George W. Bush's Severed Head Gets Game of Thrones Cameo

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
You can hardly tell it's him in that screencap.

Other than that, I'm failing to see exactly how this is an issue.


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
cthulhuspawn82 said:
I'm just pointing out how crazy things would get all over the country if it was a spare Obama head instead.
Yeah, considering america's stellar record with black folks, that's not a false equivalence at all!

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Personally, I think if they were trying to make a "statement" or something stupid they wouldn't have stuck that big wig on it and turned it so it wasn't facing the camera. Prop recycling happens ALL THE TIME. (Though I'd like to know who originally needed a head of George Bush.)

For anyone with a month or two to kill:
For anyone with less:


Clerical Error
Mar 29, 2009
Are the media required to be jerks about this kind of thing? Shouldn't everyone just go "Oh, well that's kinda funny and cool." How does having a mockup of your head partially visible and undistinguishable in a couple scenes of a hit TV show warrant an apology? W should be paying HBO for keeping his likeness in the news. That's free advertising--and that's something you just can't buy.

If it were my fake head on that pike I would tell everybody I know about it. Politically Correct sucks these days.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
And the moral of the story is: if you have to use an ex-president head as a prop in a ghoulish fashion, you Do Not Tell People!

In the meantime, I do believe I'll be getting a season 1 dvd set before it gets censored :)


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I would think Bush should be honored to have been made a member of the Stark household in Game of Thrones!

Seriously though some Americans (no one here obviously) take these things too seriously.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Thistlehart said:
"But that's like threatening to kill him or saying he should die! *whinge whinge whinge*"
--Talking heads
You know what're really good for shutting up talking heads?



New member
Nov 10, 2010
SonicWaffle said:
Thistlehart said:
"But that's like threatening to kill him or saying he should die! *whinge whinge whinge*"
--Talking heads
You know what're really good for shutting up talking heads?

BOOM... er... um... hmmm...

SPLAT! Headspike!


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Clankenbeard said:
If it were my fake head on that pike I would tell everybody I know about it. Politically Correct sucks these days.
I don't get why everyone is talking about this being "politcal correctness". It isn't. Even if the stated message had been "we definitely should cut off Bush's head", objecting to that wouldn't be political correctness, it would be sanity.

This has nothing to do with anyone being politcally correct and everything to do with media outlets manufacturing sensationalism to get views.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
ScruffyMcBalls said:
I see no issue, it's just a face. Though wouldn't it be cool if the creators did a competition of some kind where the reward would be to have your body parts replicated and used in the show? That'd be kickass, someone get on that.
Cool, sure, but if they're already pushing the budget to the point they have to recycle old props it's unlikely. It'd be better if you could win a contest to be some random dude who gets his head hacked off in battle, because hey, free extra!


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Oh for Pete's sake. Who cares?

Even if someone on the right really wants to get up in arms about this, they might consider the message that "one of theirs" would be decapitated by a spoiled, foolish, cowardly tyrant really sends.

Foolish of the creators to mention it, though- It really sounds like no one would have noticed otherwise.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I remember hearing that in the commentary.
Didn't know it was an issue. Those dvds came out months ago, why are people getting angry about it now?
Is HBO really going to edit out the head & reference from future production of Season 1 or just make sure his head doesn't pop up in other places?


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Thistlehart said:
SonicWaffle said:
Thistlehart said:
"But that's like threatening to kill him or saying he should die! *whinge whinge whinge*"
--Talking heads
You know what're really good for shutting up talking heads?

BOOM... er... um... hmmm...

SPLAT! Headspike!
"Off with his head!"



"To the spike with him!"


"Oh, come now, what's the hold-up? Stop fannying about and really ram the spike in!"


"Ew. You know, now that it's up there, it's actually way grosser than I thought it was going to be. In hindsight, this was a mistake. OK. Sorry, everyone, sorry! We're going to go back to the painting of the dogs playing poker. Less gore, and it never used to drip on the carpet. Oh, well, you live and learn I suppose. Except for that dude, because that ************ is dead as hell. What a waste. Someone send the widow a ham."

-- The sound of beheading and head-mounting, as performed by the London Symphony Orchestra


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Actually they say it's not a political statement, but I also want to know why this faux-head even exists and is in their prop warehouse. If it's just some off the cuff thing, why aren't there heads for numerous other presidents, and we didn't "accidently" wind up with a presidential rogues gallery on pikes.

That said, I think it's no big deal overall, I mean political humor is a long-standing tradition, and Bush is now an ex-president. I find the denials a little more disturbing than the act itself, leading me to believe it wasn't intended as a quick joke using a recent but former president (the last guy down) for some quick lulz if people were observant enough, and actually was more of a mean-spirited political statement.

That said, "Game Of Thrones" is a good show, there isn't a lot that can be done about it without wrecking the show because holding those ultimatly responsible for it seriousky accountable and firing them would wind up wrecking part of the team that made it so good to begin with, and it would suffer. At the most they need a leash keeping them away from political garbage.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
If the same thing happened, but it was Obama's head... holy hell the shitstorm would be unimaginable. Thats my problem with the whole thing. So, because its Bush's head, its kind of a jokey, funny thing. However, if it was the other way around, there would be hell to pay. That pretty much sums up how things are going here in the States, these days, and it pisses me off to no end.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
magicmonkeybars said:
Azuaron said:
Prince Regent said:
So why exactly did they have his decapitated head lying around?

Anyway in my opinion the only real mistake was not using the prop, but revealing that it was used. No one would be insulted if no one knew.
To be clear, they didn't have his decapitated head around, they had his prosthetic head around and turned it into a decapitated head. Special effects companies and television production companies have lots of random props for movies and shows going back years, including prosthetic heads that they can use interchangeably on prosthetic torsos. I would've been a little surprised if they didn't have a W head lying around somewhere, just like I'm sure they've got Clinton and Obama heads rolling around.

As far as the actual controversy... everyone needs to get over themselves.
But the question remains, why did they have a prosthetic head of the former president in the first place ?
What was it used for initially ?
When would you need something like that ?
Actually, it sounds like they rented a bunch of prosthetic parts in bulk, they didn't just have one hanging around (which is, honestly, a little disappointing). They apparently didn't even notice that that head was W.'s until someone pointed it out after the shot.

As for what it was used for initially, who knows? It could be anything from training special effects students to make molds without a model, to needing a photo of the President without actually having the President, to some guy was bored after hours, to it's not actually Bush it just looks like him.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I don't really see the problem it,s impossible to see the face and it,s a practical solution.