Give Nintnendo a chance!

Matthew Jabour

New member
Jan 13, 2012
Atmos Duality said:
I've given Nintendo more chances than they deserve.
I am both wiser and more cynical as a result. (and a little less wealthy)

It's up to Nintendo to prove to me that they're worth a fuck; THEM, AND NOT YOU.
Whoa! Caps lock AND bold? You must be serious!


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Personally I do like Nintendo. However, they simply don't release enough games that I'm interested in and it's been that way for a long time. Practically my only interest out of any first party IPs they tend to put out is Legend of Zelda and Smash Brothers.

I have an interest in the Wii U but I'm going to wait until they have more than just three games that interest me. The last time I rushed into buying a Nintendo console it became my parents' DVD player because no one was playing games on it compared to our other consoles.


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Nintendo is high as kite. The have more iterations than Call of Duty. I own a WiiU with precisely zero games, and announcing more rehashes isn't going to win my money. Hell, Ubisoft alone announced more titles than Nintendo, and more interesting ones, too. Aside from X, Nintendo has done nothing to attract me.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Matthew Jabour said:
Whoa! Caps lock AND bold? You must be serious!
Caps and bold for words that actually says something; as opposed to that wonderful bit of nothing I'm quoting.
If you have a point to make: Sound off or step off.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Matthew Jabour said:
New Smash Bros. New Donkey Kong. New 3D Mario. Bayonetta. Wonderful 101. Wind Waker HD. What do these things have in common?
Lets see, guess I'll go in order to suss this one out.

  • [li]I can't wait to play it at my friend's house.[/li]
    [li]I'm not a big DK fan but I know my friend will probably be buying it.[/li]
    [li]Friend is probably going to buy this as well.[/li]
    [li]My friend brings up how he wishes it would come out already every time I ask if he ever got around to setting up the WiiU he got for Christmas.(he says no then laments about how there aren't any games to buy for it)[/li]
    [li]Never heard of it but I bet my friend has and will be buying it.[/li]
    [li]My friend won't be buying it because it's a pain in the ass to connect his consoles to the internet, and I think it looks better upscaled on my computer with Dolphin (don't get your panties in a knot, I ripped it from my own GC copy)[/li]

Hmm...I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say that these are all games that I won't own, but my friend will, and don't ever really plan to own because it seems silly to buy the console just for the first game; especially when it's still so expensive for the model that doesn't have crap for hard drive space. (and I may get to play it with my friends once or twice because it's a real pain in the ass to get us all under one roof.)

I also still have my rather extensive collection of games from the GC dating back to the NES that I can turn to if I have a fit of nostalgia; then there's emulators if those consoles, cartridges, or CDs ever fail. Plus there's my gameboy, gameboy color, gameboy advance, DS, DS Lite, and 3DS that I can turn to for the myriad of classic games and re-releases that have graced their screens.

Eureka, I've got it! These are all games that remind me why I'll never need to buy a WiiU, because I'm a twenty-two year old gamer who grew up on what's essentially the bulk of their library's history, and am thus a raging fanboy of the company, so I still have all that stuff hanging around and still perfectly functional! No matter what bullshit Nintendo pulls I can always fall back on their back-catalog of games and consoles that don't suck!


New member
Sep 26, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
How about you let Nintendo speak for itself?
Or at least learn how to spell Nintendo?
*Looks at badges* HA! I see what you did there. I don't know how I'm just now noticing that.


New member
May 10, 2008
Personally, nothing against Sony or Microsoft, I'm just getting sick and tired of the 3rd party AAA producers now. For all the flack Nintendo gets, EA, Ubisoft, Capcom, and Activision get half of that. Why? The best 3rd part games that came out for Sony and Microsoft had sleazy business practices, were buggy as hell at times, or questionable DLC. The way that people speak of the 3rd party developers and producers make it seem like they are loved. But over the years and just thinking about the coming generation, I just want nothing to do with them anymore. I hate stressing over whether or not I can play a game on my console of choice without feeling like I'm missing out on content. So I'll stick with the Wii-U this time since it's the only system I know won't **** me over as a customer.


New member
May 8, 2009
TomPreston said:
There's always an excuse to hate Nintendo it seems. No matter what they do right, it's never "enough" for people.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't need games to come out every week to keep me interested in my consoles. If I upgraded to a Wii-U now, I'd still have new Wii U games to play, Virtual Console titles, my inventory of WiiWare and VC titles from last generation, my entire library of Wii games (not all of which I've finished), and services like Netflix to keep me occupied until a new title that I want comes out.

Just the ability to play games away from the TV is enough for me to find entertainment out of playing the same games that I already own. I don't need a new Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc every month to keep me occupied. But the good news is those titles ARE already coming so... what's the complain about?

Has the internet just made everyone so bloody impatient that even the prospect of games being released in a few months enough for them to abandon a console who's life cycle is suppose to be 5-6 YEARS?
You make a great argument for me to pick up a Wii, from what you've said just about everything I would enjoy doing on a Wii-U is play old Wii games but now with the added benefit of a tiny SD TV stuck in the controller, woot.
I'm not abandoning the Wii-U, I never gave a shit about it in the first place, nothing about it interests me. You say no matter what Nintendo does right it's never enough, well yeah they released a last gen system with the same rehash of games and one or two new IPs, thats a pretty piss poor performance and obviously will get ignored by all but those already sold on the system before it came out.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Zenn3k said:
So selling AS many consoles as a 7 year old console that likely most of the people who purchased the WiiU already own is consider a WIN? Thats setting the bar REALLY low. Let's remove the rose glasses and be real, the WiiU is failing very hard right now.
You obviously misunderstood my point. Let me try and explain it again:

The total sales of the Wii U's first 7 months on the market are roughly the same as the totals sales of the 360's first 7 months on the market, and from what I understand, a good sight better than the PS3's total sales after 7 months on the market.

This is without the Wii U getting much in the way of first party games, which are Nintendo's main selling point. We can therefore assume that once Nintendo games are released, there will be a large increase in sales.

If the Wii U has had a bad launch, then so has every console of the last 8 years except the Wii. Sure the 360 and PS3 are outselling it now. The PS3 was getting outsold by the PS2 for the first year or two of its life. Old consoles have more games, cost less, and are therefore a better proposition for most people than new consoles which are more expensive and have comparitively fewer games.

Sure, lots of casuals and families with small kids have a Wii and have a few games for it, awesome! Do any of those families feel the need to upgrade to a WiiU? Doesn't appear to be the case, Nintendo itself has said this has been its biggest problem...the vast majority of the families who own a Wii aren't upgrading, they are happy with the Wii they already have.
When Christmas rolls around, parents will be looking for a new console for the kids as a present. They will want something affordable and family friendly. Are they going to purchase the more expensive consoles that have almost nothing but gritty shooters and charge for online? Or are they going to buy the cheaper console which plays the latest Mario, Donkey Kong, and Sonic games? As well as Nintendo Land, NSMBU, Pikmin 3 and Rayman Legends?

Sony pull out? After THAT E3 showing? Not bloody likely.
Sadly, Sony's financials don't rise and fall depending on their E3 showings. Their financials depend on things like how well their TVs are selling... and they've been losing money as a company for years. You realise that just last year, they had to sell their own American HQ in order to cook the books and make it look like they had turned a profit? Without that sale, they'd have posted another annual loss of hundreds of millions. Their credit has been downgraded to 'junk' by ratings agencies.

Sony is not doing well financially. The PS3 and Vita burned through all the cash they had saved up from the PS2 days, and unless they make a drastic turnaround, they're looking at some grim times ahead.

Nintendo has got, depending on who you ask, somewhere between $10-15 billion saved up in the bank. That's not assets or net worth. That's the amount of cash they've got sitting in the bank ready to be spent. Between ten and fifteen billion in pure spending money. They are not leaving the industry anytime soon.

I don't think its ludicrous to want Zelda and such on a console I actually WANT to own.
Entitled then?

I suppose I'll just skip this generation of Nintendo games, at least until the WiiU drops to $99 or something reasonable that I can treat it like a near disposable "toy" as Nintendo wants their games and consoles to be toys after all (nothing wrong with that, but its too expensive to be a toy)
Fair enough, but you're going to miss out on some truly great games. Miyamoto is claiming that Pikmin 3 is one of the games he's most proud of, and the Pikmin games have traditionally been damn good games. Platinum are making W101 and Bayonetta 2, which look nothing less than exceptional. There's X on the horizon, the successor to one of the greatest RPGs of the last ten years.

If you feel you can happily sit out on games like that, then have fun...
Parents will buy whatever the kids scream that they want the most, since a LOT of kids play gritty shooters (obviously they should not, but parents are mostly stupid and ignorant about gaming). Seeing as how the PS4 and Xbone will be out by then, I would imagine they'll do pretty well.

Considering on after the Sony conference, their stock price rose, I'd say it IS based at least somewhat on their E3 showing, saying otherwise is simply wrong.

The PS4 is going to do very very well, Sony will be fine.

I never played a Pikman game, hell, I don't even know what its even about...some alien space dude with little critter dudes that do shit for him like lemmings? I dunno, thats my guess, I really have no idea, the entire concept seemed odd to me and I never got into it, so Pikman 3 doesn't interest me in the slightest. Bayonetta...alright, never played that one either, looked like a bad knock off of the original Devil May Cry games, except with "sexy womenz", so the sequel makes me "meh". I don't even know what W101 is...or what "X" is or what RPG its succeeding, I might have played the RPG its succeeding, but due to the fact I didn't even watch Nintendo's press conference, cause frankly I'm not paying the price of a WiiU for last gen hardware, I really don't know.

So I'd say I'll be okay missing out. :) As I said, I'd love to play their new games, but I'm not buying another console that'll end up rotting in a box for years to play them, which is what happened to my Wii, because after the 1st party titles, there was nothing left to play on the system. Maybe when the console drops a ton in price I'll pick it up. If Nintendo really wanted to sell me on their console, they'd make a GOOD new Metroid game, not that "Other M" garbage. Metroid is one of my favorite series of all time, and there hasn't been a really good one since the first Prime, which was outstanding, but that was a Gamecube game.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Big_Willie_Styles said:
Zenn3k said:
Big_Willie_Styles said:
Zenn3k said:
Honestly, I feel Nintendo should drop out of the console business and become a 3rd party dev.
Because that somehow makes sense seeing as they won the last generation. Nintendo is the biggest video game company in the world. Just doesn't make sense, bro.
How many WiiU's have they sold now? They are going back to the basement this generation, and they may never come back out of it. They had a good gimmick with the Wii, it worked, they made lots of money. However that gimmick has kinda passed, nobody is that interested in motion control anymore (except Microsoft I guess, lawl).

Devs are jumping ship from the WiiU as well, because nobody is buying the console. Hell, I haven't even turned on my Wii in over 5 years, it sits in a box, its not even plugged in anymore, many other gamers have a similar fate for their Wii.

They reclaimed the throne for awhile, but they are losing again, and badly. Plus I'd really like to play Zelda/Mario/Super Smash Bro on my PS4 this gen, instead of buying an entire new console for 4 games like I did with the Wii.
The WiiU has had limited distribution in the United States. That's something Microsoft doesn't want you to know about (they're the ones who tried to make a big deal about the XBox 360 selling more in a week than the WiiU in America.)

The PS4 doesn't really seem to be much of an improvement on the PS3. I'll probably stick with the PS3 I got two months ago.

How are they losing badly when they're the only fish in the pond? The WiiU might not be selling amazingly right now, but there's literally no other console of its generation on the market. So, how can they technically be losing when they're the only one?
Limited distribution doesn't mean anything. They are rotting on store shelfs, at least for now.

Not much of an improvement? Okay, I'm going to assume you know nothing about gaming or the industry after that statement.

They are losing to 7-8 year old consoles. They might be "next gen" in their own eyes, but when it comes to hardware, they JUST now caught up...8 years later to their competition. As far as I'm concerned, there aren't ANY next gen consoles on the market, and Nintendo was 8 years later on getting in on last gen.

Nothing available on the PS4 or Xbone will be available on the WiiU, not without major porting and reduction in graphics and/or features, thats a fact, the system simply isn't powerful enough to run say, the next Battlefield (not that I play that, but you get the point). They'll continue to flounder until they either pull the plug entirely, or something radically changes in their game lineup to push out consoles.


New member
May 29, 2013
I won't buy a console for games that might exist some day. Nintendo has ~30 games out for the Wii U. Of those thirty-odd games, several are available for me to play on other platforms. Once Bayonetta 2 is out I'll look at their line-up again and see if there are enough actual games that I want to buy to justify the purchase. If B2 is /really/ good (fingers crossed), that alone might do it.

It's not all that complicated. I don't dislike Nintendo, they just don't have enough games of the type that I'm interested in playing at the moment.


New member
Mar 31, 2013
Big_Willie_Styles said:
The PS4 doesn't really seem to be much of an improvement on the PS3. I'll probably stick with the PS3 I got two months ago.

How are they losing badly when they're the only fish in the pond? The WiiU might not be selling amazingly right now, but there's literally no other console of its generation on the market. So, how can they technically be losing when they're the only one?
It's a little ironic that you're bashing the PS4 as being a minor improvement over the PS3 when the Wii U is running hardware that's only slightly more powerful than the Wii. And "generation" is moot right now anyway -- not only is it debatable as to whether the Wii U is a more powerful console than either the 360 or the PS3, publishers are still making games for both of those last-gen systems. If you're going to make market comparisons, at least be honest and compare the systems that are actually on the market.

Let's try to not declare a winner for the next generation until all the ponies are in the race, eh?