GLaDOS and TF2's Sniper Support GaymerCon


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Elijin said:
That doesn't dispute what I said. I said its about gaming and gamers. About a group of people with a common hobby, who come together to celebrate that hobby in a social environment.
Yeah, and this con is doing exactly that, just framing a specific issue for everyone to gather round in. What's the problem with that?

I have been to cons and I dont see the 'anti-gay' sentiments people are talking about.
Anecdotal evidence, irrelevant. I have been to cons to and I've seen not only anti-gay sentiments but also sexist (on both sides) and creepy people being insensitive towards others. Doesn't mean that there aren't nice people at cons. This con is not just about games, but also for generating support for the LGBTQ community and a place where people can safely be themselves for a group of underprivileged people whose sexual orientation is the go-to insult for many online games.

Yes, gaming SHOWS are all about booth babes and the such, but gaming cons are about people dressing up in ridiculous outfits, not caring whether people think negative things about those outfits or their person and having a lot of fun with like-minded people.

Like I said, conventions arent about sexual orientation, they're about gamers doing their thing. Gamers come in all shapes, sizes, genders, ages and sexual preferences.
Yeah, and this con is specifically framed so that the gay community can freely do this without ridicule or persecution along with their friends, straight or gay. Gamers do come in all shapes and sizes, but some shapes and sizes need to have attention brought to them because they're unfairly treated and people willingly refuse to even talk about the issues because the issues don't affect themselves personally. Gaming does not live in a social vacuum, the issues of the day affect what goes on in the industry as well. Most other cons, this type of dicussion would barely even be a blip. Now there is a con where everyone can come together and be open about themselves even more than at regular cons, and panels where developers can actually talk about these sorts of issues.

And as I previously said, this seems like an event which is going to generate a hostile environment in spite of its intentions. Because assholes are assholes, and this idea takes two powderkeg issues and tries to pretend it wont attract the wrong attention by the wrong people.
That's for the con to work out, and certainly not reason enough to be against this con.


Emcee: the videogame video guy
Jun 26, 2012
Okay, for anyone who doesn't get this, try the following:

Add something that denotes gaypride to your username on xBox Live.

Seriously, see what happens.

It's important to show that sort of discriminating behavior is unacceptable. Gay characters barely exist in this medium, and in this industry in general. When they do, it's often in porn games or for cheap fanservice. Vamp from Metal Gear and Kanji from Persona 4 are the only LGBT characters I can think of that aren't offensive. Not a SINGLE well-developed lesbian character or trans character comes to mind. I'm sure they exist, but not in the mainstream. That's depressing. Gays are a major minority that are greatly ignored and harassed. This convention heals that image in a small way.

Anyone can go to this convention. The point is this shows that we don't all care about orientation, and go out of our way to embrace a very often abused and neglected group of people. There is no segregation.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
ZehMadScientist said:
I don't know what to think of this.

One one hand, it's a goodwill gesture toward gay people and I doubt any ill will is intended.

On the flip side, why do they need to segregate gay gamers from 'gamers' in general? Why, they are not true gamers because of their sexual orientation?

It seems a bit odd to me. Perhaps they could have drawn attention to some major gay events during the convention, but basing the entire convention around a sexual preference is not the best of ideas.
They are not segregating anyone! The con is free for anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, to join. The entire point of this convention is acceptance and diversity, the name is just to draw attention to it and to signify the main topic that this con is about.


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Mar 10, 2008
Overusedname said:
Okay, for anyone who doesn't get this, try the following:

Add something that denotes gaypride to your username on xBox Live.

Seriously, see what happens.

It's important to show that sort of discriminating behavior is unacceptable. Gay characters barely exist in this medium, and in this industry in general. When they do, it's often in porn games or for cheap fanservice. Vamp from Metal Gear and Kanji from Persona 4 are the only LGBT characters I can think of that aren't offensive. Not a SINGLE well-developed lesbian character or trans character comes to mind. I'm sure they exist, but not in the mainstream. That's depressing. Gays are a major minority that are greatly ignored and harassed. This convention heals that image in a small way.

Anyone can go to this convention. The point is this shows that we don't all care about orientation, and go out of our way to embrace a very often abused and neglected group of people. There is no segregation.
If there was a like button in this forum, I would like this six ways to Sunday.

Carson Shindigg

New member
Mar 11, 2011
This seems a bit like overkill, ideally, having events such as E3, Comicon etc come on board publicly as GLAAD friendly.

But if you say that there is no stigma for people who are GLBTI, I wish to point you to the many cultures of gaming that use the Fg word, the Rp word and various other sex and sexual based words in a negative light in flaming or smack talking during games. If you feel that gamers are an all accepting bunch who a GLBTI should feel completely safe around, think again.

My vote is for a Marcus and Dom float in the next pride parade :).


New member
Nov 21, 2007
itsthesheppy said:
You're missing the fact that the 'xbox live' community represents the overwhelming majority of the gamersphere. Because I'm assuming you're lumping in the WoW, CoD, BF communities and so forth. The big ones. Having vacationed in those communities from time to time I can tell you one thing for certain: homosexuals don't get a lot of positive talk. In fact one of the number one insults that crop up time and again are homosexual pejoratives.

Homosexuals are having a tough time right now (which is nothing new). Did you see the lines of people outside Chik-fil-A's lately, queuing up to show their support for the oppression of their civil liberties? Can you imagine what that would feel like if it was tens of thousands of people all showing their solidarity in declaring you, Prof. Beany, a sub-person?

Let them have a gaming convention. Let them have something tailored to them, celebrating them, a place where they know they can be open about themselves and be surrounded by those who are like them. A safe place where they don't have to worry about maybe being harassed and accosted, someplace where they can feel like it's for them.

It's true that cons like PAX don't necessarily discriminate, but that doesn't mean that subsets of people can't have one that's for them. And just in case you're worried about it being some sort of reverse discrimination, you're welcome to attend to.

In fact, it's sort of the flipside, isn't it? I mean lets face it: what with booth babes and such, it's pretty clear that video games are marketed largely to heterosexuals (and being the overwhelming societal majority that's no surprise). Homosexuals are welcome to attend, but it's not for them. You (and the rest of us really) are so used to having things catered to us, for us, that it can be nigh-on impossible to imagine what it might be like if it wasn't. Well, a con like this gives them a place where in some small way, it will be.

Are they not allowed that little bit? That tiny thing, without the rest of us 'enlightened' folks trying to cut them down?
The Random One said:
Anyone saying gay people don't need this, or shouldn't do this, needs to spend more time at The Borderhouse to see how they are treated.

Anyone complaining about the name needs to spend more time at Rock Paper Shotgun to develop an appreciation for the art of punning.
Both QFT.

It kind of baffles me how people are posting in this thread talking of equality for everyone and then bitching about the LGBT community hosting a gaming-convention. Does the irony/hypocrisy escape them?

Captcha: How about that?
Yes. How about that, captcha? How about that, indeed.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
If this convention is about showcasing games that were created by gay developers or incorporated the gay community, like the gay film festivals do, then great. The other conventions tend to focus on the big names so a con featuring that sort of material would be a good addition.

Edit: I didn't like the name at first and then it came to me. Gaymer Conventions sounds like a convention for homosexual elves from the Elder Scrolls games. Would be quite impression if that was the intention.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
RJ 17 said:
Grey Carter said:
...mildly terrifying support to an upcoming convention for LGBT geeks.
And for my dick-move of the day, I'll point out that you forgot a letter in the homosexual alliance acronym, Grey. Evidently they've gone ahead and added a "Q" onto the end which wikipedia defines as being "Queer" or "Questioning". Personally I'd have to hope it's the latter as the former seems like a derogatory name for homosexuals in general.
"Queer" has been used in some cases as a way of "taking back" the word. If you're a Simpsons fan, you may remember the early episode, where Homer was complaining about gay guys like John taking away "queer" as an insult: "That was our word!"

There are many different acronyms; Wikipedia [] has a good list. I do remember what the GSA at my college used: LGBTQQAIF: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, allied, intersex, fluid. In any case, the other acronyms are designed in an effort to be more inclusive of "related" communities, while some people feel the shorter acronyms are inclusive already.

As a man in a long-term relationship with a woman, this con sounds good to me; if I'm still in Northern California next year, I'll go. This isn't just for gay gamers, like PAX isn't just for fans of Penny Arcade. But it's gaming-related and friendly, so I know I'll have fun.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
I dont wanna go to any con hosted by the Gaymers. Safest backhome, away from post-apocalyptic lizardmen.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Nicolaus99 said:
Straight Gamer Convention - homosexuals also welcome

See, if reversing it makes it bigotry, grats on being bigots. This kind of alienating separatist thinking is part of the problem.
"Straight gamer convention - Homosexuals also welcome" is in fact every gaming convention I'm aware of. Having been to a number of conventions, I can safely say that there was at no point any ambiguity that they were designed with me in mind; that is, a straight white guy. It's tough to notice that sometimes, because the brain doesn't really notice when it's being catered to; it just soaks it up.

This is something for a subset of people for whom normal conventions do not directly cater, to give them a taste of what it might be like for them. to have a convention that speaks directly to them, invites them in specific, and lets them know that they can truly be themselves without the usual risk.

If you see the harm in that, it might be that you're looking a bit too hard.

Blizzcon isn't bigoted against people who don't play Blizzard games. It's just catered more towards Blizzard fans. Not a perfect analogy but I feel it's close enough to work.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
So many people are talking about segregation. Did you people not read the description?

GaymerCon isn't about segregation - it's about celebration!

What is the point of a gay pride event? Pride! Pride in being gay.

What is the point of a gaming convention? Pride! Pride in being a gamer.

So why not do both at once? GaymerCon is inviting everyone, no matter orientation, to come celebrate the gay gaming community - to take Pride in both who we are and what we do.

If you don't want to celebrate, then don't go. There's no need to get down on those who want a reason to party.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
I wasn't aware that sexual orientation was a limiting factor for entrance to ComicCon, ECCC, and all the other gamer/nerd conventions out there.

Oh, what's that you say? It's not!? Anyone of any sexual preference can attend the "normal" Cons (with a very loose definition of normal) without incident? Well I'll be.

I heard once, a while back that separate is inherently unequal. So, why would someone try to force themselves into a separate con?

captcha: oh brother ... indeed.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
what the hell does sexuality has to do with gaming?

i can understand why there could be a support for women in games, because i KNOW what happens when a women voice is heard on your average fps game.

but you dont have that whit sexuality, unless you come in with a stereotypical voice.

so as far as i am concerned - that action is a BIG shot in the foot.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
mgirl said:
Bigsmith said:
The point, as I see it anyway, is that highlighting a group of people who within the subculture of gaming come under abuse, which does happen regardless of how tolerant most people are, and creating an event where these issues can be highlighted and show people it isnt acceptable.
Why is an entire con needed for this, surly something done at a larger con where everyone goes will reach out to more people then those who already support the LGBT people within the gaming community.

You want to show people that the treatment of the LGBT group isn't acceptable? Then maybe we can do something at a larger con rather then put together a con specificity for them.

Does the phrase, "Preaching to the Choir" mean anything here?

Plus, gay people are under represented in games, and surely thats the sort of thing it's focusing on?
Why? You expect people to just throw in gay characters just to please an audience that last time I heard... oh wait I haven't, and that's the point.

My stance on Gay, Lesbian ect people turning up in video games is simple. If the story line is made to have a gay character in it then so be. If the Game devs don't want to then it's their (or the stock holds) decision. I'll start making a fuss when it's people who just plain hate on the LGBT community stopping my games from being made just because the game devs wanted to have a Gay person in it.
I don't understand the number of comments going on about 'segregation' either when that isn't the point of the thing.
The simply fact is that some people believe it is, it feels like it from the title and after reading the article I felt that it was only for 'gaymers' until I got to the part saying it's welcome to everyone, which in turn made me wonder why they just don't do something at a larger con, you know, one with a lot of press... like E3.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Bara_no_Hime said:
So many people are talking about segregation. Did you people not read the description?

GaymerCon isn't about segregation - it's about celebration!

What is the point of a gay pride event? Pride! Pride in being gay.

What is the point of a gaming convention? Pride! Pride in being a gamer.

So why not do both at once? GaymerCon is inviting everyone, no matter orientation, to come celebrate the gay gaming community - to take Pride in both who we are and what we do.

If you don't want to celebrate, then don't go. There's no need to get down on those who want a reason to party.
More people need to read this post right here. If you read it and you still don't get why this con is a good idea and should be supported, passively or not, then just read it again.

If by the fourth or fifth reading you still don't get it, I don't think there is much help I can offer.

It's like looking at Blizzcon and saying "That is SEGREGATION!" Only I guess the analogy would work better if fans of Blizzard games weren't allowed to get married in some states, and had reason to fear for their safety in some places, and heard people referring to them as subhumans and using terms to describe them as insults.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Bigsmith said:
Why is an entire con needed for this, surly something done at a larger con where everyone goes will reach out to more people then those who already support the LGBT people within the gaming community.
And what exactly is wrong with doing a con aimed at a specific community, but not exclusive to it? The article mentions the fact that it's about creating a place for people, regardless of gender, sexuality or race, that is safe, open and tolerant. In gaming culture, the audience seems to be primarily straight men, so having a convention highlighting the other members of the community seems reasonable to me. I don't understand the negative reaction.

Why? You expect people to just throw in gay characters just to please an audience that last time I heard... oh wait I haven't, and that's the point.
No. I don't expect that at all. But it would be nice for game developers to create real characters with depth rather than the stereotypes and the 'pandering to teenage boys' characters when it comes to dealing with with these issues. I don't think that's too much to ask.
Apr 28, 2008
I'm just gonna throw what Jim Sterling said in here.

Pretty much my view on the thing.

Short version: This is a good thing. There isn't really a reason to oppose it. You may ask "but what about straight people?" Well, assuming you actually asked that with a straight face, my reply is "E3, PAX, Comic-con, and all other game conventions ever." This is a convention that's aimed at LGBT people. E3, PAX, and everything else is aimed at straight white male people. And before you ask, yes, a convention for every other minority would also be a good thing. Who would it hurt? Nobody's forcing you to go, or to support it, or anything. And it's still open to straight white males, it's just a convention that's not specifically aimed at straight white males. If you really can't deal with that... then you've got problems.

The fact that many people seem against this is... disheartening.

Sep 9, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
So many people are talking about segregation. Did you people not read the description?

GaymerCon isn't about segregation - it's about celebration!

What is the point of a gay pride event? Pride! Pride in being gay.

What is the point of a gaming convention? Pride! Pride in being a gamer.

So why not do both at once? GaymerCon is inviting everyone, no matter orientation, to come celebrate the gay gaming community - to take Pride in both who we are and what we do.

If you don't want to celebrate, then don't go. There's no need to get down on those who want a reason to party.
Okay don't take this the wrong way, I don't understand the purpose of prideful about it.

Happening to like having sex with the same gender as oneself isn't special or unique. It's only a big deal to bigots.

I can understand folks of the "Rainbow Armada" as I affectionately like to call them (LBGTQ.... Acronym is way to long, you see)wanting to have a con to discuss games and hook up. That makes sense, who doesn't want to get together to nerd out and fuck? But doing it for the purpose of Pride means only doing it with the intention of pissing off the bigots.

And that's counter productive to the gay civil rights movement. They should be trying to educate and change those people's minds towards tolerance not drive them further against it.