Geohot Claims He's Never Heard of Sony Computer Entertainment of America


(Insert Awesome Title)
Mar 24, 2008
I'm pretty sure all this info about SCEA and Sony Jurisdiction would be found in the EULA, ya know that thing you have to agree to before you can open a PSN account, Update the Firmware and use the device. If it isn't, then there may be a loop hole to be found yet... or exploited.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
The more I hear from this douchebag, the more I hope he gets sent to some hole in the wall. And all the gamers "sticking it to the man" here, we get it. Except I don't really know how Sony wronged you, or how a fucking rappin' hacker is your idea of Che Guevara, but I get it. He's fighting Evil Corp and as such is clearly some folk hero.



New member
Sep 10, 2009
"And if you're wondering why Hotz kept the packaging and still-sealed manuals for the PS3 Slim he bought while everything else ended up in the garbage, the answer is simple. "Because it was pretty," he said."

I've read some pretty funny stuff on the Escapist today, but man!!!
This is by far the funniest thing ^^
It looked pretty, of course! :D


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Troop18546 said:
LeonLethality said:
How in god's name does he think he can get away with playing stupid? The guy clearly is not that much of an idiot to not know that SCEA exists, he was smart enough to crack the PS3 so I'm 100% positive he is smart enough to know SCEA exists. Heck I knew it existed more than ten years ago!

Also thank you for using the rap video picture of him in any news related to this, it always makes me laugh.
Omg, idiot...
Well thought out post there!

Also low content posts and insulting other users are big no-nos here, you might want to change that up a bit before a mod gets cross with you. Because I personally am deeply offended by your harsh words.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Sony ran into similar issues when it tried to pin newly-created PSN accounts on Hotz, claiming that the Terms of Service agreement establish jurisdiction, but that argument appears to have fallen through since the serial number in question doesn't actually match up and the company has been unable to provide any other links between the accounts and Hotz.
Ha! Way to fail more, Sony.

Anyway, I have to agree that not knowing that SCEA exists is a bit silly, but hey, I play a whole lot of games so of course I know there's an SCEA. But if all ever did was buy PS3s to crack them without buying any games or having any other previous Playstation products, and doesn't pay attention to gaming news or gaming anything, then it could make sense. I wonder how many company branches I don't know about for various media, products, and services I have no interest in.

So basically, if he's not a gamer, I guess I can see why he wouldn't know that. And anyway, I hope this works. Hell, I wish the judge could say "Sony, you are lying douchebags. You lied about him making a PSN account. You lied about him tampering with evidence. You lied about him fleeing jurisdiction to hide in another country. Case gets tried in New Jersey now, GTFO of my courtroom." Sadly, court doesn't work that way.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Iwata said:
The more I hear from this douchebag, the more I hope he gets sent to some hole in the wall. And all the gamers "sticking it to the man" here, we get it. Except I don't really know how Sony wronged you, or how a fucking rappin' hacker is your idea of Che Guevara, but I get it. He's fighting Evil Corp and as such is clearly some folk hero.

They're all stuck in the 60's, thinking that all corps are bad, and wish to cause us all harm and deprive us of all of our rights.

:p (joking of course, well kind of...)


New member
Sep 15, 2008
John Marcone said:
Fuck yeah. I love this guy. About time he started fucking with Sonys lawyers just for giggles.
Yeah, I'm actually quite enjoying this ^_^

One question, does this not fall within 'ignorance of the law is no defence'? Or is it some sort of way of not recognising the jurisdiction/existence of the plaintiff or something? Just confused on why that's even allowed to stand as an issue lol.

Keava said:
While this whole argument is idiotic, i still find the fact that picking a State in US law can pretty much win or loose you the case. That's the most idiotic law system ever invented and even with such ignorant excuses, it well deserves to be abused. Just decide on one law and get over it rather than trying to choose the 'best' judge for your case.
Yeah, kinda getting that feeling too. Shouldn't the law in the country, you know, be the freaking law in the country?! And shouldn't Hotz be tried where he committed the alleged crime? Did Sony just set up the California office to try these sort of cases? All these questions, and more, coming up after the break!

Tron Paul

New member
Dec 11, 2009
I had no idea SCEA existed before this. I've owned a PS2, but never a PS1 and I don't really pay attention to title screens that say the publisher.

Also +1 for not opening manuals, I never do that either.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Hehehehehe he be TROLLIN' people! Of course he's not stupid >.<


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I'm pretty sure Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has been in the PS3 user agreement since it was released.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Keava said:
While this whole argument is idiotic, i still find the fact that picking a State in US law can pretty much win or loose you the case. That's the most idiotic law system ever invented and even with such ignorant excuses, it well deserves to be abused. Just decide on one law and get over it rather than trying to choose the 'best' judge for your case.
I think in this case, the bigger problem is that if California gets jurisdiction, Sony could easily bankrupt him by making the trial last forever so that he has to pay for a year's worth of hotel, airfare, etc, out of pocket.

If he can get the trial held in his home state, he can prepare for the trial from home, and he can keep working or going to school.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
BehattedWanderer said:
Stupid ass. Damn near everyone in gaming knows what the SCEA is.
If everyone else knows what SCEA is, could you enlighten me? I can tell you some of the things they aren't, but beyond suing people for legal activities, I have no clue as to what else they do. They certainly don't sell PS3s, they don't write the firmware/OS software, they aren't a subsidiary of Sony, they don't market the PS3... need I go on?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
'or how a fucking rappin' hacker is your idea of Che Guevara'

Heh heh I laughed at this. :D
Whilst it didn't affect me personally, removing the 'install other OS' feature is a pretty big no no. (Sure was successful in stopping dem hackers too. Next Ubi DRM will come to consoles :D) I wouldn't say I was supporting him but I do quite like anybody who stands at a more powerful organisation (not necessarily corporation) saying 'Come at me bro' XD

"Because it was pretty" is funny too.

All of the people threatening to kill him because 'OMG He's totally lying, does he think he won't be caught out, ignorance is not an excuse etc.' need to calm down a little.

He's trolling them, "Because it was pretty" is him admitting that. He's doing it because he can and there is nothing (easily forseeable) that SCEA can do about it.

He's not the first person to use this kind of tactic and he won't be the last. It works.

And court cases last a long time, and we aren't even at the actual case yet, I can see why the frequency of the updates is annoying for people but this story isn't going to be wrapped up for quite a while I'm afraid. Unless SCEA give in to his trolling that is.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Lono Shrugged said:
So anyone who claims this case is about this guy proving that someone can do what he wants with his own property can shut up. All he is doing now is making sure he doesn't get sued by Sony claiming that he broke no law he was aware of. He has lost any reason anyone has had to back him.

Anyone still supporting this guy is an idiot
It's not about being ignorant of the law, it's about not letting Sony try him in California. Law isn't about 'good' and 'bad' any more, 'justice' isn't always the goal. This whole case is more of a punitive launched by Sony as a guy whose quest to restore functionality to his consoles also happened to open the machine up to piracy. Sony's just out to make an example of him. They've already had a stab at a smear campaign, suggesting that he'd tampered with evidence and fled with the donated money - all a load of bullshit fed to the unsuspecting press. As far as I can see, Hotz has thus far been pretty straight forward about stuff, with Sony being the legalese assholes - anyone unconditionally supporting Sony here must be an idiot ;)

For reasons unbeknownst to me, Sony really wants to try him in California - guess there's local laws that would fuck up Hotz' day, cos he doesn't want to be tried there - that's what this is about. Fair enough. It is, after all, a Japanese company and a Japanese product; that's who he signed agreements with, so maybe the Japanese would like to represent themselves...?

You need to read up a bit and use that grey matter between your ears to think about the wider implications of this case as well.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Wicky_42 said:
a guy whose quest to restore functionality to his consoles also happened to open the machine up to piracy.
That is a damned lie, allowing the signing of homebrew software doesn't open up anything to piracy. Piracy was already possible, this doesn't make it any easier.