Generally Accepted Gaming Facts


New member
Aug 15, 2008
ilikepie59 said:
The usefulness of a weapon is inversely proportional to the amount of ammunition available for it.
That one's excellent, and completely true!

1.All racing games, more or less,are the exact same.
2.If a game is Japanese, it's going to be melodramatic.
3.All FIFA games, more or less, are the exact same.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
ilikepie59 said:
The usefulness of a weapon is inversely proportional to the amount of ammunition available for it.
Oh so, so true.

The usefulness of a weapon is inversely proportional to how much of the story you have completed, i.e by the time you have all the good guns, you've almost beaten the game and have no time to enjoy them.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
1. You WILL save the world at some point in time. It doesn't matter if it's from a world-eating dragon (Skyrim!), or an army of space squids (Mass Effect), you will invariably, at some point in time, save the world/worlds/your own small portion of the world.

2. If you're into RPGs, then, essentially, you're into Bioware.

3. Xbox Live is dominated by sarcastic teenagers who use the word '******' like a machine gun.

4. Peter Molyneux always has a negative effect on his own games. Lionhead should really lock him up, or something.

Au Naturel.

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Lt. Dragunov said:
in any FPS or 3rd person shoters, if you get shot point blank by any weapon its possible to survive if you hide in a cornor for 5 seconds.
Put on the song 'Katamari on the Rocks' and listen while watching your avatar dance. It's... awesome...

OT : Snow levels are always the most enjoyable levels!


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Touhou Project finds its way into everything, and yet nobody will know what's going on when the lolis show up.

All "bad" games have a small cult following.

All "good" games have a dedicated group who will trash it no matter what.
Mar 9, 2010
shadyh8er said:
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
shadyh8er said:
I don't care if I get a little bonus gift, I will never pre-order a game.
May I inquire why?
I'm extremely picky about what games I get (as of this writing, I only have four). I never assume a game is worth buying before it comes out. I would rather wait for it get released, then make a decision based on the feedback.
That's a pretty damn fair reason not to like. I've only ever pre-ordered 3 games myself, but I absolutely love getting a game I've looked forward to a couple days early with a little bonus. Each to their own.

The Hot Sauce Thief

New member
Nov 14, 2010
1- The cake is a lie
2-If i win, im a haX0r..
3-Close combat will always ALWAYS kill, and sometimes be more effective than a bullet
4-Bioware RPGs are always good and i will always buy them

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
MercurySteam said:
1. Whether people like it or not, Halo has made enough money to warrant it's popularity.
I think you just worded that badly. I think it would be better to put "It's made enough money to prove it's popular", the way you have it worded makes it sound like if it's made money it should be popular.

On topic. JRPG's aren't RPG's. (even though they are ...)

Horror games aren't scary.

(as proven by the "No pc demo for bulletstorm" thread) PC gamers have an air(?) of superiority.

(proven again by the same thread) All PC games are ruined by consoles.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2008
treeboy027 said:
Popadoo said:
If the boss has a glowing area, it is the only weakness!
If it's Hack n' Slash, it's a God of War rip-off. I don't agree with this, but everyone says it.
What Metropocalypse said about the X/A is Jump thing.
Metropocalypse said:
'X' or 'A' is ALWAYS 'Jump' unless it's Bethesda!
Or if it's the Powerpuff Girls lol. :p
Edit: OT: The enemy's gate is down!
woah enders game fan?

But um, if your implanted with a demon symbiote you will be powerful enough to battle God or satan


New member
Oct 6, 2010
Realism = Brown, remember the more the better

Online multiplayer will always be bad as long as there is lag

Kids believe that voice chat is only to be used for being a retard

Death in videogames means nothing similar to actual death

Aliens always have some form of laser technology that is just as effective as traditional human weaponry in combat

Healthpacks heal you as soon as you touch them and can always heal you despite any injury you may have taken

To substitute for the lack of AI, the enemy will either be cheap or in a large quantity

Platforming does not work in third person if the camera/controls are terrible and will not work at all in first person


New member
Sep 5, 2009
All Charcters can use/hack computers(including alien ones, and ones they've never seen) by pressing the same set of keys over and over.

Enemies NEVER reload, also they have infinte ammo. (Few exceptions)

Games and Movies will never work out together. (Movie based Games = Bad, Game based Movies = Bad)

All fighting games have at least one charcter with a projectile.

All end bosses are either push-overs or so fuckng hard, they'll make you break your screen (There is no middle ground), also bosses always have 2 or more forms.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Trees are fricking invincible to bullets, laser guns, plasma bursts, and FIRE.