Man, what does he want? He bitches about popular films, which he hates, but then he bitches about art house films, because they don't reach enough people. He talks about how he can't escape Star Wars, and then he talks about how it was taken away from him. He talks about how he wanted to make art house films for himself, but he's made one art house movie ever, and that's THX 1138, his first film. No one stopped Steven Spielberg from making both artistic and pop films, and no one stopped Francis Ford Coppola. He acts like Star Wars was an albatross around his neck, but in reality it gave him the freedom to make any film he wanted. And what did he make? Indiana Jones, Howard the Duck, the Prequel trilogy... all pulpy sci-fi films based on comic books and adventure serials. Some were good, and some were bad, but all of them were the product of Lucas's mind. He's been talking for decades about the stack of art films he wants to make, the real movies he wants to make, but he's never even tried to make any of them. I think he's scared to make his "serious" films because he knows, if he tries his best and fails, that people will realize he's full of shit. It's easier to write off Star Wars and Indiana Jones as fun movies where he wasn't really trying. Lucas is so full of contradictions that nothing makes sense any more. He's a failure in everything but finance, and now he's bitter.
Well, fuck 'em.