"Get back to your own countries!" Says illiterate woman on tram O_o


New member
Jan 25, 2010
The subject matter of her rant needn't directly come in to the equation of why this woman should be arrested and punished. She is disturbing the peace and causing passengers to fear for their safety on a public transport. She is also deliberately angering strangers of unknown temperament, creating a potentially dangerous situation for her child, herself, and other passengers.
This woman is clearly mentally ill and/or intoxicated: I'm not familiar with the laws for such things in the UK, but this could make solid grounds for deeming her unfit to raise a child. And look how calm the kid is! Is he USED to this? I think further investigation is warranted.

I'm just glad I live in Texas, where this sort of thing doesnHAHAHAH *sob sob sob*


New member
May 27, 2010
Random berk said:
How do we know she can't read? Are we just making an educated guess?
I wonder what motivated her to start orating like an small minded, uncharismatic Hitler.
Illiterate means more than just 'can't read'. (Similar to how 'Molest' means more than just sexual abuse. Actually, sexual abuse is a secondary definition of molest.)

It can also just mean someone who is uneducated/ignorant.


Jan 5, 2010
NuclearShadow said:
I want to make it clear that I in no way support or agree with what she has to say. However, I do believe she has every right to say what she did. People also have every right to judge her based on her words or actions. For the law to get involved is just absurd.

As long as someone is in their own property or in a public place (which I assume the bus she was on was indeed publicly owned and a public service) I believe they should be welcome to voice their opinions even if I disagree with what they have to say. To arrest someone for voicing a opinion no matter how much is differs is wrong in any case and will only fuel their hatred.
See this, I really wish that the world would think this way more often. I agree with it fully.

Its just sad but.. welcome to police state UK. Don't say anything out of line or you'll be seeing bars.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Did he just say "Muslamic ray guns"?

That's either the most stupid racial slur or the most awesome band name I've ever heard.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
scw55 said:
Arkaniack said:
"A load of f'in' Polish"? ahahaha... me not like them too (political reasons, screwed and still tries to screw Lithuania). Sadly I am thinking of immigrating to Great Britain...
Wales is considerably less racist than England. We're too busy hating the English due to the hundreds of years of suppression of our language and culture in our own country! I think the same would be of any Celtic British nation.
I'm sure someone, somewhere, is playing the smallest violin for you.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
mega48man said:
ugh....really? i thought the common british person didn't give a shit about trivial stuff like race, gender, and nationality, especially a young(ish) woman. was she drunk? i didn't see anything like that in the reports, but in america, people go on tangents like that in public when they're drunk (and i have mel gibson to use as prime evidence).

and i just LOVE how useful youtube and the internet has become. first we were using it to catch abusive cops from occupy demonstrations, and now we're catching idiots who make fools out of themselves! (well we've caught bill o'riley time and time again, but we haven't arrested/killed that idiot yet)
From what I can gather, my generation is split into two groups.

The people who see the world around them, the culture, the issues, and form an opinion based on fairness and objectivity.

And then there's people like the woman in the video.

People who inherited their ignorant, racist and bigotted opinions from their equally ignorant, racist and bigotted parents, who have never formed their own opinion and can barely construct a sentence without sounding like they've only just learned the damn language.

These kind of people.
LOL this guy is hilarious!!! now i don't feel so bad every time someone says america is dumbass of the world. but then again there's still westboro baptist church, or just kansas for that matter.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Raddra said:
NuclearShadow said:
I want to make it clear that I in no way support or agree with what she has to say. However, I do believe she has every right to say what she did. People also have every right to judge her based on her words or actions. For the law to get involved is just absurd.

As long as someone is in their own property or in a public place (which I assume the bus she was on was indeed publicly owned and a public service) I believe they should be welcome to voice their opinions even if I disagree with what they have to say. To arrest someone for voicing a opinion no matter how much is differs is wrong in any case and will only fuel their hatred.
See this, I really wish that the world would think this way more often. I agree with it fully.

Its just sad but.. welcome to police state UK. Don't say anything out of line or you'll be seeing bars.
I agree.

few things:

1. How do we know she is illiterate. It is assumed this is the case beacuse of her opinions. This is not very inkeeping with our democratic society and should in all honestly be challenged. This woman's opinion does not affect her right to hold aforementioned opinion.

2. Who was recording this and why. Should that not be investigated beacuse last time I checked recording someone against their will is illegal.

3. Posts about the edl and how they lack inteligant arn't particularly nice. They have opinions and concerns which in my opinion should be addressed rather than dismissed. Intelegance is not and should never be the yard stick with which validity of opionion is measured.

4. We do the jobs beacuse british people won't work? Isn't that a little racist?

5. Honestly in society I would like nobody to be demonised like this woman has been. I say demonised beacuse that's what has happened to her. It's easy to form a group and condem someone, thats not new. It has been happening to countless groups throughout history, simply beacuse our society deems that this group of people who hold opinions conterary to those held by the majority is acceptable. Why don't instead of persecuting another group beacuse the others have fallen out of fashion, we instead look towards addressing the fears these people have, helping us all to move onto a better society


New member
Jun 20, 2011
It's come to a point that as a Brit i'm no longer shocked by these moments. I would like to say people like her are a small sample but unfortunately they're not. The thing that i dislike most about the video is the child she has and that he'll be raised to think the same way with no justifiable reason.

FYI: The woman has been arrested, don't see the point as she won't learn her lesson or change because of it *pessimist moment


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Vanguard_Ex said:
Edit: And before they crawl out the woodwork, no, she is not protected by freedom of speech. She deserved to be arrested and the police have every justification to punish her.
And here we come.

She's massively fucking stupid, but that shouldn't be a crime. *I recognize that it is in that country*, but it shouldn't be. I'd rather have crazy assholes on my tram than a government that can arrest me for being a dick.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
oh jeez. at first i thought it would have been just a random blathering american purist lady but she turns out she's a crazy english snob. I feel so ahamed right now. (no offense to any americans....)


New member
Feb 22, 2009
The solution:burn down England !!!
Everybody wins !!
Hey! I live here dammit!

hazabaza1 said:
So how many times do you think she's been on the Jeremy Kyle show?
She's probably got a weekly pass and a membership card.

"Oh, Miss Racist! How nice to see you again! We have a camera set up on stage 4 for your racist ramblings today."

Supascoot said:
I love England...
so full of nice...oh
Tom Milner said:
i don't want to live on this planet anymore
Firstly, don't be a dick bro. Secondly, she is of a very tiny minority of assholes in England. We're actually generally nice, queue-loving people.

LilithSlave said:
I don't know whether Escapist is lagging again, whether there's several threads on this topic and I'm confusing them all together as the same, or whether I had an error in my last post and it'll never go through.

But I would like to ask again, just our of curiosity, since I don't know if I want to give such a video a view, ... how is this different from internet trolling and trolling in general? Is trolling a crime now?
I think it was because she seemed to be intentionally inciting violence. She was surrounded by black people and started shouting "FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY!" to incite some violence, which she nearly DID until that guy behind her was calmed down in a rather quiet manner.

-KC- said:
I feel sorry for the kid who's being raised by such a *****. I hope that she won't influence him at least.
The father is most likely not with them and, if my short time learning the rather pointless subject of sociology is anything to go by, means that the kid will solely rely on its mother for opinions, guidance ect...

So in other words, the kid is royally fucked.

Octogunspunk said:
this isnt my name said:
Tell me wherehe incited violence, I didnt read anything along the lines of "these people should be shot if they dont leave" she didnt say anything violent, she was hostile, but thats not inciting violene.
Exactly, but since the draconian Race Relations Act even those comments can be interpreted as inciting violence. It's warped beyond belief.
She stood up on a train full of black people and shouted "FUCK ALL THESE BLACK PEOPLE" for about six minutes. She wanted them to hear the bullshit she was saying to cause violence, and she very nearly did just that.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
ugh, unfortunately she isnt a rare and isolated case, sure most people dont go raving on a bus about it, but I know far too many people who share her opinions.

Also to the people claiming 'freedom of speech!', freedom of speech is not the freedom to verbally assault and insult random strangers on public transport. Not to mention the fact that the situation could very easily have been very dangerous (not that I care too much about her safety, but yknow there were children there)
The people on that train reacted in a very respectably calm manner considering the circumstances, you only have to look at the youtube comments to see how many people claim they would have just punched her in the face (or worse).


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Mar 19, 2008
MaxwellEdison said:
Vanguard_Ex said:
Edit: And before they crawl out the woodwork, no, she is not protected by freedom of speech. She deserved to be arrested and the police have every justification to punish her.
And here we come.

She's massively fucking stupid, but that shouldn't be a crime. *I recognize that it is in that country*, but it shouldn't be. I'd rather have crazy assholes on my tram than a government that can arrest me for being a dick.
Why shouldn't it be? Do you not have a right not to be attacked for your genetics just because some prick can't exercise self-restraint? You can't honestly say you'd ever verbally abuse someone for something like that in public, right?

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
Random berk said:
How do we know she can't read? Are we just making an educated guess?
I wonder what motivated her to start orating like an small minded, uncharismatic Hitler.
Illiterate means more than just 'can't read'. (Similar to how 'Molest' means more than just sexual abuse. Actually, sexual abuse is a secondary definition of molest.)

It can also just mean someone who is uneducated/ignorant.
Point taken. I'd never heard it used in that context before.

Vanguard_Ex said:
MaxwellEdison said:
Vanguard_Ex said:
Edit: And before they crawl out the woodwork, no, she is not protected by freedom of speech. She deserved to be arrested and the police have every justification to punish her.
And here we come.

She's massively fucking stupid, but that shouldn't be a crime. *I recognize that it is in that country*, but it shouldn't be. I'd rather have crazy assholes on my tram than a government that can arrest me for being a dick.
Why shouldn't it be? Do you not have a right not to be attacked for your genetics just because some prick can't exercise self-restraint? You can't honestly say you'd ever verbally abuse someone for something like that in public, right?
Actually, completely disregard what I said after quoting you. I realise on re-reading your post that I had completely missed your point.