Germany embassy in Sudan stormed

Dec 14, 2009
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.

Free Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
This is not a consequence. This is a violent mob response to an "offensive" video (from a group who get murderous if you even DRAW He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Insulted). This is an American making a (poorly-produced) protected statement, and being thrown to the wolves in order to appease those same wolves.
In essence, the US is saying "These people's request that you not insult Islam matters more to us than your freedom of speech or expression."
Put it this way.

I child is poking a sleeping bear with a stick.

Now that child has all the right in the world to poke that bear with said stick.

Just don't be surprised when the bear wakes up and mauls him.

Freedom of speech isn't some infallible defence to say what you want. I'm sick of people claiming that it is, and that any action taken against someone because of what they said is impeding their 'rights'.
Yeah I agree, but I'm really not sure what side you're on. Because the extremist Muslims have no right to attempt fucking murder because they're offended, offense shouldn't make crime bad. And no-one should have to apologize to the people attacking buildings and issuing bomb thread. The level-headed Muslims should apologize to Germany and the US for the utter bastards they have in their religion. Like you said, free speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. Religion shouldn't mean no consequences for terrorism, and damn apologies!

BTW, I'm really not talking about all muslims. I'm talking specifically about the ones who are doing this shit, the extremists. They're criminals and terrorists, they don't have the right to murder and terrorism because they were offended.
I'm certainly not defending the actions of the radicals :D

To refer back to my bear analogy...

If you know a particular group reacts violently to specific behaviour, then don't be surprised when they react violently when you commit that behaviour.
Who says we weren't surprised? And really, radicals, extremists and terrorists should not be able to control the way the world works. Saying "Oh he shouldn't of done it if he knew the consequences" is not an excuse, and is basically just giving into the radicals.
Obviously it mean we shouldn't sit back and let them perform their actions free of consequence, it works both ways.

Terribly enough, it won't be the people who committed this act that face the consequences.

It'll be the Muslim people who have to bear the brunt of it.
So in a way, the guy who made the film is getting what he is bullshit.

Freedom is great when you're not the person who has to die for it.
I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe we should be apologizing for this. Not to the radicals, they can go eat a dick, but to the non-extremists who are going to be affected by this.
I don't think apologising is needed.

The Muslim radicals in this case do not represent the greater Muslim population the same as the moron who made the video isn't representative of the American people.

It's just a shame that innocent people have to pay for it.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.

Free Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
This is not a consequence. This is a violent mob response to an "offensive" video (from a group who get murderous if you even DRAW He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Insulted). This is an American making a (poorly-produced) protected statement, and being thrown to the wolves in order to appease those same wolves.
In essence, the US is saying "These people's request that you not insult Islam matters more to us than your freedom of speech or expression."
Put it this way.

I child is poking a sleeping bear with a stick.

Now that child has all the right in the world to poke that bear with said stick.

Just don't be surprised when the bear wakes up and mauls him.

Freedom of speech isn't some infallible defence to say what you want. I'm sick of people claiming that it is, and that any action taken against someone because of what they said is impeding their 'rights'.
Yeah I agree, but I'm really not sure what side you're on. Because the extremist Muslims have no right to attempt fucking murder because they're offended, offense shouldn't make crime bad. And no-one should have to apologize to the people attacking buildings and issuing bomb thread. The level-headed Muslims should apologize to Germany and the US for the utter bastards they have in their religion. Like you said, free speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. Religion shouldn't mean no consequences for terrorism, and damn apologies!

BTW, I'm really not talking about all muslims. I'm talking specifically about the ones who are doing this shit, the extremists. They're criminals and terrorists, they don't have the right to murder and terrorism because they were offended.
I'm certainly not defending the actions of the radicals :D

To refer back to my bear analogy...

If you know a particular group reacts violently to specific behaviour, then don't be surprised when they react violently when you commit that behaviour.
Who says we weren't surprised? And really, radicals, extremists and terrorists should not be able to control the way the world works. Saying "Oh he shouldn't of done it if he knew the consequences" is not an excuse, and is basically just giving into the radicals.
Obviously it mean we shouldn't sit back and let them perform their actions free of consequence, it works both ways.

Terribly enough, it won't be the people who committed this act that face the consequences.

It'll be the Muslim people who have to bear the brunt of it.
So in a way, the guy who made the film is getting what he is bullshit.

Freedom is great when you're not the person who has to die for it.
I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe we should be apologizing for this. Not to the radicals, they can go eat a dick, but to the non-extremists who are going to be affected by this.
Why should WE be apologizing for this? We didn't do anything. The radicals should apologize to everyone who's life they've fucked up. And the maker of the film should apologize ONLY to the level-headed Muslims for the shit they're gonna get from people who'll blame all muslims for this shit. The radicals shouldn't have the pleasure of seeing people bow down to them and apologize, they don't deserve shit.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.

Free Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
This is not a consequence. This is a violent mob response to an "offensive" video (from a group who get murderous if you even DRAW He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Insulted). This is an American making a (poorly-produced) protected statement, and being thrown to the wolves in order to appease those same wolves.
In essence, the US is saying "These people's request that you not insult Islam matters more to us than your freedom of speech or expression."
Put it this way.

I child is poking a sleeping bear with a stick.

Now that child has all the right in the world to poke that bear with said stick.

Just don't be surprised when the bear wakes up and mauls him.

Freedom of speech isn't some infallible defence to say what you want. I'm sick of people claiming that it is, and that any action taken against someone because of what they said is impeding their 'rights'.
Yeah I agree, but I'm really not sure what side you're on. Because the extremist Muslims have no right to attempt fucking murder because they're offended, offense shouldn't make crime bad. And no-one should have to apologize to the people attacking buildings and issuing bomb thread. The level-headed Muslims should apologize to Germany and the US for the utter bastards they have in their religion. Like you said, free speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. Religion shouldn't mean no consequences for terrorism, and damn apologies!

BTW, I'm really not talking about all muslims. I'm talking specifically about the ones who are doing this shit, the extremists. They're criminals and terrorists, they don't have the right to murder and terrorism because they were offended.
I'm certainly not defending the actions of the radicals :D

To refer back to my bear analogy...

If you know a particular group reacts violently to specific behaviour, then don't be surprised when they react violently when you commit that behaviour.
Who says we weren't surprised? And really, radicals, extremists and terrorists should not be able to control the way the world works. Saying "Oh he shouldn't of done it if he knew the consequences" is not an excuse, and is basically just giving into the radicals.
Obviously it mean we shouldn't sit back and let them perform their actions free of consequence, it works both ways.

Terribly enough, it won't be the people who committed this act that face the consequences.

It'll be the Muslim people who have to bear the brunt of it.
So in a way, the guy who made the film is getting what he is bullshit.

Freedom is great when you're not the person who has to die for it.
I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe we should be apologizing for this. Not to the radicals, they can go eat a dick, but to the non-extremists who are going to be affected by this.
Why should WE be apologizing for this? We didn't do anything. The radicals should apologize to everyone who's life they've fucked up. And the maker of the film should apologize ONLY to the level-headed Muslims for the shit they're gonna get from people who'll blame all muslims for this shit. The radicals shouldn't have the pleasure of seeing people bow down to them and apologize, they don't deserve shit.
Daystar Clarion said:
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
erttheking said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ToastiestZombie said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.

Free Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
This is not a consequence. This is a violent mob response to an "offensive" video (from a group who get murderous if you even DRAW He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Insulted). This is an American making a (poorly-produced) protected statement, and being thrown to the wolves in order to appease those same wolves.
In essence, the US is saying "These people's request that you not insult Islam matters more to us than your freedom of speech or expression."
Put it this way.

I child is poking a sleeping bear with a stick.

Now that child has all the right in the world to poke that bear with said stick.

Just don't be surprised when the bear wakes up and mauls him.

Freedom of speech isn't some infallible defence to say what you want. I'm sick of people claiming that it is, and that any action taken against someone because of what they said is impeding their 'rights'.
Yeah I agree, but I'm really not sure what side you're on. Because the extremist Muslims have no right to attempt fucking murder because they're offended, offense shouldn't make crime bad. And no-one should have to apologize to the people attacking buildings and issuing bomb thread. The level-headed Muslims should apologize to Germany and the US for the utter bastards they have in their religion. Like you said, free speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. Religion shouldn't mean no consequences for terrorism, and damn apologies!

BTW, I'm really not talking about all muslims. I'm talking specifically about the ones who are doing this shit, the extremists. They're criminals and terrorists, they don't have the right to murder and terrorism because they were offended.
I'm certainly not defending the actions of the radicals :D

To refer back to my bear analogy...

If you know a particular group reacts violently to specific behaviour, then don't be surprised when they react violently when you commit that behaviour.
Who says we weren't surprised? And really, radicals, extremists and terrorists should not be able to control the way the world works. Saying "Oh he shouldn't of done it if he knew the consequences" is not an excuse, and is basically just giving into the radicals.
Obviously it mean we shouldn't sit back and let them perform their actions free of consequence, it works both ways.

Terribly enough, it won't be the people who committed this act that face the consequences.

It'll be the Muslim people who have to bear the brunt of it.
So in a way, the guy who made the film is getting what he is bullshit.

Freedom is great when you're not the person who has to die for it.
I'm starting to get the feeling that maybe we should be apologizing for this. Not to the radicals, they can go eat a dick, but to the non-extremists who are going to be affected by this.
I don't think apologising is needed.

The Muslim radicals in this case do not represent the greater Muslim population the same as the moron who made the video isn't representative of the American people.

It's just a shame that innocent people have to pay for it.
I guess you have a point, I just feel bad for all the people that are going to be hurt by this. I doubt that the guy who made an anti-Islamic movie is going to be apologizing for anything though. I guess I just don't like feeling helpless.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Andy Shandy said:
Anyway, all of this is rather excessive over a film is it not? Somebody needs to calm this whole situation down. Especially since it seems Germany didn't do a huge amount to be attacked.
Like the U.S. did anything to be attacked? The rioters are the ones who bear complete responsibility for this bullshit.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Fappy said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.
What do you think the US should be doing? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
Pull out embassies. Sever diplomatic ties. Cut off monetary aid. Respond! Do whatever the US gov't normally does in response to terrorist groups killing and capturing US citizens.
Just don't kowtow and apologize and blame the person at whom these violent mobs are angry.
What we normally do is response to terrorists killing American citizens?...uh...I think if Iraq proved anything it's that half of our country and most of Europe doesn't really appreciate what we normally do when terrorists kill our citizens. BTW, people are apologizing for this? Who? When? Can you send a link?
I didn't see it myself, but I have been told that President Obama and some others have formally apologized to the Muslim community for the video. My president represents me and everyone I know in this country. There is no reason to apologize, because we're not responsible for the video in the first place. Kind of insulting really.
Ok, I know Im going to regret posting this, but you have been fed a lot of misinformation. This is what happened.

At 10:30pm September 11th, there were riots at the US embassy at Egypt. The embassy made a message about how the video was to be condemned, that Islam should be respected, and that America was having a sacred day. They said this not to "apologize", but because there was an angry mob that was just waiting for a reason to attack the embassy. Romney heard the message, and assumed it was from Obama (who later denounced what the embassy said)and made a comment about it. Since he wanted to not post vitriol on Sept. 11th, he decided to wait till 12:01am. Only problem? That was when the Libyan embassy was stormed, and the Ambassador and 3 others were killed. Although details are still being done with, it is believed that the attack that killed the Ambassador and company was a pre-determined terrorist attack, which would occur during the mob riot.

The next day (around when I found out this all happened) Obama made a message essentially saying that the video was to be condemned, islam was to be respected, and that this violent response was not justified. He also called for the Libyan gov't to condemn the attacks (they did do that, and actually caught those who are believe to be the attackers). The rest of that day we learned more about what occurred. His body was then dragged out by Libyans, and sent to a hospital (turns out he may have been dead on scene).

The next day, Obama went out to say that Egypt wasn't an ally (nor an enemy), and also got ready to send warships and drones to search for who killed the Ambassador. Remember, killing an ambassador and attacking an Embassy is effectively an act of war. During this time, Libyans started protests that were pro-American and apologized for the attack. Stevens, the Ambassador, is one of the main reasons we even sent a no-fly zone over in Libya. He was at Benghazi when it was being sieged.

The only group who is apologizing is the Libyans. What Obama and several others are doing is the equivalent of talking down someone who has a gun pointed at you. You don't give them shit, even if you're right, because you might make the situation even more fucked up.

Here's a good link:

Captcha: geez louise. Yeah, I'm thinking that now that this shitstorm is still going on...

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Wayneguard said:
Andy Shandy said:
Anyway, all of this is rather excessive over a film is it not? Somebody needs to calm this whole situation down. Especially since it seems Germany didn't do a huge amount to be attacked.
Like the U.S. did anything to be attacked? The rioters are the ones who bear complete responsibility for this bullshit.
What I meant by that was that their basis for this attack seems to be about an anti-Islamic movie that was made. While I definitely don't condone what they've done and agree that U.S didn't do anything worthy of attack and the rioters bear complete responsibility, it was made in America, had American actors and all that, so then why go and attack the German embassy, who had nothing to do with the film whatsoever?


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
erttheking said:
Incidently, I wonder how that guy who made this movie feels knowing that he's caused so many deaths. Oh, and by the way I learned an interesting piece of trivia. Remember that guy who wanted to organize a massive burning of Quarns? It's the exact same guy...lovely.
The director of said film is in no way responsible for the violent mob rampages. No, the people responsible are the individuals who participate in violent mobs themselves. People aren't compelled to go and bomb Western embassies because someone criticised their religion. They chose to participate in such hateful, extremist violence and they alone are to blame. They could have chosen to react with tolerance towards free speech, but instead they went into a violent fit over it.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
worldruler8 said:
Fappy said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.
What do you think the US should be doing? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
Pull out embassies. Sever diplomatic ties. Cut off monetary aid. Respond! Do whatever the US gov't normally does in response to terrorist groups killing and capturing US citizens.
Just don't kowtow and apologize and blame the person at whom these violent mobs are angry.
What we normally do is response to terrorists killing American citizens?...uh...I think if Iraq proved anything it's that half of our country and most of Europe doesn't really appreciate what we normally do when terrorists kill our citizens. BTW, people are apologizing for this? Who? When? Can you send a link?
I didn't see it myself, but I have been told that President Obama and some others have formally apologized to the Muslim community for the video. My president represents me and everyone I know in this country. There is no reason to apologize, because we're not responsible for the video in the first place. Kind of insulting really.
Ok, I know Im going to regret posting this, but you have been fed a lot of misinformation. This is what happened.

At 10:30pm September 11th, there were riots at the US embassy at Egypt. The embassy made a message about how the video was to be condemned, that Islam should be respected, and that America was having a sacred day. They said this not to "apologize", but because there was an angry mob that was just waiting for a reason to attack the embassy. Romney heard the message, and assumed it was from Obama (who later denounced what the embassy said)and made a comment about it. Since he wanted to not post vitriol on Sept. 11th, he decided to wait till 12:01am. Only problem? That was when the Libyan embassy was stormed, and the Ambassador and 3 others were killed. Although details are still being done with, it is believed that the attack that killed the Ambassador and company was a pre-determined terrorist attack, which would occur during the mob riot.

The next day (around when I found out this all happened) Obama made a message essentially saying that the video was to be condemned, islam was to be respected, and that this violent response was not justified. He also called for the Libyan gov't to condemn the attacks (they did do that, and actually caught those who are believe to be the attackers). The rest of that day we learned more about what occurred. His body was then dragged out by Libyans, and sent to a hospital (turns out he may have been dead on scene).

The next day, Obama went out to say that Egypt wasn't an ally (nor an enemy), and also got ready to send warships and drones to search for who killed the Ambassador. Remember, killing an ambassador and attacking an Embassy is effectively an act of war. During this time, Libyans started protests that were pro-American and apologized for the attack. Stevens, the Ambassador, is one of the main reasons we even sent a no-fly zone over in Libya. He was at Benghazi when it was being sieged.

The only group who is apologizing is the Libyans. What Obama and several others are doing is the equivalent of talking down someone who has a gun pointed at you. You don't give them shit, even if you're right, because you might make the situation even more fucked up.

Here's a good link:

Captcha: geez louise. Yeah, I'm thinking that now that this shitstorm is still going on...
Really? Well good, no need for us to be bending over and kissing the feet of the people that killed US citizens.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
MammothBlade said:
erttheking said:
Incidently, I wonder how that guy who made this movie feels knowing that he's caused so many deaths. Oh, and by the way I learned an interesting piece of trivia. Remember that guy who wanted to organize a massive burning of Quarns? It's the exact same guy...lovely.
The man who made this film is in no way responsible for the violent mob rampages. No, the people responsible are the individuals who participate in violent mobs themselves. People aren't compelled to go and bomb Western embassies because someone criticised their religion. They chose to participate in such hateful, extremist violence and they alone are to blame. They could have chosen to react with tolerance towards free speech, but instead they went into a violent fit over it.
True, but I'm a little hesitant to write him off as completely innocent.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
erttheking said:
Yep, I hate shit like this too. It will never end until one of two things happen, one shitty and one likely impossible:

1)No films are allowed based on Muslims. Meaning the terrorists win, and free speech has taken a hit to the balls.
2)All radical Muslims either die down or simply stop being radical, the Muslims who protest learn to not get offended and stop causing shit because of it. Which will most likely never happen. Islam sadly has the largest amount of extremists in ANY religion, which just saddens me because normal Muslims are fine people.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
worldruler8 said:
I guess I'd have to see his apology for myself to decide whether or not I think it was appropriate. As I said, I was working with 2nd-hand information. I knew about the coincidences and bad-timing plaguing the whole affair. Frankly, I find it weird people thought the attack on the ambassador had anything to do with the film considering is was 9/11--when we expect this kind of thing to happen--and it was obviously something that had to be planned ahead of time.

The fact that terrorists attacked the embassy really mucks up the whole situation. This kind of stuff is so much simpler when it's a direct attack from one country to another.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
Yep, I hate shit like this too. It will never end until one of two things happen, one shitty and one likely impossible:

1)No films are allowed based on Muslims. Meaning the terrorists win, and free speech has taken a hit to the balls.
2)All radical Muslims either die down or simply stop being radical, the Muslims who protest learn to not get offended and stop causing shit because of it. Which will most likely never happen. Islam sadly has the largest amount of extremists in ANY religion, which just saddens me because normal Muslims are fine people.
Maybe a couple hundred years down the line they'll die out, you don't really hear about modern Christians starting crusades and inquisitions. At least I freaking hope so.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
erttheking said:
worldruler8 said:
Fappy said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.
What do you think the US should be doing? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
Pull out embassies. Sever diplomatic ties. Cut off monetary aid. Respond! Do whatever the US gov't normally does in response to terrorist groups killing and capturing US citizens.
Just don't kowtow and apologize and blame the person at whom these violent mobs are angry.
What we normally do is response to terrorists killing American citizens?...uh...I think if Iraq proved anything it's that half of our country and most of Europe doesn't really appreciate what we normally do when terrorists kill our citizens. BTW, people are apologizing for this? Who? When? Can you send a link?
I didn't see it myself, but I have been told that President Obama and some others have formally apologized to the Muslim community for the video. My president represents me and everyone I know in this country. There is no reason to apologize, because we're not responsible for the video in the first place. Kind of insulting really.
Ok, I know Im going to regret posting this, but you have been fed a lot of misinformation. This is what happened.

At 10:30pm September 11th, there were riots at the US embassy at Egypt. The embassy made a message about how the video was to be condemned, that Islam should be respected, and that America was having a sacred day. They said this not to "apologize", but because there was an angry mob that was just waiting for a reason to attack the embassy. Romney heard the message, and assumed it was from Obama (who later denounced what the embassy said)and made a comment about it. Since he wanted to not post vitriol on Sept. 11th, he decided to wait till 12:01am. Only problem? That was when the Libyan embassy was stormed, and the Ambassador and 3 others were killed. Although details are still being done with, it is believed that the attack that killed the Ambassador and company was a pre-determined terrorist attack, which would occur during the mob riot.

The next day (around when I found out this all happened) Obama made a message essentially saying that the video was to be condemned, islam was to be respected, and that this violent response was not justified. He also called for the Libyan gov't to condemn the attacks (they did do that, and actually caught those who are believe to be the attackers). The rest of that day we learned more about what occurred. His body was then dragged out by Libyans, and sent to a hospital (turns out he may have been dead on scene).

The next day, Obama went out to say that Egypt wasn't an ally (nor an enemy), and also got ready to send warships and drones to search for who killed the Ambassador. Remember, killing an ambassador and attacking an Embassy is effectively an act of war. During this time, Libyans started protests that were pro-American and apologized for the attack. Stevens, the Ambassador, is one of the main reasons we even sent a no-fly zone over in Libya. He was at Benghazi when it was being sieged.

The only group who is apologizing is the Libyans. What Obama and several others are doing is the equivalent of talking down someone who has a gun pointed at you. You don't give them shit, even if you're right, because you might make the situation even more fucked up.

Here's a good link:

Captcha: geez louise. Yeah, I'm thinking that now that this shitstorm is still going on...
Really? Well good, no need for us to be bending over and kissing the feet of the people that killed US citizens.
Watching a live newsfeed now, and it seems they already have some of the attackers in custody. Also, don't confuse someone trying to calm the flames with apologizing. I saw the lines/sound bites people say is "apologizing", and I didn't see it. I heard people trying to calm the protests, but condemning the attacks, even more than they condemned the movie.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
worldruler8 said:
erttheking said:
worldruler8 said:
Fappy said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.
What do you think the US should be doing? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
Pull out embassies. Sever diplomatic ties. Cut off monetary aid. Respond! Do whatever the US gov't normally does in response to terrorist groups killing and capturing US citizens.
Just don't kowtow and apologize and blame the person at whom these violent mobs are angry.
What we normally do is response to terrorists killing American citizens?...uh...I think if Iraq proved anything it's that half of our country and most of Europe doesn't really appreciate what we normally do when terrorists kill our citizens. BTW, people are apologizing for this? Who? When? Can you send a link?
I didn't see it myself, but I have been told that President Obama and some others have formally apologized to the Muslim community for the video. My president represents me and everyone I know in this country. There is no reason to apologize, because we're not responsible for the video in the first place. Kind of insulting really.
Ok, I know Im going to regret posting this, but you have been fed a lot of misinformation. This is what happened.

At 10:30pm September 11th, there were riots at the US embassy at Egypt. The embassy made a message about how the video was to be condemned, that Islam should be respected, and that America was having a sacred day. They said this not to "apologize", but because there was an angry mob that was just waiting for a reason to attack the embassy. Romney heard the message, and assumed it was from Obama (who later denounced what the embassy said)and made a comment about it. Since he wanted to not post vitriol on Sept. 11th, he decided to wait till 12:01am. Only problem? That was when the Libyan embassy was stormed, and the Ambassador and 3 others were killed. Although details are still being done with, it is believed that the attack that killed the Ambassador and company was a pre-determined terrorist attack, which would occur during the mob riot.

The next day (around when I found out this all happened) Obama made a message essentially saying that the video was to be condemned, islam was to be respected, and that this violent response was not justified. He also called for the Libyan gov't to condemn the attacks (they did do that, and actually caught those who are believe to be the attackers). The rest of that day we learned more about what occurred. His body was then dragged out by Libyans, and sent to a hospital (turns out he may have been dead on scene).

The next day, Obama went out to say that Egypt wasn't an ally (nor an enemy), and also got ready to send warships and drones to search for who killed the Ambassador. Remember, killing an ambassador and attacking an Embassy is effectively an act of war. During this time, Libyans started protests that were pro-American and apologized for the attack. Stevens, the Ambassador, is one of the main reasons we even sent a no-fly zone over in Libya. He was at Benghazi when it was being sieged.

The only group who is apologizing is the Libyans. What Obama and several others are doing is the equivalent of talking down someone who has a gun pointed at you. You don't give them shit, even if you're right, because you might make the situation even more fucked up.

Here's a good link:

Captcha: geez louise. Yeah, I'm thinking that now that this shitstorm is still going on...
Really? Well good, no need for us to be bending over and kissing the feet of the people that killed US citizens.
Watching a live newsfeed now, and it seems they already have some of the attackers in custody. Also, don't confuse someone trying to calm the flames with apologizing. I saw the lines/sound bites people say is "apologizing", and I didn't see it. I heard people trying to calm the protests, but condemning the attacks, even more than they condemned the movie.
I just heard about someone even talking about the attacks today, I guess the information is still a little jumbled.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
erttheking said:
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
Yep, I hate shit like this too. It will never end until one of two things happen, one shitty and one likely impossible:

1)No films are allowed based on Muslims. Meaning the terrorists win, and free speech has taken a hit to the balls.
2)All radical Muslims either die down or simply stop being radical, the Muslims who protest learn to not get offended and stop causing shit because of it. Which will most likely never happen. Islam sadly has the largest amount of extremists in ANY religion, which just saddens me because normal Muslims are fine people.
Maybe a couple hundred years down the line they'll die out, you don't really hear about modern Christians starting crusades and inquisitions. At least I freaking hope so.
But most likely in a few hundred years there will be some other radical group of religous folk causing tons of shit. Before it was radical Christians, now it's radical Muslims, and when that dies down something else'll take its place.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
Yep, I hate shit like this too. It will never end until one of two things happen, one shitty and one likely impossible:

1)No films are allowed based on Muslims. Meaning the terrorists win, and free speech has taken a hit to the balls.
2)All radical Muslims either die down or simply stop being radical, the Muslims who protest learn to not get offended and stop causing shit because of it. Which will most likely never happen. Islam sadly has the largest amount of extremists in ANY religion, which just saddens me because normal Muslims are fine people.
Maybe a couple hundred years down the line they'll die out, you don't really hear about modern Christians starting crusades and inquisitions. At least I freaking hope so.
But most likely in a few hundred years there will be some other radical group of religous folk causing tons of shit. Before it was radical Christians, now it's radical Muslims, and when that dies down something else'll take its place.
One thing I learned from history. Human beings do not lack for a reason to kill.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
Yep, I hate shit like this too. It will never end until one of two things happen, one shitty and one likely impossible:

1)No films are allowed based on Muslims. Meaning the terrorists win, and free speech has taken a hit to the balls.
2)All radical Muslims either die down or simply stop being radical, the Muslims who protest learn to not get offended and stop causing shit because of it. Which will most likely never happen. Islam sadly has the largest amount of extremists in ANY religion, which just saddens me because normal Muslims are fine people.
Maybe a couple hundred years down the line they'll die out, you don't really hear about modern Christians starting crusades and inquisitions. At least I freaking hope so.
But most likely in a few hundred years there will be some other radical group of religous folk causing tons of shit. Before it was radical Christians, now it's radical Muslims, and when that dies down something else'll take its place.
South Park claims it will be Radical Atheists :p


New member
Aug 3, 2010
erttheking said:
worldruler8 said:
erttheking said:
worldruler8 said:
Fappy said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.
What do you think the US should be doing? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
Pull out embassies. Sever diplomatic ties. Cut off monetary aid. Respond! Do whatever the US gov't normally does in response to terrorist groups killing and capturing US citizens.
Just don't kowtow and apologize and blame the person at whom these violent mobs are angry.
What we normally do is response to terrorists killing American citizens?...uh...I think if Iraq proved anything it's that half of our country and most of Europe doesn't really appreciate what we normally do when terrorists kill our citizens. BTW, people are apologizing for this? Who? When? Can you send a link?
I didn't see it myself, but I have been told that President Obama and some others have formally apologized to the Muslim community for the video. My president represents me and everyone I know in this country. There is no reason to apologize, because we're not responsible for the video in the first place. Kind of insulting really.
Ok, I know Im going to regret posting this, but you have been fed a lot of misinformation. This is what happened.

At 10:30pm September 11th, there were riots at the US embassy at Egypt. The embassy made a message about how the video was to be condemned, that Islam should be respected, and that America was having a sacred day. They said this not to "apologize", but because there was an angry mob that was just waiting for a reason to attack the embassy. Romney heard the message, and assumed it was from Obama (who later denounced what the embassy said)and made a comment about it. Since he wanted to not post vitriol on Sept. 11th, he decided to wait till 12:01am. Only problem? That was when the Libyan embassy was stormed, and the Ambassador and 3 others were killed. Although details are still being done with, it is believed that the attack that killed the Ambassador and company was a pre-determined terrorist attack, which would occur during the mob riot.

The next day (around when I found out this all happened) Obama made a message essentially saying that the video was to be condemned, islam was to be respected, and that this violent response was not justified. He also called for the Libyan gov't to condemn the attacks (they did do that, and actually caught those who are believe to be the attackers). The rest of that day we learned more about what occurred. His body was then dragged out by Libyans, and sent to a hospital (turns out he may have been dead on scene).

The next day, Obama went out to say that Egypt wasn't an ally (nor an enemy), and also got ready to send warships and drones to search for who killed the Ambassador. Remember, killing an ambassador and attacking an Embassy is effectively an act of war. During this time, Libyans started protests that were pro-American and apologized for the attack. Stevens, the Ambassador, is one of the main reasons we even sent a no-fly zone over in Libya. He was at Benghazi when it was being sieged.

The only group who is apologizing is the Libyans. What Obama and several others are doing is the equivalent of talking down someone who has a gun pointed at you. You don't give them shit, even if you're right, because you might make the situation even more fucked up.

Here's a good link:

Captcha: geez louise. Yeah, I'm thinking that now that this shitstorm is still going on...
Really? Well good, no need for us to be bending over and kissing the feet of the people that killed US citizens.
Watching a live newsfeed now, and it seems they already have some of the attackers in custody. Also, don't confuse someone trying to calm the flames with apologizing. I saw the lines/sound bites people say is "apologizing", and I didn't see it. I heard people trying to calm the protests, but condemning the attacks, even more than they condemned the movie.
I just heard about someone even talking about the attacks today, I guess the information is still a little jumbled.
It's still jumbled, but it's a lot better than it was three days ago. I'd recommend looking more into it. This is much more complex than "them damn terrorists". Libyans shouldn't be represented by the few, much like America shouldn't be represented by the film. For thoe of you wondering why there has been such a response with the video, think how someone would respond to you saying Jesus was a womenizer back in the Middle Ages. The Middle East is just culturally primal. Don't look at it with our eyes, and don't think I'm saying this response is justified. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
Yep, I hate shit like this too. It will never end until one of two things happen, one shitty and one likely impossible:

1)No films are allowed based on Muslims. Meaning the terrorists win, and free speech has taken a hit to the balls.
2)All radical Muslims either die down or simply stop being radical, the Muslims who protest learn to not get offended and stop causing shit because of it. Which will most likely never happen. Islam sadly has the largest amount of extremists in ANY religion, which just saddens me because normal Muslims are fine people.
Maybe a couple hundred years down the line they'll die out, you don't really hear about modern Christians starting crusades and inquisitions. At least I freaking hope so.
But most likely in a few hundred years there will be some other radical group of religous folk causing tons of shit. Before it was radical Christians, now it's radical Muslims, and when that dies down something else'll take its place.
Well at least if it's radical Buddhists, not much harm is likely to come to people.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Fappy said:
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
ToastiestZombie said:
erttheking said:
Yep, I hate shit like this too. It will never end until one of two things happen, one shitty and one likely impossible:

1)No films are allowed based on Muslims. Meaning the terrorists win, and free speech has taken a hit to the balls.
2)All radical Muslims either die down or simply stop being radical, the Muslims who protest learn to not get offended and stop causing shit because of it. Which will most likely never happen. Islam sadly has the largest amount of extremists in ANY religion, which just saddens me because normal Muslims are fine people.
Maybe a couple hundred years down the line they'll die out, you don't really hear about modern Christians starting crusades and inquisitions. At least I freaking hope so.
But most likely in a few hundred years there will be some other radical group of religous folk causing tons of shit. Before it was radical Christians, now it's radical Muslims, and when that dies down something else'll take its place.
South Park claims it will be Radical Atheists :p
Yep, that's another point. If tomorrow all religions on the earth suddenly ceased to exist we would STILL find something to kill over. That's just human nature, that there always has to be some war or problem that people are willing to lose their life for.