Grammar, Spelling Nazis should just get over themselves

Lex Hornman

New member
Jul 26, 2011
I really hate on being corrected on my English.

English isn't my first language nor for many people in the world. So I personally feel grammar nazi's are spitting in my face calling me a retard just because I don't write English perfectly.

Even then there is something called dyslexia it's very common. Grammar Nazi's don't always (in fact nearly never)realise but for many people writing/typing words is just hell.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Eh, I find them good since I'm always looking for ways to improve my grammar and sentence building[footnote]Speaking english as 2nd language is no excuse for speaking bad english...[/footnote].

So what it´s worth, keep up with your nit picking on sentences!


New member
Apr 26, 2011
I don't use it to judge the intelligence of a person. However, if someone really wants to communicate an idea, then it should mean enough to them that they take the time to ensure that it is clearly and well written.
It's not a sign that someone is stupid, merely lazy. We're not asking you to do anything that you don't know how, and it doesn?t even take all that long to do, especially online.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
enzilewulf said:
Thank you. I love you OP. Grammar Nazis can go fuck themselves.

"OH WELL ITS FOR HIGH STANDARDS!" No it isn't! every one with a 2nd grade education can spell you idiot. I am not going to type out some long sophisticated document because your a little cry baby about the spelling. When I text I use cut down words. Why? Its faster. You all should know what "ur" and "r" means. I am right there with you OP.
No, I'm not, because I don't need to. I have an image that does that for me. Seriously though, typing a full word that is 2 or 3 letters longer than the abbreviation is not that hard and pleases the whole crowd. I can understand misspellings but basic words like "you" and "are" substituted willfully by "u" and "r" just don't fall under that category, as anyone with even a basic first grade education would be able to spell them. I believe there are only two acceptable reasons for shorthand; one, you are on Twitter or are in some way under a tangible character limit, or two, you are texting on a very hard to use keypad where it would be inefficient to go back and correct potential mistakes.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
I think the mistake many so-called grammar Nazis make is they assume everyone received the same education they did and learned grammar usage as easily as they did. Because of that mistake, they think they are actually helping when they correct someone's grammar, instead of insulting them. Someone who did not do so well in school (or can't type/write quickly) does not need their mistakes rubbed in, particularly if you understand what they said enough to correct them.

To say that it is the fault of the one who misspells or uses grammar improperly is just blaming the victim. Would you also feel that someone who was murdered was asking for it by being alive? I'm repeating myself here, but if you can understand them enough to correct them, there is no need to correct them. If you're feeling anger because someone does not communicate in the same way that you do, you should look within to correct the thing that is lacking in yourself.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I'm no grammar wizard but I always make a point to spell everything with perfect accuracy. I do attempt to keep my grammar in line but I have no doubt that it's awful in places.

Unless someone has either a recognised learning disability or is foreign they have no excuse for poor spelling and are just being lazy.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2009
gize, OP has a good point. it doesnt matter if u write not well, all it matters is what u say n thats the only thing tht shuld matter when ur reading someone's else's work. I mean, if ur gnna critisize somone on there spelling then thats just being dumb and mean to everyone that dosen't want to take the time to learn the english langage in proper. Are we going to be zenophobic towards english people because they speak differently? no. So why does it matter if we butcher a standard form of english? OP, your right i think that every1 needs to losen up.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.

If you want to communicate an idea to someone else then the burden of effort is on you, the one trying to communicate, to make your idea as clear as possible.

Grammar, punctuation, and proper spelling are merely courtesies to those who will read what you have written. Perhaps I can figure out what you meant to say, in spite of poor grammar or spelling, or at least get the gist of it, but why should I bother too?


Professional Lurker
Nov 18, 2009
Blue_vision said:
gize, OP has a good point. it doesnt matter if u write not well, all it matters is what u say n thats the only thing tht shuld matter when ur reading someone's else's work. I mean, if ur gnna critisize somone on there spelling then thats just being dumb and mean to everyone that dosen't want to take the time to learn the english langage in proper. Are we going to be zenophobic towards english people because they speak differently? no. So why does it matter if we butcher a standard form of english? OP, your right i think that every1 needs to losen up.
Are you trying to give me an aneurysm? Even in jest that hurts my head.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I'm a grammar Nazi. But only when I talk in my native language. My English isn't anywhere near perfect. I just can't help it. I don't judge people who make grammar mistakes, though. I point out those mistakes because I want people to know how to write properly.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2009
Takumashii said:
I think the mistake many so-called grammar Nazis make is they assume everyone received the same education they did and learned grammar usage as easily as they did. Because of that mistake, they think they are actually helping when they correct someone's grammar, instead of insulting them.
The issue with this logic is that unless someone points out a mistake, the person making the mistake will never learn. Would you rather suffer some hurt pride over the correct use of your/you're on an internet forum, or go through your day-to-day using the two improperly, only to lose when you make a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes on a resume or report?

There's nothing wrong with learning, and if the presence of Grammar Nazis means that people will be that much more likely to learn proper grammar, then I don't see why you should tell them to go away.


So fucking thrilled to be here!
Jan 8, 2010
For me it all depends on how just HOW bad it is. If it's a just a few errors here and there I don't mind, as long as the overall message gets through.

However if it's a just a complete mess and I am therefore incapable of understanding it, then yeah, you need to go practice your writing skills.

What I find most annoying is how it's sometimes used as a cop out by people who can't come up with a good counter argument.

"Damn, I gotta give it to you. Your argument is pretty solid. I can't come up with anything to refute that. You wi...Oh hey what's that? Ha, you totally misspelled "hat"! You are the dumbest ************ who ever lived and your argument fails completely!".

How about no...


New member
Dec 22, 2009
That "Proper Spelling and Grammar" is what separates us from the idiots who want to try and ban the term "e.g" because people might confuse it with "egg"


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I just have a problem with people who claim to be 'lazy' as an excuse for them not using proper spelling, grammar and interpunction. I then wonder, if they were to use all that, would it be more trouble for them?

For me, writing a piece of text with correct grammar, spelling and interpunction is far easier than purposely writing things wrong. I just can't wrap my head around the idea that it's somehow easier to write without adhering to the three aforementioned things.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I've been called a "grammar Nazi" on occasion. The thing is, I don't care if you don't have the perfect spelling, especially if you're not a native speaker. What I care about is the legibility of your text. If you do not use any punctuation or if you use letters as words (for example "u" or "y"), deciphering your text requires a wee bit much effort. But since you didn't put in the effort to make your text easily readable, I'm not going to put any effort on trying to absorb the idea you're trying to convey, regardless of whether I would be able to do it or not. Instead I'm going to tell you to try again harder next time because I rather spend my time reading text by someone who is actually willing to put at least a minuscule amount of effort to writing it.

Again, I don't expect your spelling or grammar to be perfect. I only expect it to not look like ass.


Aug 5, 2009
No matter how valid a point is, if it's put across through walls of text with bad spelling, a lack of punctuation and bad structure it can be hard for readers to even tell what said point was. True some people tend to go overboard about a misplaced comma or a typo, but generally I think it's more aimed at people who make incoherent or downright unreadable posts.

QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?
However in the case of "little things" it depends what that little thing really is. It sounds pretentious, but did you ever think that your idea would communicate better if there were no spelling and grammar mistakes? Sometimes a slip up in spelling and grammar can discredit an idea for a large number of people.

Minor mistakes like typos I can overlook. Misusing "you're" and "your" really grates on me, because A) it's not hard to distinguish the two and B) they mean two very different things.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Blue_vision said:
gize, OP has a good point. it doesnt matter if u write not well, all it matters is what u say n thats the only thing tht shuld matter when ur reading someone's else's work. I mean, if ur gnna critisize somone on there spelling then thats just being dumb and mean to everyone that dosen't want to take the time to learn the english langage in proper. Are we going to be zenophobic towards english people because they speak differently? no. So why does it matter if we butcher a standard form of english? OP, your right i think that every1 needs to losen up.
Jeez, the OP has a good point. It doesn't matter whether you write well, as all what matters is what you're saying.
It also should be the only thing that matters when you're reading someone elses work.

Criticising someone's spelling is dumb, and mean to everyone who didn't take the time to properly learn the English language. Are we going to be xenophobic to English people because they speak Differently? I didn't think so.

Then why does it matter if we're butchering a standard form of English?

OP, you're right: everyone needs to loosen up a little.
Thank you for providing an example - even if you were quite clearly trolling.

Your post history gave you away.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Can we have a middle ground between ruthlessly punishing a single mistake and incomprehensible sentences?