Ben, I have been following your reviews and I waste every 15 minutes, almost every Wednesday to watch your reviews and read your commentary. I agree that a game must stand on its single player alone, mostly because all of the greatest games (pacman, astroids, Super mario, etc.) were single player to help most shut ins get more hand-eye coordination and to tell them to give there wrist a rest. BUT, as games as Team Fortress 2, I was wondering how you would review such a game WITH NO SINGLE PLAYER..... and if a games demo, in which should never be reviewed b/c Its not the final product, is multiplayer, then how can you put a standard on the game, as in TF2. Don't get me wrong, TF2 is a great game, but why the **** won't they put a good product down to work on some to beat it senseless. I found TF2 to be fun and chaotic, with a little bit of sarcasm. They should be working on another one of my favorite game, Half-life 3, instead of over-fucking a perfectly good game. MY G-D, its like watching Obama telling the rock industry that they need to calm it down and let the government take control, and I must say this too, fuck obama, and fuck valve. The last good game they have come out with is portal, in which they need to make a SECOND one so i don't have to keep replaying the game. This is just some of my rants( i guess rants b/c im out of pot, I don't know), so I'm going to go work, them come watch your video, then write another paper on why you are right or wrong. Comment if you want, I would like to see what you think, but then again, I look at my own production from a game to see whether it passes or not, so actually, I don't give shit. Thank you for your time. - DemonBurn