer.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
But that doesn't make it a bullshit product or "Bad" or wrong or whatever.
It is when most of it is old shit, most people already played through, or games that are not that good to begin with/bad.

Every product or service isn't made for every consumer.
Doesn't excuse lack of trying, nor overcharging more than they should. It's way too expensive for such a crappy service. It always bounces back to when Microsoft started charging for Xbox Live. Sony Nintendo caught on later on, and both are for the worst for it. Sony light saying they wouldn't charge anymore for PS plus, but it went from 50 to $60. Add on this stupid premium cocksuckers edition, and it only makes the "service" look all the more uglier and unappealing. It's nothing more than a pathetic flex to say "we have it too!". While Nintendo Online may be cheaper, it's a piece of crap. I have zero reason to use it, when I already got standard PS plus. A majority of my games are single player or have local co-op only anyway, so that's a waste of $30 to $40 a year I do not need, nor want. Especially when Nintendo still can't get their freaking online right!
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
It is when most of it is old shit, most people already played through, or games that are not that good to begin with/bad.

Doesn't excuse lack of trying, nor overcharging more than they should. It's way too expensive for such a crappy service. It always bounces back to when Microsoft started charging for Xbox Live. Sony Nintendo caught on later on, and both are for the worst for it. Sony light saying they wouldn't charge anymore for PS plus, but it went from 50 to $60. Add on this stupid premium cocksuckers edition, and it only makes the "service" look all the more uglier and unappealing. It's nothing more than a pathetic flex to say "we have it too!". While Nintendo Online may be cheaper, it's a piece of crap. I have zero reason to use it, when I already got standard PS plus. A majority of my games are single player or have local co-op only anyway, so that's a waste of $30 to $40 a year I do not need, nor want. Especially when Nintendo still can't get their freaking online right!

I thought the whole point of most of this service was to make old games available again, for people that don’t have old consoles laying around anymore. I think it would be worthwhile as long as people know what’s available and are guaranteed able to keep it if the subscription lapses, but probably not that part if it’s like the current PS+.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I thought the whole point of most of this service was to make old games available again, for people that don’t have old consoles laying around anymore.
Yes, well that is part of the equation, Microsoft seems the only one that's actually doing any actual use of it. They have gone above and beyond in in that regard. Well not all older games fall under the PS plus premium, many of them will be expanded upon, and will add more to the point of strangle holding the consumer. The strangle hole has already started, and it's only going to get worse from here. Nintendo's already got a strangle hold, cuz if you want to play old Nintendo games, old Super Nintendo games, or old Genesis games, you have to subscribe to their crappy service. You better off just owning the esot games you've already bought on past consoles, or just using an emulator.

Before anyone starts, I know PS5 is backwards compatible, but it still isn't an excuse how they're pricing these and putting everything in tiers. It makes it more unnecessarily complicated, and makes you pay more for stuff that's not worth that much just to play one or two old PS1/2 games. While the Microsoft consoles have most of these old games available, with or without the Game Pass. Even then, they're still OG Xbox games that have not come to digital for certain reasons. Either because of licensing issues, or because certain games are just that bad.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Doesn't excuse lack of trying, nor overcharging more than they should. It's way too expensive for such a crappy service.
I don't feel like you have a justification for this. You've already claimed you have no interest or need for the service so of course it would seem expensive to you and not worth it. But to someone who doesn't buy video games because they play casually, maybe they don't even collect or have physical discs thanks to digital consoles then I don't see how $17/month is bad to have a 700 game library that they can play around with at whim.

How can you justify $17/month, which by the way is tiered you can pay as low as i think 11 or 12 bucks a month for a smaller catalog, too high of a price to have a 700 game catalog?

To you it's not worth it. But that doesn't mean the service itself is overpriced or even crappy.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I don't feel like you have a justification for this. You've already claimed you have no interest or need for the service so of course it would seem expensive to you and not worth it.
Yes I do. Just because I'm not interested and don't like it, doesn't mean I'm not wrong about it. There are still problems that are happening or going to happen at some point and there's nothing wrong with pointing it out. Especially if the service is not good. Your argument boils down to since I don't like it or want it, I can't criticize it. That's the real bull crap.

I already pointed out how crappy the services are on each one. And it's ironic, that Microsoft still comes out on top in this case. Because there are plenty of old games you can buy with or without game pass. As opposed to Sony & Nintendo, you got to pay more or at a premium just to play these games. And Nintendo's case especially; most of the games in the beat average, mediocre, or games that have been played so many times there's not much value. Nintendo already solved this problem with eShop back on the Wii, Wii U, and DS & 3DS. The closure of the eShop makes us all the more sad, it makes a bigger strangle hold on availability.

But to someone who doesn't buy video games because they play casually, maybe they don't even collect or have physical discs thanks to digital consoles then I don't see how $17/month is bad to have a 700 game library that they can play around with at whim.
It's just another variation of your mileage may vary. What works for them doesn't necessarily work for somebody else.
But that doesn't mean the service itself is overpriced or even crappy.
In your opinion. It's only good when they don't give a rat's ass about what they're playing, or doing so casually. I have nothing against those that do, but they're really not getting much of a favor. Let's say if they want to own the game at some point, and they can't anymore. Either due to do a licensing issues, or the publishers feels like being petty and removing it from the store. I hope that person decides to get a physical version, if it's available. Otherwise they ain't seen it again, or the other games they like playing. Casual or not.

I've seen this too many times before. I get these know-it-all people that act like they don't need a physical version of something, or only need all digital stuff, and as soon as either a service goes down, the servers go down, or the game it removes from digital stores, they start crying or regretting it. Either get the game or don't. Stop giving these half-ass excuses, or being on the fence about something, out of some foolish pride or, not wanting to be wrong.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
FWIW even though I bounce between platforms, the PS premium never was appealing, though I decided that even before they announced the details. That is simply because playing older games from previous generations does not interest me. Personally I'm madder that Sony makes you pay as subscription for online service to begin with. I'm madder that I had to pay to be able to do co-op for Demons Souls and Elden Ring than I would be for paying for a library of old games. It's just weird that with everything being online, and the push towards multiplayer and service games and that people already have to pay for online access through their cable companies, Sony is able to get away with PS+.

That's the breaking point. Once that is acceptable, I'm not gonna get made MORE online MORE money.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
games from previous generations does not interest me. Personally I'm madder that Sony makes you pay as subscription for online service to begin with. I'm madder that I had to pay to be able to do co-op for Demons Souls and Elden Ring than I would be for paying for a library of old games. It's just weird that with everything being online, and the push towards multiplayer and service games and that people already have to pay for online access through their cable companies, Sony is able to get away with PS+.

That's the breaking point. Once that is acceptable, I'm not gonna get made MORE online MORE money.
Exactly what angers me too and what I pointed out at the beginning.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
FWIW even though I bounce between platforms, the PS premium never was appealing, though I decided that even before they announced the details. That is simply because playing older games from previous generations does not interest me. Personally I'm madder that Sony makes you pay as subscription for online service to begin with. I'm madder that I had to pay to be able to do co-op for Demons Souls and Elden Ring than I would be for paying for a library of old games. It's just weird that with everything being online, and the push towards multiplayer and service games and that people already have to pay for online access through their cable companies, Sony is able to get away with PS+.

That's the breaking point. Once that is acceptable, I'm not gonna get made MORE online MORE money.

As a caveat, it started with Xbox 360. It was probably inevitable in any case though as Sony kinda needed PSN to be free 7th gen since it wasn’t as robust as XBL yet and they were behind a year in sales. Of course that head start bit Microsoft in the ass though as the 360 was a shoddy POS console.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

Hey No More Heroes is coming out to more consoles finally. That's cool I guess. Might check out the game now.
You or I actually posted news about this a few months ago. I don't mind playing it again, but it's not high priority for me right now. All sights are on the hot witch with glasses.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
You or I actually posted news about this a few months ago. I don't mind playing it again, but it's not high priority for me right now. All sights are on the hot witch with glasses.
It was a new article so i dont remember. Maybe this update has the release date then.


~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger

Stray has gotten off to an incredible start on Twitch and Steam, with player numbers skyrocketing since the game's launch. However, it turns out it's not just us humans that have fallen for this new release.

Our cats and dogs have also become enamored with the four-legged cuties on screen, with many owners now taking to the internet to share their pets' felines on the whole thing.

First up, let's give the cats their time to shine. It is, after all, the game of their kin.

"#Stray is a 100/10 game. This is priceless," wrote one fan, sharing a clip of their own kitty pawing playfully at the cats on screen.

"GOTY 2022, verified by my cat," said another, as their ginger ninja pounced endearingly towards Stray.

Meanwhile, one owner struggled to play the game at all, sharing a clip of their feline companion nose to nose with the game's ginger fluffball, all the while blocking the screen.

Here we have one cat lining up very nicely with Stray, giving an unexpected new dimension to the gameplay. How purr-fect.


Even Johnny's cat has been enjoying the action (although thankfully from a more respectful distance), with them sharing that Luna is "absolutely riveted" by the game.

So, there are the cats. It's safe to say this game is anything but a cat-astrophe for them.

But, what about the dogs of this world? Do they love it as much, given that they famously do not always see eye to eye with cats? Well, our own Matt Reynolds has informed me that Fenway gives Stray a canine out ten.

Thankfully, Fenway stayed further way from the television screen than our next pup.

"I guess we need to wait [until] the dog passes out before we play Stray. I wanted to get a video because she was watching the cats and then she just went for the tv," shared one player, before assuring us no TVs were harmed in the making of this video. Man's best friend indeed.

This chap was more placid when it came to watching Stray, but clearly no less intrigued.

Lastly, we have this little one, with the pertest tail wag I have ever seen. I think they like what they see.

So, to conclude, yes, tonight I will indeed be downloading Stray for myself and then seeing how The Captain reacts to it all. He is pretty docile when it comes to other games I have been playing recently, although he does have an uncanny knack of snoring and twitching quite loudly whenever I get to an emotional cutscene.

Saying that, he has also been known to muster up the speed of Mo Farrah as soon as my neighbour's cat sets one paw across our threshold. Basically, what I am saying is this is going to go to either one extreme or another. I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, do check out Eurogamer's guides on all things Stray. Here is one on where to find all the vending machines in the game to get you started.
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