Give Nintnendo a chance!


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I used to be a huge Nintendo fan, but they left me out in the cold for years when the Wii came. Now they have to prove to me they still have what it takes to be the great business I relied on for quality titles.

So far it's looking pretty good since the Wii U is such a big step up from the Wii. I thought they'd never get out of that hole. Now they just have to show they're not releasing another Brawl and Other M and I'm set on getting one.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I don't need to give Nintendo a chance...I'm already on their bandwagon. Well, a 3DS for now, but all I need is a Zelda & Pokemon that are Wii U-only & I'm sold.


New member
May 14, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
I only like a couple games for the Wii, and I can't use the nunchuks to save my life. I was never able to play Metroid Prime 3 because of that.
That's a shame. I sucked in the beginning too - I think everyone did. I encourage you to practice though, not because MP3 is a particularly great game, but because the wiimote + nunchuck combo is a fucking AWESOME setup for shooters. Bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it it just feels wrong going back to dual sticks. Be sure to play on an old SD CRT television though, since the HD lag is a nightmare.

Then there's this:
Zenn3k said:
Okay, I'm going to assume you know nothing about gaming or the industry after that statement.
Followed by:
Zenn3k said:
I never played a Pikman game, hell, I don't even know what its even about...some alien space dude with little critter dudes that do shit for him like lemmings? I dunno, thats my guess, I really have no idea, the entire concept seemed odd to me and I never got into it, so Pikman 3 doesn't interest me in the slightest. Bayonetta...alright, never played that one either, looked like a bad knock off of the original Devil May Cry games, except with "sexy womenz", so the sequel makes me "meh". I don't even know what W101 is...or what "X" is or what RPG its succeeding, I might have played the RPG its succeeding, but due to the fact I didn't even watch Nintendo's press conference, cause frankly I'm not paying the price of a WiiU for last gen hardware, I really don't know.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
Previously there just wasn't enough games to justify the entry price for me. I have a 3DS, a PC, and a 360: there's more than enough there to play without grabbing a whole new console for only a couple of decent titles. Over the next few months a whole bunch of awesome looking WiiU titles are about to pour onto the shelves so I'm really hoping to pick one up in the near future.

That being said though if I didn't have a PC, I don't know if I would be as serious about getting a WiiU as I am. Despite the excellent first party support for the console, the fact that it will continue to miss out on multiplatform titles and because it doesn't have the superior hardware of the Xbone or PS4, it's not going to be the most appealing option for everyone. Combined with what many consider to be gimmicky rather than functional control options, it just feels a whole lot more disconnected from "mainstream" gaming than some of the other options available. It also shares a lot of IPs with the 3DS which has had more titles for longer, and is the cheaper option to gain access to Nintendo's first party titles.

Anyway, I don't necessarily see these points as problems or downfalls with the WiiU, just as why getting a WiiU might not be on everyone's to do list at the moment.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
As a very small child I was enthralled by my aunt's SNES.

I grew up with an N64 that I loved to death.

I got a Gamecube in middle school, and for several years my life as a gamer revolved around that beautiful little plastic box and the utterly fantastic array of games it had.

All throughout I played Pokemon to death on my Game Boy Pocket and then Color, eagerly snatching up the GBA and DS.

I stood in line to buy a Wii on launch day. I got Red Steel and Twilight Princess with it.

I never finished Red Steel, and I quickly came to wish that I had waited for the Gamecube TP. I eventually had my fun with Mario Galaxy, had some passing fun with unremarkable motion collections like raving rabbids and boom blox. But it didn't take long for the shine of the Revolution to dull, for it to sink in that the wimmote well and truly was a gimmick and a misstep, what that meant to me as a gamer. I thought it would provide a bridge between console shooters and mouse controls... the reality was arm numbing frustration. I thought it could provide interesting, fun methods of input. The reality was core functions mapped to arbitrary tiring motions with an input delay. Those people I had blindly argued against who called it a gimmick had been right all along, and I felt such a fool. I suppose the silver lining is that, with my fanboyism thoroughly dead, my horizons were suddenly ripe for widening and I could start to lay a foundation of cross-platform gamer experience that would let me become a more cultured, more reasonable person. My Wii spent the last years of its life as nothing more than a Smash Bros box, and for the last three or four years has been a dust collector in my closet. The Wii U never even turned my head at the time of announcement, and the release day scooted by essentially unnoticed.

I was an early adopter of the 3DS, of course. The likes of Pokemon, Golden Sun, Advance Wars and Fire Emblem turned me into an avid handheld gamer, and currently I love it and my Vita equally. Nintendo have not yet seemed to misstep in their handheld efforts... The 3D was an alarming gimmick, but mercifully has no impact on actual gameplay or design, and thus can be ignored in favor of viewing the system as a DS 2, and indeed the 3DS is now getting into its groove. I recently picked up the new Animal Crossing. It brought back memories of the original, something I hadn't really played much, but it also brought to the forefront feelings of wanting to go back to things like Metroid Prime and Windwaker. I had a dream about finding my old Gamecube and the junk TV I had during that time, and living it all again. I woke up missing the Gamecube so much it hurt. I've not harbored particularly bad feelings towards the Wii... I've been spending this past half decade mostly not thinking about it, glossing over the initial excitement I had for it, trying my best not to harbor feelings of betrayal. But that morning, I cursed the Wii.

The Wii U... seems like it wants to go the right way again. The controller pad is an anomaly, at once a potential continuation of embracing gimmick, but also with the potential to put it aside. It isn't a wiimote, at least, and touch screen and huge square shape aside it at least has the fundamental structure of a proper game pad, with dual sticks and standard button count. In addition, the effort put into the Gamepad Pro compared to the old classic controller implies they might actually intend to put it to use. But these are tentative steps back toward a golden age, and I have every reason to believe that they are equally capable of either following through, or throwing their chance away.

So, I reservedly hold out hope that they might make a return to their pre-Wii days. The windwaker remake is something I would love to play and seems like it could be the foundation for new games done right at long last, but it will not sell me. Wii U seems to be too underpowered to keep up with Xbox and PS multi-platform games once again, but I don't mind. I'm an adult now, and I can afford to have a Wii U for Nintendo games and a PS4 for everything else. For now, I wait to see if they really can return to their roots, and not SOLELY via remakes of GC games. I really hope they can, and above all I hope it's what they want and intend to do.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Andy Shandy said:
Now hopefully, I'll get Monster Hunter soon, and I'm looking forward to pretty much all those games you listed (especially Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101), but I can't exactly blame people for waiting, because none of them are out.
Monster Hunter gave me about 200 hours of gameplay so far. In average playtime/? it probably already made up most of the price of the console on it's own.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Matthew Jabour said:
So, Sony kicked ass at this E3, smashing down Microsoft and any chances that it had. But where was Nintendo? Why, they were out announcing games!
New Smash Bros. New Donkey Kong. New 3D Mario. Bayonetta. Wonderful 101. Wind Waker HD. What do these things have in common? They are all games - probably good ones, at that.
Now, for the longest time, people have complained that the Wii U has no games, and they were right, for the most part. But now that's not an excuse. They've got plenty games coming. So what else is the problem?
The price, though bemoaned at the time, is $100 less than the cheapest competitor. Nintendo's third party support, while not all encompassing, is certainly on the rise. They don't block used games, they don't have DRM, and they're the kindest to indies of anyone. And for once, they are the only ones of the big 3 who are actually focusing on games. So what are you waiting for? What hoops must Nintendo jump through to please you? How have they not yet proven that they are worth buying? And it's great that Sony called out Microsoft, but don't you want to actually play some games?
Look, I know Nintendo kind of abandoned the hardcore gamers. But now they're back in full force, and they've got games to prove it. So I ask you, give Nintendo a chance. Try some of their games. You'll have fun, that I can guarantee. Wii would like to play. Would U?
Sidenote: Captcha: You can do this. I'll say you can.
With a console that has 1/4 of the RAM of their competitors and last gens CPU/GPU - costing almost as much I might added.

I would if they at least made an effort!


New member
Mar 9, 2009
The thing a lot of the Nintendo fans in this thread don't seem to realize is we don't hate Nintendo, we're indifferent to them and when someone asks us why, we list the reasons we simply don't care about them.

On to business:

The games you listed may be a triumphant return to form for you but to me it's the same old shite and not anything that would make me drop a couple hundred pounds on a console.

It's not like the Wii U is particularly bad either, the touchscreen could be really good but it's being used as a gimmick 90% of the time.
Apr 5, 2008
Matthew Jabour said:
Now, for the longest time, people have complained that the Wii U has no games, and they were right, for the most part. But now that's not an excuse. They've got plenty games coming. So what else is the problem?

The price, though bemoaned at the time, is $100 less than the cheapest competitor. Nintendo's third party support, while not all encompassing, is certainly on the rise. They don't block used games, they don't have DRM, and they're the kindest to indies of anyone. And for once, they are the only ones of the big 3 who are actually focusing on games. So what are you waiting for? What hoops must Nintendo jump through to please you? How have they not yet proven that they are worth buying?
Lack of games, pure and simple. A new Mario/Zelda/Donkey Kong/Mario Kart game simply doesn't cut it.

The other issue is the bizarre controller. I'm not interested in lifting and waving crap about. Where are the top, exclusive shooters like Goldeneye/Perfect Dark 64, the fighters and top RPGs? No one is developing them, that's where. A whole area of games development has disappeared while costs have spiralled out of control and the Nintendo and PC both suffer for it.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Still watching them, waiting... the Wii U is low on my list of priorities (above a PS4, but below the beautification of a car I almost never drive. Well below a new gaming PC build), but it does show quite a bit of promise.

...I do really want a "no motherfucking abominable-offspring-of-an-iphone-and-a-3DS-controller edition", though. I know I can buy one with no touchscreen, but it's required for too many of the games, and I find that (and all touchscreen devices that aren't strictly public terminals of some kind) unacceptable.

I have a feeling I'll be getting one eventually... when remains to be seen, though.

Sir Prize

New member
Dec 29, 2009
I prefer their handhelds to their big consoles, and I honestly don't feel like giving them another chance with the latter. I only got a Wii because of a mobile phone contract, and it's been an extremely long time since I actually bothered to play the thing. If I had paid for the too-big paperweight then I'd probably have been ticked off; the games weren't anything special and most of the time they weren't worth the price. I also don't really like the idea of a controller that takes a long time to charge, nor the controller itself.

And the thing is that I don't even hate Nintnendo, I just don't like their big consoles that much. The obvious thing to say would be that I'm not their target audience; the people that dislike probably aren't either. However if they are trying to 'win back' the types of gamers who will spend more on games, they need to work at it. No-one has to give them a chance, they have to make people want to buy their stuff. And let it not be forgotten that they have a head start here, yet I still get a feeling that most people still feel a little...meh when it comes to their games. Whose fault is that, well not gamers; it falls on a company that hasn't managed to make us want their product. No-one is obliged to give them the time of day if they don't want to, after all blind loyalty to any of the big three companies at this point seems dumb.

People need to stop defending these companies; they need to stop thinking brand loyalty is worth anything. And I say this as someone who is only going to be buying a next-gen console if there are games I want on one, so far that's a very big no. The games I'm interested in are coming out on current gen consoles; I have no reason to switch over yet, nor the intention to do so. I'll go where the games I like are and the other two get a flipped bird, I think that's the best way of dealing with the next-gen.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
xaszatm said:
Dragonbums said:
So at this point it seems that PS4, and Xbone are going to have the same amount of games and around the same genre of games when they release. Just like the WiiU.
However we are once again going to convieniently ignore that. Meanwhile the WiiU will finally be getting releasing the titles most people have been waiting for.
I cannot wait for the hypocrisy to drip from the mouths of third party devs when they whine like children about how competing with Mario and Zelda is hard when they had a full fucking year to put their games on the WiiU with no competition and chose not to.
Ehh, Let's be fair here. The PS4 does have its JRPG library for its non-shooter titles and has Japanese support for other games that Nintendo doesn't.
Nintendo's handheld division has a decent amount of JRPG's as well. So it makes me wonder why there are hardly any on the WiiU.
It confuses me, because Final Fantasy has no problem making FF games on Nintendo handhelds, but they always seem to got to Sony for their more bigger titles. We all know why with the Wii, but I don't know about the WiiU.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Dragonbums said:
xaszatm said:
Dragonbums said:
So at this point it seems that PS4, and Xbone are going to have the same amount of games and around the same genre of games when they release. Just like the WiiU.
However we are once again going to convieniently ignore that. Meanwhile the WiiU will finally be getting releasing the titles most people have been waiting for.
I cannot wait for the hypocrisy to drip from the mouths of third party devs when they whine like children about how competing with Mario and Zelda is hard when they had a full fucking year to put their games on the WiiU with no competition and chose not to.
Ehh, Let's be fair here. The PS4 does have its JRPG library for its non-shooter titles and has Japanese support for other games that Nintendo doesn't.
Nintendo's handheld division has a decent amount of JRPG's as well. So it makes me wonder why there are hardly any on the WiiU.
It confuses me, because Final Fantasy has no problem making FF games on Nintendo handhelds, but they always seem to got to Sony for their more bigger titles. We all know why with the Wii, but I don't know about the WiiU.
Well, I would guess probably because of "exclusives" for lack of a better word. Most of the famous JRPG console games were on Playstation consoles for the longest time and so I guess they want to stick with what they know?