GLaDOS and TF2's Sniper Support GaymerCon


New member
Jul 29, 2011
surg3n said:
Yup, I'm starting a kickstarter campaign for a 100% white male straight convention. Is that acceptable?
The same groups who ***** about segregation are asking for more segregation, but convenient segregation
It's not segregation because it's not 100% LGBT, the kickstarter page points out that straight people are welcome to go as well, it's about raising awareness, like a gay pride parade, and it's also about presenting a environment to gay gamers where they aren't going to be verbally abused by those around them or people online, nor is it about putting gay people or options into videogames and removing masculinity, did you even read the kickstarter page? or are you just ranting due to a irrational fear that games having gay people and options in them will destroy the industry and reduce it to whatever the hell you imagine gay people play, because in reality they play the same games as you and everyone else.


He who waits behind the wall
Mar 12, 2009
Ellen McClain was already awesome, now she's reached a singularity of awesome.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
If this is about building bridges, then using such an on-the-nose pun in the name is immediately burning them down again.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
This is...........stupid. If you like games then you like games. What the fuck does your sexual orientation have to do with video games? Also:

Agow95 said:
it's about raising awareness,
Awareness about what? Gay people? I'm pretty sure we're all aware they exist.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
It's a meetup for people who are in the LGBT community that also like gaming, and everyone is welcome, regardless of gender/orientation. WHY is this segregation?

By the same logic, any gaming convention would be "segregation" because it would "only include gamers". Just no.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
anthony87 said:
This is...........stupid. If you like games then you like games. What the fuck does your sexual orientation have to do with video games? Also:

Agow95 said:
it's about raising awareness,
Awareness about what? Gay people? I'm pretty sure we're all aware they exist.
1. That there is a large number of LGBT gamers and
2. (you might have noticed this if you actually read the rest of my post) That many of these gamers are abused on the basis of their sexual orientation and that many people ignore it because they feel it's not a problem simply because it's not their problem.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
I... dont get it.
Why do gay gamers need their own convention? Did they even ask for it?

Its not like they're overly segregated in the gaming community either, I'm pretty sure the gaming community (The mature ones at least. Read: Not Xbox live) accept them for who the are and really couldn't care less about their sexual orientation.

Am I missing something? Because this just screams money grab to me.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
Anyone saying gay people don't need this, or shouldn't do this, needs to spend more time at The Borderhouse to see how they are treated.

Anyone complaining about the name needs to spend more time at Rock Paper Shotgun to develop an appreciation for the art of punning.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Sober Thal said:
Kickstarter = Beggars
Not beggars. Begging is just asking for money out of charity. A kickstarter is more like a busker who requires payment in advance; if all goes well there will be a return on your investment, as long as you give the scruffy student enough loose change for him to play his awful acoustic version of 'Sweet Child of Mine'.

OT: I have no problem with the con, but good lord I hate fucking Gaymers. It's so damn sugary, like the Bacardi Breezer of ciders. Naming your gay convention after a brand of drink widely regarded as girly isn't really helping the stereotype, lads :p


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Prof.Beany said:
I... dont get it.
Why do gay gamers need their own convention? Did they even ask for it?

Its not like they're overly segregated in the gaming community either, I'm pretty sure the gaming community (The mature ones at least. Read: Not Xbox live) accept them for who the are and really couldn't care less about their sexual orientation.

Am I missing something? Because this just screams money grab to me.
You're missing the fact that the 'xbox live' community represents the overwhelming majority of the gamersphere. Because I'm assuming you're lumping in the WoW, CoD, BF communities and so forth. The big ones. Having vacationed in those communities from time to time I can tell you one thing for certain: homosexuals don't get a lot of positive talk. In fact one of the number one insults that crop up time and again are homosexual pejoratives.

Homosexuals are having a tough time right now (which is nothing new). Did you see the lines of people outside Chik-fil-A's lately, queuing up to show their support for the oppression of their civil liberties? Can you imagine what that would feel like if it was tens of thousands of people all showing their solidarity in declaring you, Prof. Beany, a sub-person?

Let them have a gaming convention. Let them have something tailored to them, celebrating them, a place where they know they can be open about themselves and be surrounded by those who are like them. A safe place where they don't have to worry about maybe being harassed and accosted, someplace where they can feel like it's for them.

It's true that cons like PAX don't necessarily discriminate, but that doesn't mean that subsets of people can't have one that's for them. And just in case you're worried about it being some sort of reverse discrimination, you're welcome to attend to.

In fact, it's sort of the flipside, isn't it? I mean lets face it: what with booth babes and such, it's pretty clear that video games are marketed largely to heterosexuals (and being the overwhelming societal majority that's no surprise). Homosexuals are welcome to attend, but it's not for them. You (and the rest of us really) are so used to having things catered to us, for us, that it can be nigh-on impossible to imagine what it might be like if it wasn't. Well, a con like this gives them a place where in some small way, it will be.

Are they not allowed that little bit? That tiny thing, without the rest of us 'enlightened' folks trying to cut them down?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Sounds like a cool idea to me.

I don't see anything wrong with a convention where gay gamers can meet.

The coming out progress is something that can be very difficult and hard to understand for people who've not gone through it, hence all the "It gets better" videos that are out there. Having a convention full of people who know what you've been through, can relate to that and also share one of your major interests in life sounds like a great place to meet friends or even partners.

I'm not saying that sharing an interest or having gone through a similar process of coming out is required for friendships, but I do think it helps.

Especially as I believe many gay people tend to keep their sexual orientation a bit quiet it can be nice to have a convention where you don't have to and spend time on your favourite hobby in the process.

And to all those people calling this bad and segregation. Stop talking about things you haven't the faintest clue about. You're just as annoying as those Fox News reporters who talk about games without having done the faintest bit of research. Do some research first about what it's like to come out, what it's like to be constantly viewed as, and even view yourself as, 'different' and how having a convention that's aimed specifically at you might help.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
itsthesheppy said:
Ah, heres my problem: Im Australian.

Im used to a much more tolerate climate than that of America so this naturally seems like overkill to me. I know of many, many a gay-gamer in my online communities and theyre treated exactly the same as any other, but of course USA is a much different story on that matter with the whole predominantly christian culture and all that, not to mention the crazies like Westboro.

But by all means I can see how this would be a good thing in such a terrible climate for differing sexuality as the USA. But I have to wonder how theyll deal with the inevitable attention this will garner from overzealous groups opposing gay rights, because there sure are a lot of them over there...


New member
Oct 14, 2009
The Random One said:
Anyone complaining about the name needs to spend more time at Rock Paper Shotgun to develop an appreciation for the art of punning.
"Art"? I mean, I guess if you can put a crucifix in a jar of piss and call it art you can apply the same label to puns, but still. I'd take my chances with pissy Jesus, personally...


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Prof.Beany said:
itsthesheppy said:
Ah, heres my problem: Im Australian.

Im used to a much more tolerate climate than that of America so this naturally seems like overkill to me. I know of many, many a gay-gamer in my online communities and theyre treated exactly the same as any other, but of course USA is a much different story on that matter with the whole predominantly christian culture and all that, not to mention the crazies like Westboro.

But by all means I can see how this would be a good thing in such a terrible climate for differing sexuality as the USA. But I have to wonder how theyll deal with the inevitable attention this will garner from overzealous groups opposing gay rights, because there sure are a lot of them over there...
Yeah. The gay thing is a really depressing battleground here in America. Land of the free, indeed.

This is the kind of thing the USA needs. I mean there are pastors getting on CNN saying that homosexuals should be rounded up in internment camps to keep them away from general population. Whereas something like this would seem to indeed be overkill and unnecessary if you didn't know what life was like in this country, speaking as someone who lives here, it's definitely needed.

My state legalized gay marriage though so... at least I have that.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
As a gay person, I think this is stupid.

"Treat us as equals while we do things that separate us into 'us and them'.

Parades in my mind are bad for this same reason.


New member
May 16, 2011
Agow95 said:
surg3n said:
Yup, I'm starting a kickstarter campaign for a 100% white male straight convention. Is that acceptable?
The same groups who ***** about segregation are asking for more segregation, but convenient segregation
It's not segregation because it's not 100% LGBT, the kickstarter page points out that straight people are welcome to go as well, it's about raising awareness, like a gay pride parade, and it's also about presenting a environment to gay gamers where they aren't going to be verbally abused by those around them or people online, nor is it about putting gay people or options into videogames and removing masculinity, did you even read the kickstarter page? or are you just ranting due to a irrational fear that games having gay people and options in them will destroy the industry and reduce it to whatever the hell you imagine gay people play, because in reality they play the same games as you and everyone else.
So, it's a big issue for gay people to be harassed and abused at gaming conventions? - horseshit.

In reality, gay people play the same games as everyone else - yet for some reason their sexuality is a bigger factor than anyone elses. How do people even know they are gay?, ask yourself that and realise that is the whole problem.

Now, you'll probably just turn this into something else, but this is the #1 problem people have with homosexuals.... The fact that we know they are homosexuals!, no matter what the situation, we have to somehow know that they are gay. When I play an online game, I don't play as a gay guy, or a straight guy, I might not even play as a guy, because you know something... SEX IS NOT A FACTOR!, sexual preference is not a factor in videogaming. Why do gay people get harassed online for being gay?, because they make a point of telling people they are gay. You could take any facet of your being, and tell people about it, and there will always be people who have a problem, and use it to troll you. Gay gamers might have an easier time if they stop making themselves such an easy target.

Maybe, your average straight white dude is sick to fucking death of walking on eggshells, in fear of offending feminists, fat people, gay people, people in general, skinny people, butt-hurt people, people with heirlips, retards, pigmy's, people with no skin.... anyone left out?, anyone feeling butthurt because I didn't include them in this rediculous rant?

I go back to my original point. Is it ok if I kickstart a convention for straight white male gamers?, that way we won't have to know anyones sexuality, disorder, feminist dogma views, stupidity or anything like that - you know what I mean, all that stuff that has nothing to do with videogames. Call me a racist, fascist, whatever - I'm a realist, and I'm not looking over my shoulder to see who's monitoring my opinion. People are just as likely to be called a retard during an online game - do we need a special convention for retards?, what about those people whose mom's are actually sluts?... actually, I'd go to that convention ;)


New member
Mar 28, 2012
surg3n said:
Maybe, your average straight white dude is sick to fucking death of walking on eggshells, in fear of offending feminists, fat people, gay people, people in general, skinny people, butt-hurt people, people with heirlips, retards, pigmy's, people with no skin.... anyone left out?, anyone feeling butthurt because I didn't include them in this rediculous rant?
I agree. Taking time out of my life to think about the feelings of others is exhausting. Why can't everyone just be like me, and be born into an easy life of privilege, and enjoy my humor at their expense? I mean geeze, get over it. Your struggles are just a joke to me and if you don't get it, that's your problem, not mine.

So I say, Amen, brother. Who's standing up for the callous jerks of the world? Who's standing up to defend my right to be an intolerable asshole to everyone I meet? It's not my fault I was born into leisure and comfort and everyone else's problems are hilarious to me. They just need to have a more sophisticated sense of humor. I am so tired of people expecting me to be nice and caring. Eugh. Like I have the time!

Who's thinking about the rights of us straight white guys? I mean, we have problems too: We have to share the world with people who aren't like us.

High five brudda.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Terrible name, good concept. Was Queercon taken? Too much like Quakecon? I'm not sold on the name at all. Obviously I can't do any better though.

As an Australian, and a reclusive gaming type person, I still see a lot of homophobic abuse in online gaming. It's there and it's hurtful, I know at least one friend who won't play most online games because of it (well not public servers anyway, there are some with good admins he'll still play on). It is a good idea to have a convention that is Queer friendly, everyone from San Fransisco should pop in for a day. It'd be great if it was a roaring success.
itsthesheppy said:
I...I think you just won the Interwebs or something...


He who waits behind the wall
Mar 12, 2009
The best way to achieve equality is for anyone not straight and white is to basically pretend to be straight and white.

Does it help you maintain your persecution complex to imagine gay people start and end every sentence with "I'm gay"?


New member
May 16, 2011
itsthesheppy said:
surg3n said:
Maybe, your average straight white dude is sick to fucking death of walking on eggshells, in fear of offending feminists, fat people, gay people, people in general, skinny people, butt-hurt people, people with heirlips, retards, pigmy's, people with no skin.... anyone left out?, anyone feeling butthurt because I didn't include them in this rediculous rant?
I agree. Taking time out of my life to think about the feelings of others is exhausting. Why can't everyone just be like me, and be born into an easy life of privilege, and enjoy my humor at their expense? I mean geeze, get over it. Your struggles are just a joke to me and if you don't get it, that's your problem, not mine.

So I say, Amen, brother. Who's standing up for the callous jerks of the world? Who's standing up to defend my right to be an intolerable asshole to everyone I meet? It's not my fault I was born into leisure and comfort and everyone else's problems are hilarious to me. They just need to have a more sophisticated sense of humor. I am so tired of people expecting me to be nice and caring. Eugh. Like I have the time!

Who's thinking about the rights of us straight white guys? I mean, we have problems too: We have to share the world with people who aren't like us.

High five brudda.

See, your assumption right there is that I have a reason to consider other peoples feelings, you assume that I'm an intolerable asshole.

I have plenty of gay friends, and you know what! - I never offended any of them, ever. You know why? - because I don't target peoples issues and use them against them, I don't have a problem with anyone. You see me as some douchebag hipster god-knows-what, and you couldn't be further from the truth - what does that say about you?

At what point did I say it's ok to be a callous jerk?, intolerable asshole?, but that must be the case because I don't think gays should have a gaming convention. Let me re-iterate - I don't think gays NEED a gaming convention. The sort of people who would harass someone because of their sexual orientation, are not the sort of people who even go to gaming conventions! - and if they did, they just wouldn't have the stones to actually harass someone in real life. Calling someone a fag in a videogame is a generic insult directed at their gaming skill, is that not obvious to everyone?, are gay gamers gonna be continually harassed by kids, maybe if they stepped up their game, it wouldn't be an issue :D. Being gay, is not a disease - non-gay gay fans don't realise, but actually gay people tend to be ok at talking about being gay, they tend to be honest about it, people have no ill intent shouldn't feel awkward about talking to gay people about their issues, but that certainly isn't the case, is it?

To sum things up - I'm against any kind of segregation, it's not a good thing - if there are issues with integration, then segregation is not the answer. I know, everyone is welcome to Gaymercon blah blah blah, but that's kinda like being invited to a vegetarian barbeque.
(Ohh, poor veggies, now he's having a go at them!)