George W. Bush's Severed Head Gets Game of Thrones Cameo


New member
Mar 15, 2009
This isn't political correctness by the way people.

PC is avoiding using terms that might offend people. Believe it or not, it's a good thing. The only time its a bad thing is when people get all paranoid about what they can and can't say and then rush to ban every single reference that could ever possibly offend someone (without actually asking anyone whether it offends them, first.) And these people get laughed at. But then the media hears about it and suddenly the PC police are banning the word 'brainstorm.' OMG GUYS.


Stop dissing PC. Stupid people saying 'don't say hairy, say follically endowed' are stupid people. Ignore them. They will ruin everything.

mxfox408 said:
Gotta love how fucked up my generation has become, I personally find it unacceptable. People seem to think anything is okay nowadays. It's not about political correctness, its about what the hell we are becoming as a society. People nowadays dont give a shit about others and people around my age are starting to have this who cares attitude that is really causing society to take a shit over our own humanity. Yes he was not one of the best presidents, and even tho I strongly dislike our current president, I have enough respect and maturity than to stoop to the levels of say the people who allowed this crap to go on.
Baaaack in myyyy day these yound hooligans didn't ruin everything. Hnurrrrrgh. I sincerely hope you are being satirical.

If not:
What the hell is wrong with you? Lighten up. This wasn't a jab at the president. Nobody is suggesting we put his actual head on a spike.
People nowadays do give a shit about others. I care about my friends and my family and even strangers who look they're troubled. I would be horrified if I thought this was some kind of evil gesture. But it wasn't. So in short, people nowadays aren't becoming evil bastards who don't care about anyone. They do care about people. Just not idiots who try to drag the world into some depressing, fun-free abyss. Like you.

Also what do your feelings for the current president have to do with anything? Why include them at all? At least Obama is trying to pull the country out of the abyss of hysterical stupidity surrounding issues like the internet and sex education.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Mick Golden Blood said:
JUST because it's the fucking *FORMER* president's head.

Dammit, screw this country, im moving to britain, or australia.
NO! Don't go to Australia. Trust me, we still need to get our shit together about this sort of stuff too..

Captcha: time lord. Hmm, what could this Captcha possibly be trying to tell m- AH!

CITIZENS REJOICE! Your lord and Master stands on high...



New member
Jan 3, 2009
Hmm..but what if they thought of this 'ahead'. It would've been hilarious, best trolling EVER.

In other news: true, article mentions that some people aren't all that pleased with this. But then again, there's this other cohort of people who are VERY pleased with this I'd imagine XD


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
mxfox408 said:
Gotta love how fucked up my generation has become, I personally find it unacceptable. People seem to think anything is okay nowadays. It's not about political correctness, its about what the hell we are becoming as a society. People nowadays dont give a shit about others and people around my age are starting to have this who cares attitude that is really causing society to take a shit over our own humanity. Yes he was not one of the best presidents, and even tho I strongly dislike our current president, I have enough respect and maturity than to stoop to the levels of say the people who allowed this crap to go on.
Why do you hate the free market?


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Even as a Republican I find this to be somewhat amusing.

Though if it were former democrat president I am sure there would be a shit storm of epic proportions.

Oh well another reason for me to hate the Lannisters, lousy democrats.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
How in the hell did anyone even notice that? You only see the head from the side, and it's not even a good view of it. If HBO hadn't admitted that it was actually Bush's head, nobody would even know. This is just an example of people looking for something to complain about for no reason. Its pathetic.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
I find it funny. If it was a mistake (which it probably was like they say) then it's an interesting fact that people who watch the show can tell people about. I can see why they apologized (having a replica of a famous person's head on a spike doesn't make you look to good) BUT I wouldn't cut it out.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Amnestic said:
Riff Moonraker said:
If the same thing happened, but it was Obama's head... holy hell the shitstorm would be unimaginable. Thats my problem with the whole thing. So, because its Bush's head, its kind of a jokey, funny thing. However, if it was the other way around, there would be hell to pay. That pretty much sums up how things are going here in the States, these days, and it pisses me off to no end.
Yeah, remember that enormous shitstorm when Terry Jones (also known as 'Quran Burning Pastor') hung Obama in effigy?

Remember the shitstorm over that?

Remember how that was six days ago?

Probably not. I doubt 95% of people in this thread even heard of that. Shitstorm indeed.

...holy shit, that happened?

I mean, seriously? I honestly would have expected a bigger shit-storm over that, mostly because 1. Obama is a standing president who 2. Regularly Receives Death Threats . A dude mortared the White House. We are at a point where his life is slightly more at risk than Bush's ever was.


New member
Jan 11, 2012
Thistlehart said:
*gasps for breath laughing*

Oh my, that's fantastic! Intentional or not!

Too bad the producers are likely to get their goulies dragged over the coals for that one.
Ah Indeed it's pretty awesome.. I hope it was somehow intentional..


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Wait, people actually care about Bush's image? News to me. Anyway, I do find it somewhat annoying that some people react this way to this kind of stuff. I guess HBO is just sick of seeing Bush being made fun of. :/

Captcha: Nut case

I agree, captcha.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
mxfox408 said:
Gotta love how fucked up my generation has become, I personally find it unacceptable. People seem to think anything is okay nowadays. It's not about political correctness, its about what the hell we are becoming as a society. People nowadays dont give a shit about others and people around my age are starting to have this who cares attitude that is really causing society to take a shit over our own humanity. Yes he was not one of the best presidents, and even tho I strongly dislike our current president, I have enough respect and maturity than to stoop to the levels of say the people who allowed this crap to go on.
As long as the majority of gamers enjoy this kind of thing (and I'm one of them >:D), this is what we're going to see. Also, I'm assuming you're upset over seeing people's heads on spears at all rather than seeing Bush's head on spears.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
You know...those heads were put up their by Joffery, right? And Joffery is pretty terrible And hes right up there next to the heroic Ned Stark. Isn't Bushes head up there kind of a compliment to Bush? Anyone who Joffery hates can't be ALL bad, right?

(For what its worth, I loathe the Bush presidency. Just saying that from a certain angle, people complaining could see this as a compliment.)


New member
Nov 27, 2010
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, some politicians in the US are calling for a boycott of the show:

''It's despicable,'' said the chairman of the Brooklyn Republican Party, Craig Eaton. ''Americans of all political persuasions should stand up and demand that things like this should not continue. They should boycott watching this particular show.''
As if the audience of this show would boycott watching it because of George Bushes head haha.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
gmaverick019 said:
it made ZERO difference before then, fucking overly PC people...god dammit.

I would be thrilled/find it hilarious if my head randomly was found on a tv show for lulz (granted he was the president, so a bit different, but still)
well to be fair there is a law on the books that says you cant say or do anything violent about any liveing president.(in office or out) in truth i think Bush would have seen this and laughed his ass off.


New member
Jul 5, 2009

seriously, as someone pointed out on the facebook comments it was most likely just an apology to HBO because i doubt anyone would be able to function if something so small can make them complain.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
First thing I thought was a Troy McClure move "The President's Neck is Missing".

I say if Bill Shatner doesn't mind his inside-out face being the face of slasher killer Michael Myers than Bush and his people shouldn't care about a prop head. No-one would have even known that it was his head if they didn't watch the commentary anyway, all this is doing is drawing attention to it. Not to mention the feeling among many that heh, it's kind of cool that a prop severed head is a former President.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Seriously, who cares. You can't even see his face, the only reason we know is because we were told. How can it be a political statement if you can't even see it...

As far as I know the president is a first among equals, meaning his face isn't any more sacred then that of any other American. Respect for the office is one thing, this overblown reaction is quite another. And im sure the reaction is considerably more political than the actual use of the prop.


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
[small]1, 2, 3, 4! I declare a sarcasm war![/small]

Yeah, because Americans sure are racist. That's why we elected a black President. We're just trying to lull all the black people into a false sense of security.
Yeah, because electing a black dude who is then promptly demonized by half the country sure does absolve you for three hundred years - and counting - of racism!