Germany embassy in Sudan stormed


New member
Jun 14, 2010
I'd say this entire situation is being manipulated by higher-ups in the countries where embassies have been attacked. A random mob of violent citizens would simply not be allowed to storm an embassy. The local police would take them down without too much difficulty (these are states where the term 'police brutality' takes a whole new meaning) and a disorganised mob would not be capable of storming a fortified embassy. Yes, there are uncoordinated violent mobs but they are merely a smoke-screen for actually organised rebel groups/extremists that do the actual embassy storming and official killing. This entire thing reeks of set-up for me. The film has unknown origins, has already existed for several months and is blatantly fake. Plus these uprisings are waay to well co-ordinated to be 'spontaneous'.

In short: mobs of fools being played by smaller jihadist groups attempting to assert their power over/get revenge on the 'Westerners'. The vast majority of the citizenry are not involved in these attacks.


Renegade Interrupt
May 5, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
tangoprime said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.

Free Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
This is not a consequence. This is a violent mob response to an "offensive" video (from a group who get murderous if you even DRAW He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Insulted). This is an American making a (poorly-produced) protected statement, and being thrown to the wolves in order to appease those same wolves.
In essence, the US is saying "These people's request that you not insult Islam matters more to us than your freedom of speech or expression."
Put it this way.

I child is poking a sleeping bear with a stick.

Now that child has all the right in the world to poke that bear with said stick.

Just don't be surprised when the bear wakes up and mauls him.

Freedom of speech isn't some infallible defence to say what you want. I'm sick of people claiming that it is, and that any action taken against someone because of what they said is impeding their 'rights'.
So what you're saying is that these people performing these actions on behalf of their particular fairy tale character are comparible to undomesticated animals who attack what they don't understand? On this, we agree.
That's not what I'm saying at all.

Nice attempt at putting words in my mouth though.
I apologize for attempting to put words in your mouth, as true as they are. These people are acting like undomesticated animals. Show me another culture in the modern world that reacts this violently to someone saying something on the other side of the world that hurts their feelings. Show me another religion that, at this time in history, flips shit and thinks murder, pain, and destruction is a valid response to someone SAYING something with which they don't agree.

All they're doing is proving that there's no place in the international community for a culture who haven't yet discovered that words aren't worth taking life over. The only correct reponse here is to cut off all ties, get our people out of the region, get our money out of the region, and let them live in their dirt to kill each other once they don't have us as an outlet for their aggression.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Guys, can we just come up with better reasons to kill people already? Maybe something like "He looked at me funny." Or "He made a pass at my sister!"

This is just lame.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Religion, one of the most ridiculous institutions humainty has ever invented. I'd laugh over the whole thing if it wasn't tragic on so many levels.

I'd never let myself be associated with an institution so anti-woman and that is associated with the leading cause of human death. With current events unfolding as they are, this milestone, made collectively by all religions, will only be made more unreachable by any other method humans could hope to think of.

captcha: fruit salad

You damn right it is, Captcha.


New member
May 20, 2009
And this is why you don't insult major religious figures. Without wishing to offend anyone, I'd be surprised if a huge backlash (obviously not violent) didn't occur if someone had made a video of Jesus punching donkeys and raping women or whatever they depicted in the video.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
tangoprime said:
Daystar Clarion said:
tangoprime said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.

Free Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
This is not a consequence. This is a violent mob response to an "offensive" video (from a group who get murderous if you even DRAW He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Insulted). This is an American making a (poorly-produced) protected statement, and being thrown to the wolves in order to appease those same wolves.
In essence, the US is saying "These people's request that you not insult Islam matters more to us than your freedom of speech or expression."
Put it this way.

I child is poking a sleeping bear with a stick.

Now that child has all the right in the world to poke that bear with said stick.

Just don't be surprised when the bear wakes up and mauls him.

Freedom of speech isn't some infallible defence to say what you want. I'm sick of people claiming that it is, and that any action taken against someone because of what they said is impeding their 'rights'.
So what you're saying is that these people performing these actions on behalf of their particular fairy tale character are comparible to undomesticated animals who attack what they don't understand? On this, we agree.
That's not what I'm saying at all.

Nice attempt at putting words in my mouth though.
I apologize for attempting to put words in your mouth, as true as they are. These people are acting like undomesticated animals. Show me another culture in the modern world that reacts this violently to someone saying something on the other side of the world that hurts their feelings. Show me another religion that, at this time in history, flips shit and thinks murder, pain, and destruction is a valid response to someone SAYING something with which they don't agree.

All they're doing is proving that there's no place in the international community for a culture who haven't yet discovered that words aren't worth taking life over. The only correct reponse here is to cut off all ties, get our people out of the region, get our money out of the region, and let them live in their dirt to kill each other once they don't have us as an outlet for their aggression.
I think its less the religion and more the people who are in power using it as a cover to manipulate their people I think you could compare it to back to when in the middle ages the bible wasn't available to non-priests and they told people how to interpret it.With the Third Crusade it was a war fought primarily over religion and while maybe some of the educated individuals knew something was to gain most of the people that joined up and fought believed they fought for god.
Also I wish we could do that but you know the whole oil thing and we don't want them attacking our BFF Israel.


New member
Jun 10, 2011
I for one am surprised that it has not been more bloody.

I lived in Saudi Arabia for 11 years and came across two different sorts of muslim:

Ones that viewed westerners as ignorant idiots about their religon and culture but forgave them and made efforts to be friendly and teach them about their world view


Ones that viewed westerners as ignorant idiots about their religon and culture, get very angry about it and a pecentage of these will cause alot of trouble for everyone...

It does not help that the muslim religon has so many branches/sects, who all seem to hate each other.

Radicals always react to this sort of thing, the main problem is that the internet and moblie phones make it very easy and quick to spread the hatered.


Renegade Interrupt
May 5, 2011
Elmoth said:
Fappy said:
It's disgusting how easily a peaceful religion can get twisted and corrupted like this. Hopefully cooler-heads prevail and they can calm the radicals down.
Personally I'm not so sure it's a peaceful religion.

The name of this video might seem hateful on islam, but it's a very reasonable presentation.
Thank you for sharing this video. More people need to hear this.
It's a shame so many of those he's talking about in this video would rather murder him than allow people to hear his words.


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
Lyri said:
MammothBlade said:
The director of said film is in no way responsible for the violent mob rampages. No, the people responsible are the individuals who participate in violent mobs themselves. People aren't compelled to go and bomb Western embassies because someone criticised their religion. They chose to participate in such hateful, extremist violence and they alone are to blame. They could have chosen to react with tolerance towards free speech, but instead they went into a violent fit over it.
With one hand you protect and the other hand you condemn.

You can't seriously say that the director is blameless in this situation at all, exacerbating anti-western sentiment by creating an anti-islam film is the root of this situation in which innocent people lost their lives.
Regardless if they are people of the USA or other countries, people died.

It truly is shocking how blind you can be because one person is "exercising his freedom of speech".
Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing but hate speech isn't covered under it, quit wrapping him up in the stars and stripes.
Of course I do. The violent mob are primarily at fault, and I strongly side with the ideals of free speech and secularism over theocratic censorship and religious violence.

Define "hate speech". It is likely not what you think it is. And also, I, like you am a Brit, so I wouldn't exactly be wrapping them in stars and stripes. This goes beyond nationalism.

Roggen Bread

New member
Nov 3, 2010
Fappy said:
Andy Shandy said:

Anyway, all of this is rather excessive over a film is it not? Somebody needs to calm this whole situation down. Especially since it seems Germany didn't do a huge amount to be attacked.

I do love some of the comments as well.
I just feel horrible for the innocent Muslims over there. Their entire religion and population is demonized due to the actions of some radicals. Do these radicals even understand that they are only making us hate their people more? It baffles me.

You have to give some credit to the good-aligned clerics over there though. They risk their lives trying to diffuse these situations everyday and end up dead a lot of the time :(

For what it's worth. I hate those beasts, for they are nothing more and nothing less.
Okay, maybe they are less. Beasts don't attack without reason. They are just scum.

And those good-algned clerics...
well, you are right. But they are good aligned clerics. The REAL martyrs. It's just what they do :D

In my opinion the muslim community is at a level with christianity around the time of the 14th century. Give them 300-400 years and they MIGHT grow the fuck up.

Funny how it has changed. Back then the christians where the savages and the muslims were the peaceful, wise and well educated people. It has changed indeed (please note: America is OUT of this equation).

My mother is a midwife and told me about pregnant women who don't eat or drink during the ramadan (ya know, people don't eat or drink when the sun's up) because the stupid uneducated elder people say, it was written that they were not allowed to and pressure them not to eat or drink.

Truth: The koran does not only allow pregnant women to drink or eat, it says they SHOULD.

This is kinda (not this particular example) the same thing happening in christianty 800 years ago.


New member
Aug 3, 2012
Looks like America just found their next war. It's funny because people were advocating the downsizing of the military. Doesn't really seem like a good idea, does it?


New member
Jun 18, 2011
Woah, hey, Sudan, didn't you guys get the memo that said we should play nice around Germany now?



New member
Sep 14, 2012
The problem is that, some people seem to hold the belief, that freedom of speech is the same as freedom from accountability.

It shouldn't be the case. The director of the film should be punished, for effectively causing the death of the American embassy workers.

It's also possible/probable that anti-American groups eg. al Qaeda are just using it as an excuse to go on a rampage, using 'religious truth' to incite moderate Muslims into an angry mob.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
erttheking said:
omicron1 said:
What bothers me is the US government's noncommittal response. By not defending our citizens actions (no matter if we personally agree or not), we are abandoning the freedoms laid forth in our constitution. If citizens of another nation can silence American citizens by protest, violence, and murder, then all that America stands for is truly dead.
What do you think the US should be doing? I'm not trying to be insulting, I'm genuinely curious.
I think what he is talking about is the apologies being issued for the video from our government, instead of standing up for the freedom of speech. These idiots over there are getting all bent out of shape because, awwww, they have had a slight against their religion. Christianity gets run through the mud every day, in fact often in these forums, and you dont see us Christians out there going berserk and killing people over it.

Besides, open your eyes, they are just using the video as an excuse. This was planned, and would have happened anyway.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
MammothBlade said:
Of course I do. The violent mob are primarily at fault, and I strongly side with the ideals of free speech and secularism over theocratic censorship and religious violence.

Define "hate speech". It is likely not what you think it is. And also, I, like you am a Brit, so I wouldn't exactly be wrapping them in stars and stripes. This goes beyond nationalism.
Then I will apologise for mistaken identity of nationality.

Yes the mob are responsible but you're shielding the spark that ignited the flames.
This is cause and effect and you can't overlook one to condemn the other, an anti-islamic film like the one created by the director is most definitely hate speech.
Dec 14, 2009
JeffBergGold said:
Looks like America just found their next war. It's funny because people were advocating the downsizing of the military. Doesn't really seem like a good idea, does it?
I doubt a war would break out over this.

Well, it shouldn't if people are sensible about it.




New member
Aug 3, 2012
Captainanorach said:
The problem is that, some people seem to hold the belief, that freedom of speech is the same as freedom from accountability.

It shouldn't be the case. The director of the film should be punished, for effectively causing the death of the American embassy workers.

It's also possible/probable that anti-American groups eg. al Qaeda are just using it as an excuse to go on a rampage, using 'religious truth' to incite moderate Muslims into an angry mob.
Completely agree, if a person says or creates something they know will cause outrage they're perfectly entitled to. They are also entitled to the consequences of whatever their creation brings.

Not only has this idiots desire to exercise his "free speech" resulted in the deaths of American Embassy workers it has caused millions of dollars in destruction and resulted in political instability that might require military action.

All because this guy felt entitled to make a movie bashing muslims.

I say send him over on a platter to quash all this madness, no point in sacrificing thousands of peoples lives just because of this idiot.

Daystar Clarion said:
JeffBergGold said:
Looks like America just found their next war. It's funny because people were advocating the downsizing of the military. Doesn't really seem like a good idea, does it?
I doubt a war would break out over this.

Well, it shouldn't if people are sensible about it.


You know the drill by now!


Oct 5, 2011
United States
CrazyCapnMorgan said:
Religion, one of the most ridiculous institutions humainty has ever invented. I'd laugh over the whole thing if it wasn't tragic on so many levels.

I'd never let myself be associated with an institution so anti-woman and that is associated with the leading cause of human death. With current events unfolding as they are, this milestone, made collectively by all religions, will only be made more unreachable by any other method humans could hope to think of.

captcha: fruit salad

You damn right it is, Captcha.
This isn't R&P, can we please leave out general religion bashing?

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
JeffBergGold said:
Looks like America just found their next war. It's funny because people were advocating the downsizing of the military. Doesn't really seem like a good idea, does it?
first of all, America can roll these guys over wether they downsize their army or not.

secondly, even if they did they wouldn't gain anything from it, the country has no tactical importance or resource value, and an attack would only provoke the already aggravated anti-western sentiment present in that country, not to mention any country quite like it.

I think the US can do without another war.