Give Nintnendo a chance!

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
the hidden eagle said:
Mr.Mattress said:
deadish said:
Miss G. said:
Nintendo has billions more money to fall back on than the the other 2. Sure, people laughed at the gamepad, but how many PS4 and Xbone games are coming out with tablet support now. Lately it's been; Nintendo sets a trend, the other two scoff at it for a bit and then try to imitate. Out of the big 3, Nintendo's been only slightly in the red once (years ago) compared to Sony & Microsoft many financial failures. And that's as a company that only really does gaming-related things instead of general electronics, software etc. NIntendo saved the game industry in the first place. They've been around for more than 120 years and they'll keep prospering on.
Whatever "billions" a company has, it isn't their money. It's shareholder money. Corporations are machines for making money, itself doesn't OWN any money.

Tablet support? Ha. Another gimmick feature. It will be forgotten soon enough like "motion control".

Oh the "game-related things" you talk about, they haven't been relevant to the wider game industry in decades. Nintendo could disappear tomorrow, next to no developers will cry for them.
1) No, really, it is there money. They don't have Billions in Stocks for Shareholders to hold, they literally have Billions of dollars in the bank under their name.

2) If it's so gimmicky, why do the XBone and PS4 have Tablet support?

3) If this were the case, then the Wii, DS and 3DS wouldn't be successful, but they are, and they wouldn't have changed the face of gaming, but they did. 3D Mario wouldn't sell over 5 Million Copies, but they do (Super Mario 3D Land, the current 3D Mario title, currently has 8 Million in sales, something most games can't ever reach). And you wouldn't be on this thread if they didn't matter, but you clearly think they matter enough to yell at.
Nintendo haters always say Nintendo is going to go under but they don't.Just ignore them because they hate Nintendo for petty reasons.
You speak sense. I'm so tired of people dissing Nintendo, without whom we wouldn't even have an industry to be talking about. They have franchises spanning over 30 years, quality and integrity and minus them releasing the WiiU a little early they have so many things in the handheld market they can afford to wait for the holidays and the rest of their releases for next year.

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
deadish said:
Miss G. said:
Nintendo has billions more money to fall back on than the the other 2. Sure, people laughed at the gamepad, but how many PS4 and Xbone games are coming out with tablet support now. Lately it's been; Nintendo sets a trend, the other two scoff at it for a bit and then try to imitate. Out of the big 3, Nintendo's been only slightly in the red once (years ago) compared to Sony & Microsoft many financial failures. And that's as a company that only really does gaming-related things instead of general electronics, software etc. NIntendo saved the game industry in the first place. They've been around for more than 120 years and they'll keep prospering on.
Whatever "billions" a company has, it isn't their money. It's shareholder money. Corporations are machines for making money, itself doesn't OWN any money.

Tablet support? Ha. Another gimmick feature. It will be forgotten soon enough like "motion control".

Oh the "game-related things" you talk about, they haven't been relevant to the wider game industry in decades. Nintendo could disappear tomorrow, next to no developers will cry for them.
Even though I don't care for motion control, it's still around and the Microsoft and (to a lesser extent) Sony are still trying to utilize it. Where have you been that the news of Microsoft's required motion control spy-cam is lost on you??


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
cloroxbb said:
Yeah, cause Nintendo doesn't utilize their own anti-consumer practices... Nintendo doesn't force me to buy games over and over again if I want them on a new console or handheld that supports them. No Nintendo doesn't do that.

I cant buy a digital PS1 game and play it on every current Sony console, and even one last gen one, and only have purchase ONE copy. Nope, but on Nintendo, I CAN buy a Virtual Console game on the 3DS and also play it on the Wii and Wii U without buying another copy...

Yes, that was bad sarcasm, but my point is, Nintendo is not a SAINT when it comes to consumer practices either.
There are only two complaints I have with Nintendo in the form of customer service.

1) The $5.00 price point for really old games

2) Their complete incompetence for porting JRPG's over to the North American shores. This isn't even a problem with Nintendo in general. This is simply a problem with the incompetence that is Nintendo of America.

That's it. Just slight customer inconvenience (okay the second one varies in intensity of inconvenience). No where near as destructive and bad as what other devs and AAA publisher do.
If this is really the extent of their crimes against consumers rights, I can safely say that they are in the green light.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
You speak sense. I'm so tired of people dissing Nintendo, without whom we wouldn't even have an industry to be talking about. They have franchises spanning over 30 years, quality and integrity and minus them releasing the WiiU a little early they have so many things in the handheld market they can afford to wait for the holidays and the rest of their releases for next year.
It's not even that.
It just seems that when criticizing Nintendo it's like they get blasted with a flamethrower while the other companies that do things to an even worse extent get a slap on the wrist and a little nagging in the ears.
Like they have much more tolerance to AAA devs for wasting people's money and time on shit games, buggy games, broken games, expensive DLC, and online passes and by next generation all is forgiven, while Nintendo has to "win back their respect" because they didn't release another Metroid game after the shit fest that was Other M.

sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Cheesepower5 said:
The only title on the new consoles to interest me is Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, so I guess that's their chance.
Ditto. Otherwise, I'd have no investment at all in the Wii U. As far as I'm concerned, the 3DS is way better than the Wii U.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
the hidden eagle said:
I think that's because Nintendo releases quality games that appeal to everyone.Think about it how many of the Nintendo haters wish they will go under so they could play Zelda,Mario, and Nintendo's other IPs on a console of their choice?
Or it could be the far more likely scenario where the gamers respect Nintendo for what they do and openly accept that Nintendo makes quality games. They don't, however, want to be handcuffed into buying a separate piece of hardware that they see no other use for except to play the twice yearly good Nintendo games when everything else they enjoy playing is on other pieces of hardware.

Matthew Jabour

New member
Jan 13, 2012
StriderShinryu said:
the hidden eagle said:
I think that's because Nintendo releases quality games that appeal to everyone.Think about it how many of the Nintendo haters wish they will go under so they could play Zelda,Mario, and Nintendo's other IPs on a console of their choice?
Or it could be the far more likely scenario where the gamers respect Nintendo for what they do and openly accept that Nintendo makes quality games. They don't, however, want to be handcuffed into buying a separate piece of hardware that they see no other use for except to play the twice yearly good Nintendo games when everything else they enjoy playing is on other pieces of hardware.
So, exactly the same as what he said, just worded differently. So glad you're here to clear things up.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
StriderShinryu said:
the hidden eagle said:
I think that's because Nintendo releases quality games that appeal to everyone.Think about it how many of the Nintendo haters wish they will go under so they could play Zelda,Mario, and Nintendo's other IPs on a console of their choice?
Or it could be the far more likely scenario where the gamers respect Nintendo for what they do and openly accept that Nintendo makes quality games. They don't, however, want to be handcuffed into buying a separate piece of hardware that they see no other use for except to play the twice yearly good Nintendo games when everything else they enjoy playing is on other pieces of hardware.
I respect the other consoles but my problem with them is that they are not exactly that unique. They're convenient and complete capable gaming machines, but an up to date gaming PC is better in almost all respects (not to say that they don't have their place).

Nintendo however has always tried to differentiate themselves in some way. You simply cannot get the kind of experience the Wii U gives you on other consoles. They develop consoles specifically to meet their needs while designing their games. They look at ideas for brand new games and while they do that they add features to their consoles to improve the game's overall quality. It is one of the big reasons many of their games are so polished.

What I'm essentially saying is that playing on a Wii U is a unique experience while the other two consoles can for the most part be beaten by a PC. Nintendo knows that their a console developer and they play consoles to their strengths rather then trying to be cheaper gaming computers.

Of course they could go develop third party games and develop consoles. But then again Microsoft could bring Halo to the PS3 and Sony could bring Infamous to Xbox 360. But they don't because the games on the consoles are literally the only thing that makes you choose one console over the other. If Nintendo should go multi-platform why should Sony and Microsoft have their own exclusives?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
It is mostly the lack of third party support and origenal IP's on the wiiu that keep me away.


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
it's not impossible that I'll give the wiiU a chance. I'm fairly indifferent about Nintendo as a company. their IPs do nothing for me, and I have less than no interest in whatever super-deluxe-remake-new-new super mario tale of donkey zelda they're up to now. However, if a platform will give me access to enough JRPGs I can't get elsewhere, I'll eventually pick it up.

SMT is a huge weakness of mine in that regard, Just ask my vita. heck, if SMT IV had been a wiiU exclusive instead of a 3DS exclusive, I'd have been very, very hard pressed not to buy one.

Long story short: I'll buy a wii U the instant they can tell me Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive. Barring that, I'll only pick it up when its JRPG library grows big enough to justify the purchase.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Why do I read people who are overtly for Nintendo's comments in a childish 'neh-heh-heh-hur' kind of voice?

I myself will pick up a Wii-U when... when... ummm, it offers blowjobs, yes, foolproof!


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Mr.Mattress said:
1) No, really, it is there money. They don't have Billions in Stocks for Shareholders to hold, they literally have Billions of dollars in the bank under their name.

2) If it's so gimmicky, why do the XBone and PS4 have Tablet support?

3) If this were the case, then the Wii, DS and 3DS wouldn't be successful, but they are, and they wouldn't have changed the face of gaming, but they did. 3D Mario wouldn't sell over 5 Million Copies, but they do (Super Mario 3D Land, the current 3D Mario title, currently has 8 Million in sales, something most games can't ever reach). And you wouldn't be on this thread if they didn't matter, but you clearly think they matter enough to yell at.
Errr ... Money in the bank aka "retained earning" IS shareholder money. It all is.

Haven't heard about Tablet support for either console. It won't be popular. The default "dual-shock" style controller will still be the bread and butter for just about every game.

Oh, the "Wii did great argument" again. Well so did iPods. The point is, sure it sold well, but as a platform it was irrelevant - all publishers could bother to put on it was cheaply made shovelware - hence irrelevant to just about everyone except Nintendo.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Miss G. said:
Even though I don't care for motion control, it's still around and the Microsoft and (to a lesser extent) Sony are still trying to utilize it. Where have you been that the news of Microsoft's required motion control spy-cam is lost on you??
Have the backlash against MS's "motion control spy-cam" been lost on you?


New member
Jan 18, 2008
Dragonbums said:
You speak sense. I'm so tired of people dissing Nintendo, without whom we wouldn't even have an industry to be talking about. They have franchises spanning over 30 years, quality and integrity and minus them releasing the WiiU a little early they have so many things in the handheld market they can afford to wait for the holidays and the rest of their releases for next year.
It's not even that.
It just seems that when criticizing Nintendo it's like they get blasted with a flamethrower while the other companies that do things to an even worse extent get a slap on the wrist and a little nagging in the ears.
Like they have much more tolerance to AAA devs for wasting people's money and time on shit games, buggy games, broken games, expensive DLC, and online passes and by next generation all is forgiven, while Nintendo has to "win back their respect" because they didn't release another Metroid game after the shit fest that was Other M.
That's because Nintendo spend that respect and more on forcing people to buy a console that is nothing more than a license to play their games on inferior hardware. If Rocksteady only released their games on a box they sold that did nothing else and was one generation behind the other systems technologically you can bet I'd hold them to higher standards in terms of quality of release schedule.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Matthew Jabour said:
Wii would like to play. Would U?
Yes. But none of the games you mentioned interest me, other than Wind Waker HD and the new Smash Bros. However, I already own Wind Waker and Brawl was something of a disappointment. Nintendo first party games don't really interest me anymore. Anything I want third party will most likely be better for me on either PS4 or PC.