Grammar, Spelling Nazis should just get over themselves

Mace Tulio

New member
Feb 5, 2011
I generally don't mind people having poor spelling or punctuation, as long as it's in some way decipherable. That being said, I'd rather if people learnt how to use their primary language properly. I do have pet peeves when it comes to how some people use the English language, for example, the difference between 'there', 'they're' and 'their'. I have however been known to correct peoples spelling and grammar to minute details when they insist on speaking in 13375P34K.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
I don't mind little mistakes, but typing is shorthand or failing to use enough punctuation to get your point across is like the hillbilly slang of the internet. Smart people can sound like retards.

I have this one friend who I wouldn't label as stupid say "ow" for "oh" when chatting in instant messaging. Really jars the conversation when some one says something that doesn't make any sense.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
WolfThomas said:
Can we have a middle ground between ruthlessly punishing a single mistake and incomprehensible sentences?
Oh c'mon, that'd be like the rest of this forum. That's no fun.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
If we forget about spelling traditions we could end up with: A rashnalized spelling sistim for dhe Ingglish langwij

I just learned spelling and grammar, I do not want to learn another way. But in all seriousness, some people do take spelling and grammar a little too seriously and anyone can make a mistake. Still, it is no excuse not to make any effort whatsoever.

I think that we will all have to learn spelling again to cope with some of these awful captchas.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I write for a living, and it pains me to see how many mistakes people make in grammar, spelling and simple editing. I don't correct them, but I cringe every time I see certain mistakes. My pet peeve is "try and (do something)" because it just doesn't make sense.

Just so you know, I judge you for your mistakes. Also, I can tell when a person is a poor writer and when a person is a non-native writer. I give some leniency to non-native mistakes, but everyone should know their native language perfectly.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
You want to know why I care? I care because when I see someone who doesn't capitalize or uses the wrong word, I assume they're an idiot. I'm sorry, but it's true. If I see anyone who says "Your not nice" my response would be "Well, you need to go back to a basic English class."

I know I'm not perfect about it. My English professor always finds a couple mistakes in my essays. A small mistake is okay, but huge, basic mistakes are obnoxious and will make me think less of you and any argument you're trying to make. I do make exceptions to those who speak English as a second language, since English is a *****.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
QtheMuse said:
to judge a person's intelligence
In all seriousness i tend to cringe at the really bad cases like people mixing up your/you're and those kinds of things, though i could never bring myself to harsh them about it because i don't really care what kind of grades they get in school. (Before anyone says anything: I do realize that proper English dictates that the "i" should be in capital, but when i'm writing online i don't really see how it makes a difference)


New member
Jul 1, 2011

That's more or less a summary of my views on the matter. I hate those people who think it's nerdy or condescending when I write, simply because I use the correct spelling (or long words). I'm not as bad with the grammar, misplaced apostrophes or badly formed sentence structures aren't a big deal for me, but the lazy spelling really does do my head in.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea. [put a period here, you're on your way to a comma splice] If someone doesn't use proper grammar, English, or spelling, yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it, [comma you've got some clause action going on here] is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a person's [intelligence is a possessed thing] intelligence, [comma: coordinating conjunction] yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing. [Comma splice again. You'd get an F in any entry level college English]Using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someone's [possession yet again] color of skin, religion, [comma: list of things] or sports team preference.

So, [comma: introductory word] if your a grammar or spelling Nazi just get over it, [more clause action] and find something else to be O.C.D. [you need periods when you're doing initials] about.
I love people like you; they validate my major.

It's not prejudice, not in the way you want it to be. Language, believe it or not, is not controlled by a bunch of stuffy English professors in some room somewhere. It's controlled by its speakers. So, wanting people to write with proper spelling and grammar is crucial.

It exists because without the rules that society places on its language English would become a fragmented language. Different parts of the world would not only have different dialects, they would have entirely different languages. That doesn't need to happen.

Language without grammar is like math without operational signs. Sure, language is flexible, just like the order of a math problem can be rearranged. However, without grammar it's like trying to add two and two without a plus sign.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
There is a difference between wanting good grammar and being a Nazi. Our language is cobbled together from several others and uses their rules haphazardly, making it a bit bizarre to insist that anything about it is "proper". Why is the plural of mouse mice and house houses? That's not proper at all!

What about this madness of irregular verbs? Shouldn't our intrepid defenders of order be interested in regularizing them? How, precisely, are "better" and "caught" superior to "gooder" and "catched" when the former violate the very rules English is based upon?


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Speaking as a part-time editor...

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Why does nobody bother to use proper english any more? People, I have been driven to drink by poor spelling, sub-par grammar, and a flood of text speak. Please, please... think of the editors! Think of our livers!

Instant K4rma

Aug 29, 2008
Let grammar Nazis be grammar Nazis. If they want to speak the English language properly (you know, like we learned in first grade?), then by all means, let them.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
I'm not a nazi but I do think everyone should at least be able to compose themselves properly if the situation requires. If you're typing in a game and need to hurry, I don't have a problem with "brb" and "u" and so forth. But on a forum where you have time and spellcheck, there's really no excuse. I dont' mind if you misplace an apostrophe every now and then like I just did there on accident and left in for example's sake, and I can never remember where or when you're supposed to put them in possessives like "example." But while citing the slightest grammar error as proof of stupidity is annoying( I consider myself fairly intelligent and I make the occasional mistake), I think you should at least hold yourself to a certain standard most of the time.

The nonsensicalities of the English language to not excuse the misuse of it.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Nothing has ever improved without coming to terms with it's flaws.

Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

Look, the thing is, I am a writer, and I want to be the best damn writer I can be, and the only way I can do that is if people point out where I screw up. Basically I'm saying I wish more people were grammar Nazis.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
If a deranged, shit-smeared and gibberish-spewing hobo entered your place of employment, steps would likely be taken to remove him.

Your words are your face on the internet. If you have no sense of spelling and structure, why should anyone give your ideas a second of thought? There is too much other material to read, and it takes substantially more work to decipher a poorly constructed passage than a well-thought-out premise.

There are some examples where less precision is required. A short response, a commonly misspelled word, or a simple transposition of letters do not inhibit comprehension. Just don't expeCKT ME TOO CARE abOut yOU'RE plotitical considerings awbout how iobama create GLOBAL WARMING with liiek endless talkkings etc