Give Nintnendo a chance!


New member
May 7, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Matthew Jabour said:
New Smash Bros. New Donkey Kong. New 3D Mario. Bayonetta. Wonderful 101. Wind Waker HD. What do these things have in common?
They're the same games you played last gen, only now with a tablet!

...Oh, you meant quality. Meh.

Nintendo sells games based on a tried-and-true formula. They know the audience they're approaching. That audience mostly precludes me because I don't care about these titles.
When quality gets a "meh", something is deeply wrong.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Never liked Nintendo though i give them respect because they stick solely to gaming. They sell because of 3 chracters only, Mario, Link and Metroid. Now those games can be awesome, its not about the quality of those game, just that its all they have. 3rd party is shovel ware.

But, yes i dont like Nintendo games (just saying this is my viewpoint) but Nintendo are the bread and butter of gaming. They are not trying to be anything different. An they are great for that.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
McMarbles said:
When quality gets a "meh", something is deeply wrong.
I suspect what's wrong is your intentional misrepresentation of what the word "quality" means within the context given.

Look, I know it's inconvenient to treat the most probable use of quality there as the correct one, but go with it. Afford the chance that I was calling the quality of the games "meh," even--and this is the tricky part--even if you disagree with my own views on the matter.

Honestly, a flag should go up in your head if you think "this person just wrote quality and meh. They must think quality is a bad trait!"


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Honestly, it's like these past months it's been the year Nintendo got a big middle finger for listening to anybody that isn't a hardcore Nintendo fan.

Others say they are sick of Mario and Zelda. Yet last time Skyward Sword came out every one practically wet their pants over it. Everyone of course except for the "I hate bright colors where's my CoD color pallete Zelda" because apparently Twilight Princess having a color scheme with gray overtones instantly makes it more mature.
Meanwhile Zelda Windwaker gets a remake and everyone talks about how much they LOVE that game when the director even points out that when it first came out people took a shit on it because of the whimsical, cute, colorful style. Lo and behold said game even without the HD remake can still hold up on it's own in terms of graphical appeal even today.

Nobody cares for Mario but the moment a next Mario galaxy comes to being everyone will be flipping their crap. Yet at the same time we expect them to pull another one like this every year?
It's like we never recognized the pattern of a big mario game like Galaxy only coming to a Nintendo console once every year. Kind of like Zelda. All the other Marios we see right now are fillers for the most part.

After begging for a new Pikmin game for...I don't know...9 years, Miyamoto finally has enough time to do it, and now everyone says they don't care because they didn't get a new Metroid which no one has seen for 3 years. I expect it to take longer seeing as how Other M completely fucked up the continuity of the previous three games, and they need to find another studio (not "Boob physics club") and an actual good story to make a new game. Fucking wow.

Then they actually listened to third party devs. Oh boy, this is a big one.
We know Nintendo isn't stupid. Especially when it comes to planning games for release with a new console. Yet this year both their handhelds and their consoles had ZERO games from them. Don't you think that's really strange?

The first and foremost complaint by everyone was their lack of third party support. If this was any time for a third party developer to put a game on any Nintendo console, it would've been this year. Why?
Because another complaint that came out of third party devs is how it's just so hard to compete with first party Nintendo games it's not really worth it to make games on their consoles. Valid complaint, and I agree. A lot of third party games got overshadowed by Nintendo's first party titles.
However this was they year when there was zero competition from Mario and Zelda. This was literally the perfect opportunity to put their games on their systems with no competition. Most of them either delayed, went multi platform or basically said "hahahahaha fuck you" and ditched. Leaving Nintendo with a barren lineup of games for the longest time. The 3DS is just picking up. Yet the WiiU is still suffering from that blow.

Now everyone is all like "Yeah Nintendo why don't you take the chances that we've given you and improve?" Thing is is that they did. They took that chance to listen and accommodate to third party devs, and all but a few turned around bit them in the ass, and I guess sat on their thumbs for the whole year waiting for the PS4 and Xbone to be announced so they can start adding the codes for the game.
Now Nintendo is basically trying their best to promote the few third party studios that didn't slap them in the face and ditch them, and all most of us can say is either "I didn't bother watching the Directs" or "Eh, those games don't interest me".

Damned if they do, damned if they don't if you ask me.

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
Nintendo has billions more money to fall back on than the the other 2. Sure, people laughed at the gamepad, but how many PS4 and Xbone games are coming out with tablet support now. Lately it's been; Nintendo sets a trend, the other two scoff at it for a bit and then try to imitate. Out of the big 3, Nintendo's been only slightly in the red once (years ago) compared to Sony & Microsoft many financial failures. And that's as a company that only really does gaming-related things instead of general electronics, software etc. NIntendo saved the game industry in the first place. They've been around for more than 120 years and they'll keep prospering on.

PxDn Ninja

New member
Jan 30, 2008
I"m still waiting for enough titles to be announced for the WiiU before I pick one up. I require at least 3 titles announced that I want before I will buy a console, and the WiiU hasn't hit that mark yet. The newest Legend of Zelda (not the Wind Waker remake) is the only thing that has caught my attention yet. The rest that they have announced I couldn't care less about. Once I do get the console, I'll probably pick up the new Mario title, but stuff like Smash Bros I will never waste my money on.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I plan on giving Nintendo a chance, when they have enough games I want are on it I'll pick one up; so if Bayanetta 2, Wonderful 101, Zelda, X and an additional 5 games are all good I'll be buying a WiiU. Same rule I've used for buying any console.


New member
May 10, 2008
Dragonbums said:
Honestly, it's like these past months it's been the year Nintendo got a big middle finger for listening to anybody that isn't a hardcore Nintendo fan.

Others say they are sick of Mario and Zelda. Yet last time Skyward Sword came out every one practically wet their pants over it. Everyone of course except for the "I hate bright colors where's my CoD color pallete Zelda" because apparently Twilight Princess having a color scheme with gray overtones instantly makes it more mature.
Meanwhile Zelda Windwaker gets a remake and everyone talks about how much they LOVE that game when the director even points out that when it first came out people took a shit on it because of the whimsical, cute, colorful style. Lo and behold said game even without the HD remake can still hold up on it's own in terms of graphical appeal even today.

Nobody cares for Mario but the moment a next Mario galaxy comes to being everyone will be flipping their crap. Yet at the same time we expect them to pull another one like this every year?
It's like we never recognized the pattern of a big mario game like Galaxy only coming to a Nintendo console once every year. Kind of like Zelda. All the other Marios we see right now are fillers for the most part.

After begging for a new Pikmin game for...I don't know...9 years, Miyamoto finally has enough time to do it, and now everyone says they don't care because they didn't get a new Metroid which no one has seen for 3 years. I expect it to take longer seeing as how Other M completely fucked up the continuity of the previous three games, and they need to find another studio (not "Boob physics club") and an actual good story to make a new game. Fucking wow.

Then they actually listened to third party devs. Oh boy, this is a big one.
We know Nintendo isn't stupid. Especially when it comes to planning games for release with a new console. Yet this year both their handhelds and their consoles had ZERO games from them. Don't you think that's really strange?

The first and foremost complaint by everyone was their lack of third party support. If this was any time for a third party developer to put a game on any Nintendo console, it would've been this year. Why?
Because another complaint that came out of third party devs is how it's just so hard to compete with first party Nintendo games it's not really worth it to make games on their consoles. Valid complaint, and I agree. A lot of third party games got overshadowed by Nintendo's first party titles.
However this was they year when there was zero competition from Mario and Zelda. This was literally the perfect opportunity to put their games on their systems with no competition. Most of them either delayed, went multi platform or basically said "hahahahaha fuck you" and ditched. Leaving Nintendo with a barren lineup of games for the longest time. The 3DS is just picking up. Yet the WiiU is still suffering from that blow.

Now everyone is all like "Yeah Nintendo why don't you take the chances that we've given you and improve?" Thing is is that they did. They took that chance to listen and accommodate to third party devs, and all but a few turned around bit them in the ass, and I guess sat on their thumbs for the whole year waiting for the PS4 and Xbone to be announced so they can start adding the codes for the game.
Now Nintendo is basically trying their best to promote the few third party studios that didn't slap them in the face and ditch them, and all most of us can say is either "I didn't bother watching the Directs" or "Eh, those games don't interest me".

Damned if they do, damned if they don't if you ask me.
Here's the thing that pisses me off the most. There has been no other developer or publisher that has taken a big **** on consumer rights and convenience than the triple AAA publishers and/or developers in the last generation. Buggy games, exploitable DLC, online passes, customers being told they are ungrateful, selling millions of units and being considered failures. They were ALL done by the triple AAA publishers/developers that is EA, Ubisoft, Square-enix, Activision, and Capcom. These very developers that have seriously backhanded consumers for years, and the hardcore consumers want Nintendo to bend to them? After looking at the past generation, nothing against Sony or Microsoft, I just don't want to deal with the 3rd party BS anymore. It is pointlessly stressful. So i'll just stick with the Wii-U. May be losing out getting 3rd party support, but I at least know I won't get shafted by the 3rd party on that console.

Edit: And don't even get me STARTED when the publishers/developers held certain games hostage......


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Tom_green_day said:
I'm sorry but I won't actively pursue Nintendo games and follow their news until they really start to make new IPs that look interesting to me. New Sonic, new Mario, new Zelda, new compilation of all of the above.
Same here. Nintendo continues just to cough up extensions to their hit IPs. The last Nintendo console that interested me was the N64...


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Negatempest said:
Dragonbums said:
Honestly, it's like these past months it's been the year Nintendo got a big middle finger for listening to anybody that isn't a hardcore Nintendo fan.

Others say they are sick of Mario and Zelda. Yet last time Skyward Sword came out every one practically wet their pants over it. Everyone of course except for the "I hate bright colors where's my CoD color pallete Zelda" because apparently Twilight Princess having a color scheme with gray overtones instantly makes it more mature.
Meanwhile Zelda Windwaker gets a remake and everyone talks about how much they LOVE that game when the director even points out that when it first came out people took a shit on it because of the whimsical, cute, colorful style. Lo and behold said game even without the HD remake can still hold up on it's own in terms of graphical appeal even today.

Nobody cares for Mario but the moment a next Mario galaxy comes to being everyone will be flipping their crap. Yet at the same time we expect them to pull another one like this every year?
It's like we never recognized the pattern of a big mario game like Galaxy only coming to a Nintendo console once every year. Kind of like Zelda. All the other Marios we see right now are fillers for the most part.

After begging for a new Pikmin game for...I don't know...9 years, Miyamoto finally has enough time to do it, and now everyone says they don't care because they didn't get a new Metroid which no one has seen for 3 years. I expect it to take longer seeing as how Other M completely fucked up the continuity of the previous three games, and they need to find another studio (not "Boob physics club") and an actual good story to make a new game. Fucking wow.

Then they actually listened to third party devs. Oh boy, this is a big one.
We know Nintendo isn't stupid. Especially when it comes to planning games for release with a new console. Yet this year both their handhelds and their consoles had ZERO games from them. Don't you think that's really strange?

The first and foremost complaint by everyone was their lack of third party support. If this was any time for a third party developer to put a game on any Nintendo console, it would've been this year. Why?
Because another complaint that came out of third party devs is how it's just so hard to compete with first party Nintendo games it's not really worth it to make games on their consoles. Valid complaint, and I agree. A lot of third party games got overshadowed by Nintendo's first party titles.
However this was they year when there was zero competition from Mario and Zelda. This was literally the perfect opportunity to put their games on their systems with no competition. Most of them either delayed, went multi platform or basically said "hahahahaha fuck you" and ditched. Leaving Nintendo with a barren lineup of games for the longest time. The 3DS is just picking up. Yet the WiiU is still suffering from that blow.

Now everyone is all like "Yeah Nintendo why don't you take the chances that we've given you and improve?" Thing is is that they did. They took that chance to listen and accommodate to third party devs, and all but a few turned around bit them in the ass, and I guess sat on their thumbs for the whole year waiting for the PS4 and Xbone to be announced so they can start adding the codes for the game.
Now Nintendo is basically trying their best to promote the few third party studios that didn't slap them in the face and ditch them, and all most of us can say is either "I didn't bother watching the Directs" or "Eh, those games don't interest me".

Damned if they do, damned if they don't if you ask me.
Here's the thing that pisses me off the most. There has been no other developer or publisher that has taken a big **** on consumer rights and convenience than the triple AAA publishers and/or developers in the last generation. Buggy games, exploitable DLC, online passes, customers being told they are ungrateful, selling millions of units and being considered failures. They were ALL done by the triple AAA publishers/developers that is EA, Ubisoft, Square-enix, Activision, and Capcom. These very developers that have seriously backhanded consumers for years, and the hardcore consumers want Nintendo to bend to them? After looking at the past generation, nothing against Sony or Microsoft, I just don't want to deal with the 3rd party BS anymore. It is pointlessly stressful. So i'll just stick with the Wii-U. May be losing out getting 3rd party support, but I at least know I won't get shafted by the 3rd party on that console.
Nintendo won't let them pull that shit on their console. They allow DLC or sure, but they don't allow the bullshit that is taking out content from the games and putting it up for sale. They won't let them implement online and season passes. Because if you can do Mario Kart for free, then every other game that has online has to do it for free. Why do you think EA left Nintendo after they refused their Origin service? Because Nintendo didn't want them to run the show. They know how much the general consumer hates Origin so they told them to fuck off. Instead of people applauding Nintendo for standing up for consumer rights and taking a big blow of losing EA's support for keeping their system free of insulting DRM, all anyone on this site can say is "Wow Nintendo can't afford not having EA's support." and then proceed to ***** and moan about how Microsoft is letting EA run the show.
Why do you think so many third party developers ditched Nintendo? Because just like EA, Nintendo doesn't let them run the show.
Last generation was but a taste of what happens when you let the third party devs call the shots, and they are pissed that Nintendo is the one telling them that if they are going to put games on their console they have to play by their rules.
Xbone is the Magnum Opus of what most third party devs really want, but keep it to themselves because they don't want to be shunned.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Giving Nintendo a chance? Always, without any doubt.

There is no denying that the Wii-u has had a slow start, there is also no denying that at the moment there is little reason to own Nintendo's latest console. The Keyword being ''At the moment''.

The great Nintendo games are coming, maybe not today, not tomorrow but eventually they will arrive and Nintendo will give us what they always give. Quality! Even if you have to wait you will always have the knowledge great games are coming.

As long as Nintendo continues to deliver quality games I will always give them a chance and up till now they have always done so. Even the game starving Wii had some Nintendo gold in the form of Mario Galaxy and Skyward sword . From the mainstream Mario to the Niche fire emblem, every game they make is at the very least solid and well polished. No matter what you think of those franchise's you cannot deny their quality even if they aren't your cup of tea. Nintendo is the only company that can and will support an entire console on their own. I have no doubt the Wii-u's best days lie ahead of her.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
I'm interested in the SMT X FE game, X, and I'll need something to play Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower on after my brother moves out, so I'll get a Wii U in time, just not anytime soon. The PS4 has more games I'm totally interested in, and will even sport a nice KH3, and I'm heavily interested in FFXV, and past that Destiny, inFamous, Knack, console versions of a few PC games and MMOs I might not be able to play otherwise, and I assume it will have pretty good third party support in the up coming generation. It's not that I don't like Nintendo, I just don't care about their home console as much as the other ones. Now if we're talking handhelds, that's another story(love my 3DS to death), but otherwise, I must pass on Nintendo this holiday season.


New member
May 10, 2008
Dragonbums said:
Negatempest said:
Dragonbums said:
Honestly, it's like these past months it's been the year Nintendo got a big middle finger for listening to anybody that isn't a hardcore Nintendo fan.

Others say they are sick of Mario and Zelda. Yet last time Skyward Sword came out every one practically wet their pants over it. Everyone of course except for the "I hate bright colors where's my CoD color pallete Zelda" because apparently Twilight Princess having a color scheme with gray overtones instantly makes it more mature.
Meanwhile Zelda Windwaker gets a remake and everyone talks about how much they LOVE that game when the director even points out that when it first came out people took a shit on it because of the whimsical, cute, colorful style. Lo and behold said game even without the HD remake can still hold up on it's own in terms of graphical appeal even today.

Nobody cares for Mario but the moment a next Mario galaxy comes to being everyone will be flipping their crap. Yet at the same time we expect them to pull another one like this every year?
It's like we never recognized the pattern of a big mario game like Galaxy only coming to a Nintendo console once every year. Kind of like Zelda. All the other Marios we see right now are fillers for the most part.

After begging for a new Pikmin game for...I don't know...9 years, Miyamoto finally has enough time to do it, and now everyone says they don't care because they didn't get a new Metroid which no one has seen for 3 years. I expect it to take longer seeing as how Other M completely fucked up the continuity of the previous three games, and they need to find another studio (not "Boob physics club") and an actual good story to make a new game. Fucking wow.

Then they actually listened to third party devs. Oh boy, this is a big one.
We know Nintendo isn't stupid. Especially when it comes to planning games for release with a new console. Yet this year both their handhelds and their consoles had ZERO games from them. Don't you think that's really strange?

The first and foremost complaint by everyone was their lack of third party support. If this was any time for a third party developer to put a game on any Nintendo console, it would've been this year. Why?
Because another complaint that came out of third party devs is how it's just so hard to compete with first party Nintendo games it's not really worth it to make games on their consoles. Valid complaint, and I agree. A lot of third party games got overshadowed by Nintendo's first party titles.
However this was they year when there was zero competition from Mario and Zelda. This was literally the perfect opportunity to put their games on their systems with no competition. Most of them either delayed, went multi platform or basically said "hahahahaha fuck you" and ditched. Leaving Nintendo with a barren lineup of games for the longest time. The 3DS is just picking up. Yet the WiiU is still suffering from that blow.

Now everyone is all like "Yeah Nintendo why don't you take the chances that we've given you and improve?" Thing is is that they did. They took that chance to listen and accommodate to third party devs, and all but a few turned around bit them in the ass, and I guess sat on their thumbs for the whole year waiting for the PS4 and Xbone to be announced so they can start adding the codes for the game.
Now Nintendo is basically trying their best to promote the few third party studios that didn't slap them in the face and ditch them, and all most of us can say is either "I didn't bother watching the Directs" or "Eh, those games don't interest me".

Damned if they do, damned if they don't if you ask me.
Here's the thing that pisses me off the most. There has been no other developer or publisher that has taken a big **** on consumer rights and convenience than the triple AAA publishers and/or developers in the last generation. Buggy games, exploitable DLC, online passes, customers being told they are ungrateful, selling millions of units and being considered failures. They were ALL done by the triple AAA publishers/developers that is EA, Ubisoft, Square-enix, Activision, and Capcom. These very developers that have seriously backhanded consumers for years, and the hardcore consumers want Nintendo to bend to them? After looking at the past generation, nothing against Sony or Microsoft, I just don't want to deal with the 3rd party BS anymore. It is pointlessly stressful. So i'll just stick with the Wii-U. May be losing out getting 3rd party support, but I at least know I won't get shafted by the 3rd party on that console.
Nintendo won't let them pull that shit on their console. They allow DLC or sure, but they don't allow the bullshit that is taking out content from the games and putting it up for sale. They won't let them implement online and season passes. Because if you can do Mario Kart for free, then every other game that has online has to do it for free. Why do you think EA left Nintendo after they refused their Origin service? Because Nintendo didn't want them to run the show. They know how much the general consumer hates Origin so they told them to fuck off. Instead of people applauding Nintendo for standing up for consumer rights and taking a big blow of losing EA's support for keeping their system free of insulting DRM, all anyone on this site can say is "Wow Nintendo can't afford not having EA's support." and then proceed to ***** and moan about how Microsoft is letting EA run the show.
Why do you think so many third party developers ditched Nintendo? Because just like EA, Nintendo doesn't let them run the show.
Last generation was but a taste of what happens when you let the third party devs call the shots, and they are pissed that Nintendo is the one telling them that if they are going to put games on their console they have to play by their rules.
Xbone is the Magnum Opus of what most third party devs really want, but keep it to themselves because they don't want to be shunned.
It is ironically hilarious because in one hand Sony and Microsoft are showing you their great 3rd party support, while on the other hand they are slapping every single one of their consumers with the 3rd party practices of consumer distrust. You know, those annoying barriers that add nothing to the gameplay or make the consumers feel guilty over not buying new games.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Miss G. said:
Nintendo has billions more money to fall back on than the the other 2. Sure, people laughed at the gamepad, but how many PS4 and Xbone games are coming out with tablet support now. Lately it's been; Nintendo sets a trend, the other two scoff at it for a bit and then try to imitate. Out of the big 3, Nintendo's been only slightly in the red once (years ago) compared to Sony & Microsoft many financial failures. And that's as a company that only really does gaming-related things instead of general electronics, software etc. NIntendo saved the game industry in the first place. They've been around for more than 120 years and they'll keep prospering on.
Whatever "billions" a company has, it isn't their money. It's shareholder money. Corporations are machines for making money, itself doesn't OWN any money.

Tablet support? Ha. Another gimmick feature. It will be forgotten soon enough like "motion control".

Oh the "game-related things" you talk about, they haven't been relevant to the wider game industry in decades. Nintendo could disappear tomorrow, next to no developers will cry for them.


New member
May 10, 2008
cloroxbb said:
Yeah, cause Nintendo doesn't utilize their own anti-consumer practices... Nintendo doesn't force me to buy games over and over again if I want them on a new console or handheld that supports them. No Nintendo doesn't do that.

I cant buy a digital PS1 game and play it on every current Sony console, and even one last gen one, and only have purchase ONE copy. Nope, but on Nintendo, I CAN buy a Virtual Console game on the 3DS and also play it on the Wii and Wii U without buying another copy...

Yes, that was bad sarcasm, but my point is, Nintendo is not a SAINT when it comes to consumer practices either.
When the heck did I say they are, but what Nintendo does is annoying to consumers, but hell if your going to convince me it's anywhere near the same **** that the 3rd party developers pull. Do you want me to name the lovelies the 3rd party developers like to pull? Fine.
-Online Pass
-Season Pass
-Buggy games that require day 1 patches
-Day One DLC
-On Disk DLC
-Overblown budgets where they blame the consumers for their 4 millions sales is considered a failure.
-Constant internet connection to play single player games or modes. (Uplay anyone, Sim City, Diablo, Starcraft 2?)

I'm not saying the games are terrible, they freakin are great games. I just don't like the baggage that comes with just trying to play a single game anymore. It's pointless stress.

I am not here to convince you to buy a Wii-U instead. I am hear to point out that I am really starting to hate the 3rd parties for their BS business practices and am losing my trust in them. Sony themselves are doing great, 1st party wise, but they gave 3rd parties alot of control the last generation and I don't expect that to change now this generation.


New member
May 27, 2010
I'll probably end up buying a WiiU at some point, not any time soon though. The thing is, Zelda is the only IP I care about that I can't get on PC, so I'm kind of stuck with Nintendo. That doesn't mean they've won the console war, and it certainly doesn't imply that the console war has any significance whatsoever. It's just a silly competition that repeats itself every few years, it's not like it's important, though lots of people make it out to be. Everyone should just buy the consoles they want to buy, or the consoles that have the games they want to play. It's not like you have to pick one, you can buy all three if you want to, so why make a big deal out of it? If Smash Bros does it for you, that's great, and if not, that's also great. I don't really see what the big fuss is about.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
deadish said:
Miss G. said:
Nintendo has billions more money to fall back on than the the other 2. Sure, people laughed at the gamepad, but how many PS4 and Xbone games are coming out with tablet support now. Lately it's been; Nintendo sets a trend, the other two scoff at it for a bit and then try to imitate. Out of the big 3, Nintendo's been only slightly in the red once (years ago) compared to Sony & Microsoft many financial failures. And that's as a company that only really does gaming-related things instead of general electronics, software etc. NIntendo saved the game industry in the first place. They've been around for more than 120 years and they'll keep prospering on.
Whatever "billions" a company has, it isn't their money. It's shareholder money. Corporations are machines for making money, itself doesn't OWN any money.

Tablet support? Ha. Another gimmick feature. It will be forgotten soon enough like "motion control".

Oh the "game-related things" you talk about, they haven't been relevant to the wider game industry in decades. Nintendo could disappear tomorrow, next to no developers will cry for them.
1) No, really, it is there money. They don't have Billions in Stocks for Shareholders to hold, they literally have Billions of dollars in the bank under their name.

2) If it's so gimmicky, why do the XBone and PS4 have Tablet support?

3) If this were the case, then the Wii, DS and 3DS wouldn't be successful, but they are, and they wouldn't have changed the face of gaming, but they did. 3D Mario wouldn't sell over 5 Million Copies, but they do (Super Mario 3D Land, the current 3D Mario title, currently has 8 Million in sales, something most games can't ever reach). And you wouldn't be on this thread if they didn't matter, but you clearly think they matter enough to yell at.