Great masterpieces... that suck!


New member
Apr 14, 2009
jaketaz said:
Mr.Squishy said:
Ethylene Glycol said:
James Joyce wasn't a genius, he was just trolling everybody.

Ayn Rand was an autistic ***** who should've had her brains knocked out at birth.

BioShock is overrated, pretentious garbage that abuses lens flare and blur more than every shitty artist on deviantART put together.

Pink Floyd only had three good albums.

H.P. Lovecraft just needed to stop doing so many drugs writing, period.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy was impressive when I was in third grade--but that was a very long time ago. It takes a lot more than purple prose and elf cities to impress me now.

I don't give two tugs of a dead dog's dick for Anne Frank or her diary. Yeah, the Holocaust happened, thirteen million people died just because Hitler was prejudiced against them, I get it, can I put this loathsome piece of trash down now? Just because she died in a concentration camp doesn't mean Anne Frank was any less vapid, annoying, or worthless than the millions of teenage girls keeping diaries today.

Oh, and fuck Led Zeppelin, too. Robert Plant cannot fucking sing, period.

Vibhor said:
Deus ex
That game simply sucks.
No matter how good story or choices you make,if the gameplay sucks the game too sucks.

One eyed bastard mother of god, THIS. I agree a 100% with this, although I would like to add that The Beatles are overrated, and while I won't say they suck, Pink Floyd have received a bit mor praise than I feel they deserve.
Well lots of famous things receive more praise than they deserve, sure. But you gotta watch out when you go calling millions of people "vapid, annoying, or worthless" - so you really think that millions of girls with diaries are worthless? Was your mother worthless when she kept a diary? Your other female relatives? Of course not. Yeah people go through retarded phases, but there are plenty of people out there that are more important than either of us that would look at your comment and say "wow, what a vapid, annoying, malcontent impotently raging on an inconsequential internet forum".

So who would you give as an example of someone that CAN sing? Because according to the accepted definition, that is, a person that can project their voice in a series of pitches in order to convey musical language to the listener, he CAN sing. So... like... I guess I just don't understand what you're getting at. I suppose you think he's not as good as Mariah Carey or something? I mean, you might not like their music, but both of them have perfect pitch, huge vocal ranges, and pretty serious projecting power. I dunno. If you're gonna make these wild statements you're gonna get called out to explain yourself sometimes.
I concede. Writing a diary does not make one vapid, annoying or worthless, I was merely agreeing that Anne Frank's diary does not make for reading that I personally find interesting. The same goes for the singing of Robert Plant, in that I merely do not find his singing or indeed the music of Led Zeppelin enjoyable.


Apr 8, 2010
20000 Leagues Under the Sea could have been an amazing book, incredibly creative, well-told, the characters were time-bombs, each with their own kind of detonation, but halfway through, it turns into an aquatic biology lesson. The descriptions get weary, the characters don't do shit, the scientist ends up describing all of the fish in the sea by their latin scientific subgroups. I couldn't stand it.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Mr.Squishy said:
jaketaz said:
Mr.Squishy said:
Ethylene Glycol said:
James Joyce wasn't a genius, he was just trolling everybody.

Ayn Rand was an autistic ***** who should've had her brains knocked out at birth.

BioShock is overrated, pretentious garbage that abuses lens flare and blur more than every shitty artist on deviantART put together.

Pink Floyd only had three good albums.

H.P. Lovecraft just needed to stop doing so many drugs writing, period.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy was impressive when I was in third grade--but that was a very long time ago. It takes a lot more than purple prose and elf cities to impress me now.

I don't give two tugs of a dead dog's dick for Anne Frank or her diary. Yeah, the Holocaust happened, thirteen million people died just because Hitler was prejudiced against them, I get it, can I put this loathsome piece of trash down now? Just because she died in a concentration camp doesn't mean Anne Frank was any less vapid, annoying, or worthless than the millions of teenage girls keeping diaries today.

Oh, and fuck Led Zeppelin, too. Robert Plant cannot fucking sing, period.

Vibhor said:
Deus ex
That game simply sucks.
No matter how good story or choices you make,if the gameplay sucks the game too sucks.

One eyed bastard mother of god, THIS. I agree a 100% with this, although I would like to add that The Beatles are overrated, and while I won't say they suck, Pink Floyd have received a bit mor praise than I feel they deserve.
Well lots of famous things receive more praise than they deserve, sure. But you gotta watch out when you go calling millions of people "vapid, annoying, or worthless" - so you really think that millions of girls with diaries are worthless? Was your mother worthless when she kept a diary? Your other female relatives? Of course not. Yeah people go through retarded phases, but there are plenty of people out there that are more important than either of us that would look at your comment and say "wow, what a vapid, annoying, malcontent impotently raging on an inconsequential internet forum".

So who would you give as an example of someone that CAN sing? Because according to the accepted definition, that is, a person that can project their voice in a series of pitches in order to convey musical language to the listener, he CAN sing. So... like... I guess I just don't understand what you're getting at. I suppose you think he's not as good as Mariah Carey or something? I mean, you might not like their music, but both of them have perfect pitch, huge vocal ranges, and pretty serious projecting power. I dunno. If you're gonna make these wild statements you're gonna get called out to explain yourself sometimes.
I concede. Writing a diary does not make one vapid, annoying or worthless, I was merely agreeing that Anne Frank's diary does not make for reading that I personally find interesting. The same goes for the singing of Robert Plant, in that I merely do not find his singing or indeed the music of Led Zeppelin enjoyable.
Well... I can't argue with personal preference. Do you like Soundgarden? Just curious.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
jboking said:
archvile93 said:
I'm not a fan of TF2 due to all the hard countering, at least until the new weapons came out, which I'm still bitter about since I'm not allowed to use them without getting incredibly lucky or buying them which is a bigger rip off the MW2 map packs.
No idea what you mean by hard countering. However, in TF2 if you earn achievements for a specific class, you get new weapons for that class. Pretty simple.
archvile93 said:
Snarky Username said:
archvile93 said:
bioshock, I know it has great atmosphere, but how does that excuse absolutely horrid and broken gameplay? I played through that game twice to make sure I just wasn't missing something, but just never saw it. I'm not a fan of TF2 due to all the hard countering, at least until the new weapons came out, which I'm still bitter about since I'm not allowed to use them without getting incredibly lucky or buying them which is a bigger rip off the MW2 map packs.
Out of curiosity, how was the gameplay broken for you? I also thought Bioshock had a few issues, but gameplay was never one of them for me.
1. Plasmids were all useless, except of course where they were abitralily made essential. They do virtually no damage, do not distract enemies (you'd think being on fire would cause someone to stop shooting at their enemies but no), yet require huge sums of eve to use.

2. Hit detection is awful. How many crossbow bolts can phase through an enemy's head failing to do any damage? answer, a lot.

3. Enemies have more health than an M1 tank, and that's not the big daddies I'm talking about, which mixes very poorly with my next issue.

4. I rarely had any ammo, and when I did it didn't last due to the reason above. I find more ammo in silent hill games. This wouldn't be so bad though if I could just get the plasmid that allows you to pull limitless amounts of ammo from your ass that magically disintigrates upon the users death that all the enemies get. You ever have to beat an elite bouncer to death? I did.

5. hacking is both difficult and often impossible and useless. Wow, ammo's now two dollars cheaper. That was worth the three health packs I went through due to being electricuted from getting unwinable boards. I wish my electric plasmid could do that much damage. Why didn't I hack this thing to give me stuff for free anyway?

6. And the level design, while attractive, wasn't exactly clear, causing me to get turned around often. And this is coming from a guy who had little trouble with the water temple in OoT.
Were we playing the same game? Hacking is the easiest thing in the game to do. I mostly hacked security cameras and turrets, but still. Also, electrocuting enemies standing in puddles of water was an easy way to get rid of people. Of course you had to upgrade your plasmids in order for them to be super strong. I never had major issues with the guns or hit detection and the splicers are stupidly easy to dispatch.

I think your problem was not taking the time to learn how to effectively use plasmids and instead tried to play it like a straight typical FPS. It's no wonder you hated it.

OP: I hated Catcher in the rye, Cats, and Romeo & Juliet.
Ah yes the upgrade your plasmids options. Now they'll only be slightly less useless. Tell me which plasmid was your favorite? The one that stunned enemies but did no damage not that you could break cover and take advantage of his immobility because then his eight buddies will tear you apart before you can say "wrench damage bonus"? One of the two that do very little damage and don't even serve as a distraction? You'd think being swarmed by angry bees or on fire would be distracting, but no they're still perfectly able to keep shooting at you with near flawless accuracy from their bottomless magazines. Is it the one that's only useful against nitro splicers since they're the only ones with attacks you can catch? Or maybe it's the one that freezes enemies but has the same problems as the first one in addition to the fact that if you kill him like that you can't loot the corpse and he'll probablt thaw before then, and you can't damage his actual health anyway? Oh and Like I said in a later post, hacking is easy, unless it makes the board unwinnable as it often doesn, like when it surrounded the end point with two layers of alarms.

Ethylene Glycol

New member
Sep 21, 2010
WinterOrbit said:
Ethylene Glycol said:
David Lynch can put down the woodworking for a while and suck my balls. Eraserhead was just terrible.
Hmm. I'd try Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet before you completely write off Lynch. Mulholland Drive especially, besides being insightful about dreams and illusion, is pretty funny and thrilling. And weird, but not nearly as much as Eraserhead is.
Mmmm...I might. I thought I'd like Eraserhead, though, because a friend of mine said it was like Un Chien Andalou's two-hour brother...but I just couldn't sit past the first ten minutes. :T

Mr.Squishy said:
Ethylene Glycol said:
James Joyce wasn't a genius, he was just trolling everybody.

Ayn Rand was an autistic ***** who should've had her brains knocked out at birth.

BioShock is overrated, pretentious garbage that abuses lens flare and blur more than every shitty artist on deviantART put together.

Pink Floyd only had three good albums.

H.P. Lovecraft just needed to stop doing so many drugs writing, period.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy was impressive when I was in third grade--but that was a very long time ago. It takes a lot more than purple prose and elf cities to impress me now.

I don't give two tugs of a dead dog's dick for Anne Frank or her diary. Yeah, the Holocaust happened, thirteen million people died just because Hitler was prejudiced against them, I get it, can I put this loathsome piece of trash down now? Just because she died in a concentration camp doesn't mean Anne Frank was any less vapid, annoying, or worthless than the millions of teenage girls keeping diaries today.

Oh, and fuck Led Zeppelin, too. Robert Plant cannot fucking sing, period.

Vibhor said:
Deus ex
That game simply sucks.
No matter how good story or choices you make,if the gameplay sucks the game too sucks.

One eyed bastard mother of god, THIS. I agree a 100% with this, although I would like to add that The Beatles are overrated, and while I won't say they suck, Pink Floyd have received a bit mor praise than I feel they deserve.
Yeah--I like a lot of their music, but I'm more than willing to admit the Beatles are overrated. Any sufficiently-popular band is going to be, natch, but I won't pretend the Beatles were the greatest band ever.

Pink Floyd themselves don't suck, but I firmly believe that all their albums that weren't Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, or The Wall do.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
People really hate Lotr here, don't they?

I am really disliking Dracula, if that counts as a great masterpiece anyway. The first 4 chapters were brilliant though.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
I just don't like any of Shakespeare's stories. Sure, he introduced a heck of a lot of new words, phrases and insults and much of his work is used as a frame for many other stories, but I recently did Macbeth in English, and I just couldn't get into it and it didn't interest me.


New member
May 22, 2010
tellmeimaninja said:
I simply can't bear Tolkien's work. He created a fantastic universe and writes genuinely well. His stories, however, are horrible.
You have it backwards, the universe and stories are great, but his prose is terrible. Try reading The Silmarillion sometime. It contains some of the worst writing I've ever seen, but once you get past that, it also contains some incredible stories. He does write really good alliterative poetry, but he never finished any of his attempts at epic poetry, which is a real shame -- he had several attempts at both The Lay of Leithian and the Narn i Hin Hurin, better known as the tale of Beren and Luthien and the Children of Hurin, respectively. They were great, but as I said earlier, he never finished any of them.

OT: For the most part, classics are classics for a reason. However, I remember trying to read The Rape of the Lock in high school and hating it, but I may have been missing the point. I also have no intention of reading anything by either Marcel Proust or James Joyce, after the excerpts in my college Humanities textbook showed me just how annoying their writing styles were. With Joyce in particular, the man wrote his stuff to be as obtuse as possible in order to be immortalized by English teachers forever attempting to analyze his work. Sadly, he succeeded.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
TomLikesGuitar said:
archvile93 said:
That would be correct, not that it makes it any less idiotic. In fact make that issue number seven. I used it at first, but seeing as using it on living enemies alerts everyone in the level to your exact posistion and using it on the dead isn't worth shit, I gave up on it.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to take pictures of the bad guys, but one day you might be pro enough to do it lol.

Srsly tho... You are very much in the minority for not liking Bioshock.
I'm aware of that, since I looked up the metacritic score, though last time I checked Halo has a better one; better than HL2 as well.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
M Rotter said:
Hairetos said:
I hate A LOT of old things. Dunno why, and I can't say I'm biased since I don't even know they're old before I hate them. It's just one big coincidence.

I hate classic rock all the way through the obnoxious hair metal people like to play in Intro to Guitar classes. I also don't like classic metal (Megadeth, Motorhead, old Metallica, etc.). I like a lot of newer metal genres.

I hate old movies for their lack of...interesting things to do. I dunno, they're just boring.

If you've ever taken an AP English class, you'll learn that almost all of the classic books of "literary merit" run a dull gamut of the same themes. They're pretty much centered around the different types of conflict: person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. society, which then divulge into relationship, political, ideological, etc. The fact that one AP prompt can be addressed by somewhere around 50 of these books is a testament to this. Plot's not important CUZ U SEID SUMTHNG PROFUND!

I do like Baroque classical music though. Much better than Romantic era stuff.
Most conflicts do boil down to those three (and i got the same handout) and i feel like maybe your opinion of the books is colored because that was explained like that. Sure some authors might have sat down to write a book exploring those themes, but most wrote a story that was meaningful that fit into one, two, or all three. That English handout exists because of the books not the other way around
My biggest issue is that they can get away with having sub-par plots so long as they say something interesting about something. One of the biggest examples contradicting my point is Candide, by Voltaire. It makes an obvious point, has a hilarious plot, and is short and sweet. I feel Candide embodies what books of literary merit should be. Also, The Stranger did a similar job, albeit with a far less interesting plot.

A lot of my hatred for these books comes from the fact that they're compulsory. The arguments for making them required readings are pretty much some variations of: "They're classics, you should learn them" and "It'll make you more well-read and therefore smarter". That's true, they'll probably make you smarter to some degree. Chess does that too. So does playing an instrument. Neither of these are required, however, because it's ridiculous to mandate something which should be considered a hobby. Reading should be something kept fun. Different people will have different reactions to different activities. It's ridiculous to expect everyone to enjoy it and even more ludicrous to force them to read these books.

Since I started taking these literature-based classes, I've not picked up a fiction book of my own desire. I've ultimately become desensitized to the most important question of reading: "is it interesting? My friends tend to feel the same way, which I think is the sad part.

/rant about AP English.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Glademaster said:
Tom Sawyer I found it incredibly boring. Also that boy needs a good old discipline. I do see the appeal of the book I just found it to be very dull.

archvile93 said:
Really you had ammo problems and haking problems? Hacking I found ridiculously easy. Ammo wise the only mild problems I had were on Hard even then only really special ammo was things I had problems with. I suppose maybe early on ammo is a bit hard to come by for say the machine gun but I still don't think it was that bad by the end I had max ammo with everything.
Okay yeah there's one moment at the end where it stocks you up on ammo because your going to be going through a very long passage where you'll find literally no ammo at all and will have to fend off wave after wave after wave of fucking splicers because the stupid ***** you're supposed to be protecting is to busy cannabalizing a corpse to keep moving. Why my character didn't just carry the little dipshit all the way will always be mystery. And as I've corrected myself before now, yes hacking is easy, unless the board sets itself up to be unwinnable, and you won't know if it is until you start hacking.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
To Kill a Mockingbird. I'll admit that it does get better about half way through, but the first 90 pages are just so boring... If I wasn't required to read it I never would have.

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
SquirrelPants said:
Buzz Killington said:
Hah! You haven't read Cymbeline, have you?
I suppose I haven't.
Don't bother--and again, this is coming from someone who's nuts enough about Shakespeare to get two degrees in the subject and is working on a third.[footnote]The third one's a little tangentially related, but still...[/footnote] It's very much a C-list play of his. You'd be better off reading something like Titus Andronicus, which is also considered a lesser play of his, but has murder, adultery, rape, dismemberment, and cannibalism. It's good clean family fun.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Archangel357 said:
Wildcard5 said:
I know it has been stated several times before but "Romeo and Juliet". The main characters know eachother for what? About 3 days, and Shakesphere expects us to believe they end up dying for eachother out of true love. Yeah right...
Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only person on Earth who knows what "episteme" means.

You are aware that ideas regarding love, courtship, marriage etc in the Renaissance were as different from today's as to be unrecognisable? Dante (who was married with children, btw) and Petrarch wrote their great works about one girl who looked at them once. That was the basis for some of the greatest collections of love poems ever written.

But sure, go on calling the characters from the 16th Century ridiculous because they do not conform to TODAY's notions about certain paradigms. I guess that your main point of criticism is that they didn't update their facebook status at some point.

This thread has made me facepalm so much, my glasses are liable to break soon.
Come now at least give me some credit... I DO realize that courting was quite different and is easy to see as ridiculous from the modern viewpoint, (dowerys, bethrothment, and such) but I must stand by my view point that even some characters in the play itself have. The view that Romeo and Juliet's relationship finds more foundation in lust than love. In the beginning of the story Romeo was in love with Rosaline and you know why he fell so hard for Juliet? Rosaline wanted to remain celebate! Romeo was distraught over this one little detail and became depressed over it, and his depression (Over Rosaline not putting out) is what led him to be so willing to sneak into the Capulet party where he met (and fell in "love" with) Juliet. If one observes this it becomes obious that Romeo is as fickle as the wind and thinking with the wrong head.

Next time you try to critize you should first analyze both sides, my dear Archangel.


Sep 22, 2009
I can't stand W.B. Yeats. We studied his poetry in high school, and I didn't like most of it. Even the ones that I thought were okay didn't stand out to me as being anything particularly special.

Then again, maybe I just don't like poetry all that much on the whole.