Grammar, Spelling Nazis should just get over themselves


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Title should be all capitalized, should also be "Grammar and Spelling".

QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, (COMMA SPLICE) if someone doesn't use proper grammar, English, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand, it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence, yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudiced as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling Nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
Anyways, I don't use spelling and grammar to gauge someone's intelligence, just how much effort they're willing to put into their idea. If I have any difficulties reading a post, I lose interest in it NOT because I think the poster is dumb, but because it looks like they just didn't care.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
No just no, in fact you actually state one point against yourself- language is a preagreed upon set of symbols and rule used to communicate an idea, if you dont abide by those rules you wont be able to communicate said idea.

But small lapses in grammar and spelling are ok, but when someone talks in abbreviations and run on sentences (something I myself am guilty of) it makes it annoying and hard to understand.


New member
May 28, 2009
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
No. Refusing to take the seconds out of your day to express yourself correctly is an insult to the reader, and implies not just that you are incapable of communicating properly due to incompetence, but that your time is more valuable than the reader's.

I'm only aware that you meant "you're" in the last line instead of "your" because I'm aware of the fact that people confuse these terms because they are similar in speech and text, and everybody makes mistakes like that now and then.

If English was perhaps my second or third language, and I was struggling to understand you, you would not have successfully got what you were trying to say across.

Language is not a "fluid" thing, in the sense that "persons" cannot be used to mean, "person's" as you please.

As for the idea that profiling somebody based on the fact that they are too lazy to actually type properly being the same as being a racist, the idea's so stupid, it doesn't warrant a comment.

No. I will not "get over myself". Learn to fucking type properly, show some respect for other people attempting to read what you just typed and stop thinking that it doesn't matter, it does. I paid you the simple courtesy of typing this in readable English, you really ought to do the same.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
This is exactly why the world is crumbling. People don't want others to point out their mistakes. Everything we do molds us into who we will become. It may seem dumb now, but what happens when you're getting bad grades in school? What happens when your boss criticizes your work in the future? Are you going to tell your teacher and your boss to get over it? It takes less time and effort to just do everything correctly, rather than doing some right and some wrong. Everything you say or write speaks to the type of person you are.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I find it to be a simple matter of professionalism in my line of work. Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar look professional. I am a professional, therefore I will continue to strive for perfection in these things.

It also means that I will assume a degree of non-professionalism from anybody I see that fails to do so. That's just how I am.

I let most errors pass when online simply because I expect a fundamentally lower level of education in Internet society, so I'm not sure if I can really be called a "Nazi" about it. Does the term apply to those that seek perfection in the written word or merely to those that denigrate the weaker skills of others?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I'm a partial grammar Nazi in that I correct people's spelling mistakes and occasionally add punctuation, but for the most part if someone's trying to be a dick and just misspelling words because I corrected them, I stop.

I use proper grammar only because it appears more civilized and down-to-earth. "L33t Sp34k" or any rendition of it are fine with me, because I understand it's shorter. But I dislike people who can't tell 'their, there, and they're' apart because as far as I remember, it's taught in school. One of my most important things I took away from school is grammar, for job applications, essays, etc.

Again, I only correct people's spelling when it's a glaring error, or sometimes if I feel like it because they're always like that. I'm not gonna correct the spelling of a person I quote because, as you said, the message was probably gotten across clearly. The reason I use proper grammar is because I learned it in school, like most other people should have. If you don't remember grammar/spelling from being in school, shame on you! (And Heil Webster!)

The Virgo

New member
Jul 21, 2011
I hate the word "Nazi" in "Grammer/Spelling Nazi". I don't think that people who killed millions of Jews should in any way be related to people who want to make sure things are spelled right.

That being said, I guess you could call me one of these people who hate misspellings and such.

QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?
It depends. If English isn't their main language, even if what they're trying to get across isn't clear I'll be lenient. However, if English is their main language, I'll be more strict. I have absolutely no tolerance for "text-isms" like "teh", "ur", "u" or anything like that on the internet. In texting, yes, I will tolerate it. On the internet, no.

"Ur"? Type in the fucking "y" and "o", you Goddamn bastard!!! >:-(

Oh by the way, "English" needs to be capitalized. :p

QtheMuse said:
People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.
I never judge a person's intelligence by doing so. I just simply don't think that piss-poor spelling and grammar should be should have free reign. There was a time when proper spelling and grammar was of the highest importance! Nowadays, people's spelling and grammar are very poor. Our standards were lowered and it's sad.

And yes, my spelling and grammar isn't always the best. But you know what? Whenever I see a misspelled word underlined in red and I'm not certain as to the proper spelling of it, I right click it, click on the right word and BAM, correct spelling!

That's what pisses me off. Misspelled words are highlighted, yet nobody bothers to fix them ... or is that just because I have Microsoft Word installed?

QtheMuse said:
So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
Dude, you need to get off your high horse. It's not about us as you may like to think, it's about high standards and trying to make sure the people of the world one day are not incapable of proper spelling.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Well I think that everybody makes mistakes. The biggest problem I have is when people overreact for a small mistake because i tend to make some (I have dyslexia). But I hate deliberate mistakes or misspellings.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
Alright, OP, I have an image for just this sort of occasion. I'll put it in a spoiler tag because it's actually quite big.



Professional Lurker
Nov 18, 2009
There are only two reasons that I won't call someone out on horrendous grammar and spelling. One is if they are not a native speaker of the tongue they are using. If this is the situation I will show them the errors that they have made in an attempt to help them in the long run using the language in question. The other is if it is being used to punctuate a point, or illustrate a situation further.

If your post(s) look like something I would have been ashamed to post when I was five I will tell you as such. Learn to speak, type, spell and punctuate properly and people won't ***** at you, even minor mistakes will be allowed far more often if you don't look like an idiot with no concept of proper language.

I'm not a Grammar Nazi, I just hate willfully stupid people.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Every single mistake you make will have to be compensated for by your audience, as they'll have to figure out what it should be.

Individuals tolerance for this cleaning up of your trash can vary wildly, but in the end there's only one person to blame for people not bothering to read between the mistakes: you.
You might get bonus points in the tolerance department for not being a native speaker, but that by no means is a privilege, and after enough mistakes you'll still lose your audiences interest. It'll just be a bit further down the unpaved road of bad grammar.

Just think of it as the equivalent of talking to somebody in a drunken slur. You shouldn't be surprised then either if they're not interested to hear your opinion.

Personally I have a lot of respect for non-native speakers, dyslectics, lowly educated, and other "handicapped" who try their best anyway, even if they're not very good at it. The flipside is that I have little time for people who can't be arsed to speak their own language like they can, and should.
If you don't think your opinion is worth the effort of phrasing it well, then don't be surprised if I concur, and don't take the effort of ploughing through your warbling mess.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
I don't really care about spelling. The English language is a phonetic disaster.

That being said, I always try to spell correctly, as I pretty much know how.

Also, correct grammar is VERY VERY important to understanding what's being said. The less I have to imply from your speech, the better.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
TLS14 said:
Alright, OP, I have an image for just this sort of occasion. I'll put it in a spoiler tag because it's actually quite big.

Hahahahahaha... Good one!

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Raideh said:
I am not a grammar nazi (although some claim i am, and i do correct people a lot...) but i would argue that they are doing the right thing. Over time, the english language has degraded to the point where people's vocabularies are so small that they cannot always exlpain their feelings and ideas adequately. This has sped up tenfold since the arrival of the internet, making correcting people even more important.

Basically, it disturbs me that some people have trouble expressing themselves.
that is not true, the average person now a days has a larger vocabulary then Shakespeare, and I am quite sure that Shakespeare was pretty good at expressing ideas. I have also not noticed people having a problem expressing themselves due to a not finding the right words for it and I don't know where you have gotten this idea from.

OT: I am dyslexic so I may be a bit biased but I have to give this speech to my grammar nazi friend once in a while that as long as I am able to express what I meant that it doesn't really matter.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
TLS14 said:
Alright, OP, I have an image for just this sort of occasion. I'll put it in a spoiler tag because it's actually quite big.

haha, that is funny.

The only thin I don't mind are the single-letter simplifications of the words, like "u", "y", and "r" because of convenience they provide in things like texting. I do avoid them however, because using them shows that either you're a lazy writer, can't type, or really don't actually know how those words are spelled(a small minority of users).


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
FalloutJack said:
Let people be hard on themselves, not others. I work to perfect myself because writing is my trade. Everyone else? Meh.
Exactly this, even right down to the trade part.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
zehydra said:
haha, that is funny.

The only thin I don't mind are the single-letter simplifications of the words, like "u", "y", and "r" because of convenience they provide in things like texting. I do avoid them however, because using them shows that either you're a lazy writer, can't type, or really don't actually know how those words are spelled(a small minority of users).
Flip-Shying said:
Hahahahahaha... Good one!
I have the damn thing saved on my flash drive and my smartphone in case I encounter these people while doing on-site IT work or where I have no computer access.

I encourage all grammar and spelling "Nazis" to keep it on hand for telling off these people.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence
I don't use spelling and grammar to judge a person's intelligence, but it does say a lot about a person who carelessly spouts whatever they want on a forum. I find it hard to respect an opinion that is poorly delivered. Though, I'm not a 'nazi' I do desire a modicum of care in posts. If you don't bother to deliver a thought well, why should I be bothered to listen? In a sea of a million users is your post so brilliant and unique that it doesn't need proper spelling and grammar; the sheer audacity rendering your blunt point a shining example of modern philosophy?

A person could be forgiven for common mistakes, the "you're" and "your" problem being a prevalent one that I might notice but not necessarily bother my sensibilities. As with many things, it's all about degrees, what level of nit-picking or how terribly written a post has been electronically chiseled onto the electronic slab of stone that is the internet.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Thank you. I love you OP. Grammar Nazis can go fuck themselves.

"OH WELL ITS FOR HIGH STANDARDS!" No it isn't! every one with a 2nd grade education can spell you idiot. I am not going to type out some long sophisticated document because your a little cry baby about the spelling. When I text I use cut down words. Why? Its faster. You all should know what "ur" and "r" means. I am right there with you OP.