Sergeant M. Fudgey said:
LoopyDood said:
Things like paintball and video games are outlets for violent people. Taking away these from them could be a MISTAKE.
I agree, mostly. But for some people it might be better, a lot of people who want to kill someone could learn how in paintball. They would learn how to use a gun, I mean.
This is completely false. Try firing a paintball gun, then firing a rifle. It's very different in terms of how you aim while correcting for drop, etc. If you mean learning to use a gun as in learning to pull the trigger, a person could learn that from just looking at a gun. Paintball doesn't teach anyone anything about firing guns that they don't already know. In fact, many people who do a lot of paintball are miserable at firing real guns because they try to apply paintballing technique.
So Germany, how about banning, you know
guns instead? I'm not a fan of banning anything, but if you've got to ban something, ban the thing that was actually used to kill. Better yet, improve psychiatric care in Germany, since the real culprit is insanity.