Great masterpieces... that suck!

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Archangel357 said:
Jonluw said:
How exactly do you measure human worth, I wonder? Personally, I consider Humility to be one of the greatest personality traits, and any elitist lacks that trait. So to me elitists, by their very nature, are worthless. I consider most beggars (those who aren't dicks anyways) to be better persons than any elitist.
Also, allow me to inform you that "elitism" is spelled without the accent.
No, I don't think I will.

See? Embarrassing, isn't it? This is what I am getting at. Fundamentally ignorant people having the unspeakable arrogance to talk like this to their intellectual betters. I think some humble pie and an apology are in order. SHouldn't be a problem for you, since you love humility so much.

The difference between smart people and elitists is that smart people recognize abilities other than those of the field of their expertise, and appreciate those.
For example, I recognize that I am better at chemistry than some people in my class. I still don't think I am worth more than them though. They have other redeeming qualities. And even if they don't; with no education what so ever, they have potential to do work that's worth more than what I will do in the future.
I don't think I am worth more than a good baker or a good builder. However, right now, we are not talking about yeast content in sourdough or how to build girders, but about masterpieces of art and literature. In that field, my opinion counts more than many others'. When there is a thread about baking, I will gladly defer to any baker's superior wisdom. But since this thread is about the arts, you should award me the same kind of deference, should you not?

From the look of things, you have recently begun your studies on a field of literature, and I will have you know that whatever profession you go on to from there - except for author - it will be worth less to the world than the work of the most simple construction worker. A construction worker, after all creates something of actual worth, and contributes to a country's GNP.
First, you don't "have me know" anything, as has become embarrassingly evident in your feeble and misguided attempt to correct my spelling. Second, "cui bono?", what you call "actual worth", really isn't what should define the life of an academic. And finally, "recently"... let me put it like this. I had read several great works of European literature in their respective languages by the time I was 12. I have now been academically involved with the field since 2003. So no, unless you have at least a PhD or equivalent to your name in that field, I don't think I'll let you "have me know" jack shit.
You're going a bit far here, mate. This thread has really ticked you off, hasn't it?

Your posts are offending a lot of people and you're clearly in a bad mood. I'd recommend just leaving the thread before any more damage is caused to any party. If things keep on devolving like this, somebody's going to be put on probation.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
tellmeimaninja said:
I simply can't bear Tolkien's work. He created a fantastic universe and writes genuinely well. His stories, however, are horrible.
This a thousand times over. It always seemed like Tolkein was focusing on the least important thing in the story at any given moment. As one example, the death of a member of the fellowship will have a great impact on future portions of the novel and yet the death itself is mentioned in passing. I guess so he could make room for Tom Bombadil to sing another little ditty implying he knew more than anyone else all while absolutely refusing to be useful in any way.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
SextusMaximus said:
jaketaz said:
SextusMaximus said:
jaketaz said:
I believe the band name is Nightwish, and the song name is Amaranth. Please fix it, it makes your argument look very hypocritical - since you've clearly never listened to them before - so can't say they based their music on the DSotM album.
Who cares what their name is? I was talking about how their music goes, not what their name is, and I got that from listening to the song, not reading the title of it. And I clearly HAVE listened to them before, because I described technically what happened in the music, and the song is posted right there on the thread. What about this makes you assume I've never listened to them? And I absolutely did not "say they based their music on the DSotM album" - I guaranteed that they were influenced by it. Not because they copied it note-for-note because OBVIOUSLY that's not true, but because, like every other musician that hasn't been living under a rock for their entire adult lives, at some point they heard the music and were influenced in some way by it. The fact that there's keyboard ALONE proves that - hardly any popular rock music before Pink Floyd featured keyboards, and if they use any advanced recording techniques at all then they're also likely influenced. Pink Floyd pioneered many new recording techniques that I don't care enough to go into, just look it up on stupid Wikipedia if you don't believe me.

Seriously, who cares if Amaranth is the song name or the band name, I wasn't even talking about that. And since you can't think of any good counter-arguments you have to pick on a stupid error like that.
I agreed with the point you were making; I just thought that the name mistake made you look like a total hypocrite. Stop getting your pants in a twist and calm yourself... Feel free to apologise to me at any point as well ;)

EDIT: Oh, and I meant influenced - I was writing in a rush :p
So I was arguing about Pink Floyd's position in the popular music canon and their similarities/differences compared with Nightwish, and you thought me getting their name wrong was hypocritical. Maybe I was just "writing in a rush". Yeah I heard what you said, twice, I just don't understand why that's hypocritical - these things are not related as far as I can tell. And I don't get why I'm supposed to apologize. But whatever, okay I guess we'll just go to smileys since the conversations broken down past intelligent debate, so here :D

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
SpiderJerusalem said:
This thread = mostly young people that can't tell the difference between "there" and "they're" calling some of the most influential and greatest works of immense cultural value assorted variations of boring.

I really, really hate the internet sometimes.
One can recognize that a work is important in the grand scheme of things without liking it. For example, I absolutely loathe The Godfather. I also think that The Lord of the Rings is one of the most influential books written in the last 100 years. But just because I don't like the former doesn't mean I think it is bad or unworthy of being considered a masterpiece and just because I recognize the importance of the latter doesn't mean I have to actually enjoy it.

That is the beauty of art. I can understand and appreciate it without having to like it.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
jaketaz said:
SextusMaximus said:
jaketaz said:
SextusMaximus said:
jaketaz said:
I believe the band name is Nightwish, and the song name is Amaranth. Please fix it, it makes your argument look very hypocritical - since you've clearly never listened to them before - so can't say they based their music on the DSotM album.
Who cares what their name is? I was talking about how their music goes, not what their name is, and I got that from listening to the song, not reading the title of it. And I clearly HAVE listened to them before, because I described technically what happened in the music, and the song is posted right there on the thread. What about this makes you assume I've never listened to them? And I absolutely did not "say they based their music on the DSotM album" - I guaranteed that they were influenced by it. Not because they copied it note-for-note because OBVIOUSLY that's not true, but because, like every other musician that hasn't been living under a rock for their entire adult lives, at some point they heard the music and were influenced in some way by it. The fact that there's keyboard ALONE proves that - hardly any popular rock music before Pink Floyd featured keyboards, and if they use any advanced recording techniques at all then they're also likely influenced. Pink Floyd pioneered many new recording techniques that I don't care enough to go into, just look it up on stupid Wikipedia if you don't believe me.

Seriously, who cares if Amaranth is the song name or the band name, I wasn't even talking about that. And since you can't think of any good counter-arguments you have to pick on a stupid error like that.
I agreed with the point you were making; I just thought that the name mistake made you look like a total hypocrite. Stop getting your pants in a twist and calm yourself... Feel free to apologise to me at any point as well ;)

EDIT: Oh, and I meant influenced - I was writing in a rush :p
So I was arguing about Pink Floyd's position in the popular music canon and their similarities/differences compared with Nightwish, and you thought me getting their name wrong was hypocritical. Maybe I was just "writing in a rush". Yeah I heard what you said, twice, I just don't understand why that's hypocritical - these things are not related as far as I can tell. And I don't get why I'm supposed to apologize. But whatever, okay I guess we'll just go to smileys since the conversations broken down past intelligent debate, so here :D
Haha, you take everything far too seriously! Smileys are used to convey emotion that can't otherwise be delivered in text. Also, you completely took what I said out of context... so stop acting like a dick; mmkay? :)


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Never cared for Romeo and Juliet.

a 12 year old girl and her boyfriend get married and kill themselves because no one understands them. Only slightly more romantic than Taming of the Shrew.

Granted I love a lot of Shakespeare's other works, but I never liked R&J

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Archangel357 said:
OhJohnNo said:
You're going a bit far here, mate. This thread has really ticked you off, hasn't it?

Your posts are offending a lot of people and you're clearly in a bad mood. I'd recommend just leaving the thread before any more damage is caused to any party. If things keep on devolving like this, somebody's going to be put on probation.
Ignorance, and the passionate defence of it, have that effect on me, sorry. But I don't react all that well to veiled threats either.

Whom am I offending, after all? People who say that emo teen-agers who cannot spell properly can judge world literature? The only thing offensive here is that kind of ignorance.
Crap, I went and made a veiled threat completely by accident... I guess this goes to show how good I am at writing posts on the intarwebs. *sigh*

Seems to me like you're offending all the people you're responding to with exactly that kind of generalising comment. There's actually quite a lot of intelligent people in this thread, many of whom are providing perfectly valid reasons as to why they dislike a certain piece of classic literature (just look at the small Tolkein/Lord of the Rings discussion going on). Now of course I will never be able to sympathise with people who hate things like LOTR or the entirety of Shakespeare's works or Star Wars, but claiming you're their intellectual superior and proclaiming yourself to be a proud elitist, despite all the negative connotations of that word (and insisting on spelling it with the "é" accent nobody honestly cares about in the slightest, and also using that as an example of why you're superior) is an absolutely superb method of pissing people off.

I think the people here are many steps above the fucking idiots you'll find in high schools (like mine) who opine that modern generic pop is the best thing ever and that old classics are "gay" (I like to call those people "chavs", I'm not alone in this), but you're treating them like that anyway. Ask yourself if they really deserve all the hatred you are giving them, and then ask yourself if it's really worth staying in this thread and getting more and more angry with these people. As I said before, that can only lead one way: probation.

Feels a bit odd to be giving moral advice to someone quite clearly older and cleverer than me, but I felt like it had to be done.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
SextusMaximus said:
jaketaz said:
SextusMaximus said:
jaketaz said:
SextusMaximus said:
jaketaz said:
I believe the band name is Nightwish, and the song name is Amaranth. Please fix it, it makes your argument look very hypocritical - since you've clearly never listened to them before - so can't say they based their music on the DSotM album.
Who cares what their name is? I was talking about how their music goes, not what their name is, and I got that from listening to the song, not reading the title of it. And I clearly HAVE listened to them before, because I described technically what happened in the music, and the song is posted right there on the thread. What about this makes you assume I've never listened to them? And I absolutely did not "say they based their music on the DSotM album" - I guaranteed that they were influenced by it. Not because they copied it note-for-note because OBVIOUSLY that's not true, but because, like every other musician that hasn't been living under a rock for their entire adult lives, at some point they heard the music and were influenced in some way by it. The fact that there's keyboard ALONE proves that - hardly any popular rock music before Pink Floyd featured keyboards, and if they use any advanced recording techniques at all then they're also likely influenced. Pink Floyd pioneered many new recording techniques that I don't care enough to go into, just look it up on stupid Wikipedia if you don't believe me.

Seriously, who cares if Amaranth is the song name or the band name, I wasn't even talking about that. And since you can't think of any good counter-arguments you have to pick on a stupid error like that.
I agreed with the point you were making; I just thought that the name mistake made you look like a total hypocrite. Stop getting your pants in a twist and calm yourself... Feel free to apologise to me at any point as well ;)

EDIT: Oh, and I meant influenced - I was writing in a rush :p
So I was arguing about Pink Floyd's position in the popular music canon and their similarities/differences compared with Nightwish, and you thought me getting their name wrong was hypocritical. Maybe I was just "writing in a rush". Yeah I heard what you said, twice, I just don't understand why that's hypocritical - these things are not related as far as I can tell. And I don't get why I'm supposed to apologize. But whatever, okay I guess we'll just go to smileys since the conversations broken down past intelligent debate, so here :D
Haha, you take everything far too seriously! Smileys are used to convey emotion that can't otherwise be delivered in text. Also, you completely took what I said out of context... so stop acting like a dick; mmkay? :)
Wait, so what emotion were you supposed to be conveying? And you're saying "haha" and telling me I'm too serious, but you're the one calling me a dick just because I don't agree with you, and I'm explaining myself rationally and not attacking you. So I'm a dick because of that? And I don't get this "out of context" thing... what context? The only context I had was what you wrote. I read what you wrote and responded to it point by point. Since we're talking about emotion and context here, do you honestly believe that you live in a universe where you can say "stop acting like a dick; mmkay? :)" and the emotion that is conveyed is one of friendliness, and that the person you're talking to will respond positively? What is your deal anyway?


New member
May 1, 2009
Therumancer said:
HT_Black said:
1984 was paced like a snail in an igloo, was filled with unlikable characters (and excriuciatingly bad softcore), and spent over 200 pages explaining on vague terms what could be made succint and pungent with a Post-it note and half an hour on a Saturday morning.

So you could say that I don't really like it.

Also, Twilight Princess was clearly about pedophilia, which automatically puts it on my "reprehensible" list.
At any rate the point of that huge, and probably disturbing and nearly incoherant paragraph, is that if "Twilight Princess" is what it sounds like from your description, the point of having you read it was simply to gain a perspective on things like that. Understanding how other cultures see things or why they might still practice backwards customs can be important. Leading you to understand something, does not mean that the person having you read it actually expects you to agree with, or practice it. Sort of like how reading Nazi propaganda can give you insights into history, but nobody expects you to embrace Hitler's philosophy even if what your reading tries hard to sell the ideas.
Actually, it's a Legend of Zelda game. And that was actually just a one-liner referring to the fact that the main character occasionally turns into a wolf and is straddled/coddled/sexually advanced upon by a millenia-old imp...It's funny, though, because up to this point, I didn't know awkward pauses could exist on the internet.


The Cerulean Prince
Nov 5, 2008
Tolkien's work. The man is a genius and he created a wonderful world, but my god. It didn't draw me in at all. Horrible pacing, entire sections of uselessness, and fucking Tom Bombadil? I could give more reasons for sure, but that's what I could remember on the spot.


New member
May 23, 2010
Archangel357 said:
Jonluw said:
How exactly do you measure human worth, I wonder? Personally, I consider Humility to be one of the greatest personality traits, and any elitist lacks that trait. So to me elitists, by their very nature, are worthless. I consider most beggars (those who aren't dicks anyways) to be better persons than any elitist.
Also, allow me to inform you that "elitism" is spelled without the accent.
No, I don't think I will.

See? Embarrassing, isn't it? This is what I am getting at. Fundamentally ignorant people having the unspeakable arrogance to talk like this to their intellectual betters. I think some humble pie and an apology are in order. SHouldn't be a problem for you, since you love humility so much.
Ah, indeed I must apologize. Those that use the original french-derived spelling are still with us. I must say though; that is a very strange gesture when that form is rarely seen these days.
Of course, believing me when I say the following will be hard, as I have no proof, but alas: In pointing out your apparent spelling error, I was actually expecting you to retaliate by showing me that your spelling was some obscure, but correct, side-form. In other words, I pointed it out to see if you used a fairly unknown form intentionally, in order to bait an inexperienced grammar-nazi. Judging by the swiftness of your reply, it might seem that was very much the case.

I find it entertaining how my arrogance annoys you though.

The difference between smart people and elitists is that smart people recognize abilities other than those of the field of their expertise, and appreciate those.
For example, I recognize that I am better at chemistry than some people in my class. I still don't think I am worth more than them though. They have other redeeming qualities. And even if they don't; with no education what so ever, they have potential to do work that's worth more than what I will do in the future.
I don't think I am worth more than a good baker or a good builder. However, right now, we are not talking about yeast content in sourdough or how to build girders, but about masterpieces of art and literature. In that field, my opinion counts more than many others'. When there is a thread about baking, I will gladly defer to any baker's superior wisdom. But since this thread is about the arts, you should award me the same kind of deference, should you not?
Oh, indeed you aren't worth more than a good baker or builder. That's not what I was saying though. What I meant was that no matter how many books you read, or how much you know about culture in the 17th century, you won't be worth more than a sub-par construction worker.

And no; your opinion isn't worth more than anyone's, no matter how well educated on the subject. If a great chef thinks a fish soufflé tastes fantastic, that opinion is worth nothing to me, since I think it tastes horrid. I hate fish, you see.
If the same chef lectures me on how to prepare the fish to get the most flavour out of it, I will naturally listen.
I will not, however, listen to a chef that shouts at me about how fish soufflé is better than strawberry shortcake.

You have no grounds on which to tell me what works I should think are good or bad. Sure, you can educate me on what works had the greatest cultural or historical significance, but that isn't what we're discussing here.
From the look of things, you have recently begun your studies on a field of literature, and I will have you know that whatever profession you go on to from there - except for author - it will be worth less to the world than the work of the most simple construction worker. A construction worker, after all creates something of actual worth, and contributes to a country's GNP.
First, you don't "have me know" anything, as has become embarrassingly evident in your feeble and misguided attempt to correct my spelling. Second, "cui bono?", what you call "actual worth", really isn't what should define the life of an academic. And finally, "recently"... let me put it like this. I had read several great works of European literature in their respective languages by the time I was 12. I have now been academically involved with the field since 2003. So no, unless you have at least a PhD or equivalent to your name in that field, I don't think I'll let you "have me know" jack shit.
Oh, sorry. I assumed, from your rather immature, condescending and arrogant behaviour, that you were probably a first or second year student. Turns out you're merely acting on a level below what would be expected from you. Fine.

I'll still have you know that, unless you create something of actual worth to society, you will be worth less than the simplest of construction workers in the grand scheme of things. Not to mention scientists; who actually contribute to the progress of the human race.

Skyy High

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Great Expectations. I had to read this in high school (and like so many other posters here, I'm sure this clouds my judgement somewhat, but I enjoyed reading many of the assigned books), and I swear to God, I couldn't do it. I'd pick it up, read a paragraph or a page, fall asleep, wake up, repeat...the damn thing was so boring that our teacher gave us her own pseudo-cliff notes version of the entire middle section because _she_ thought it was too boring to bother reading.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Let's see...

Everything by Jane Austen (decent literature, I just don't like it and I certainly don't think it deserves the high status it receives)

Radiohead's "In Rainbows" suffers from the same issue. I grant I've only listened two or three times all the way through (and it's been a while since then, at that) but I was thoroughly unimpressed.

The Mona Lisa. There is absolutely nothing outstanding about it. Nothing. It's old, it's a lady, it was stolen. There are thousands, nay, hundreds of thousands of pieces of art that are of better quality. Some of them are done in fucking MSPaint.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Can someone please explain to me what the big deal with Fooly Cooly is? It's on every top anime list that I've seen (the highest it has gotten was #4 out of 50). WHY?! The only thing it has going for it is the unusually high-quality animation. That's it!


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid 3, and anything J.R.R. Tolkien wrote that is not titled 'The Hobbit.' Yes even the Lord of the Rings trilogy.