Great musicians that died too young.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Jazoni89 said:
Milkatron said:
Jharry5 said:
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
He was vocalist/songwriter in arguably the most important band of the 90's. He contributed a lot to his time's music scene; just like the others you listed did for their times.
But, to each his own...
I guess I should back up my statement.

In my honest, oh so humble opinion, this country went down the shitter when it came to music, all because of him. I have yet to hear a band say they claimed influence from Cobain/Nirvana AND impress me. Without him, we wouldn't have mainstream alternative bands (which is a load of shit if you do any research on alternative msuic) and grunge. Those are probably the two worst subgenres of rock n' roll. Nirvana is the Halo 3 of music: Popular, but severely lacking in quality.
I think the people like you who bash nirvana oviously haven't listerned to any other song by them other than smells like teen spirit which in my opinion is one of their WORSE! songs listern to any song on bleach then try saying they had no talent or weren't a inflence on modern rock and music in general because you sir are wrong.
Can we just stop bashing each others musical tastes and just post what great musicians died too young?


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Im gonna say Jimi Hendrix, Hillel Slovak, Kurt Cobain, Layne Stanley and Dave Williams.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Ham_authority95 said:
Cliff Burton

Man, I would give anything to see meet him or see him live again....
This and John Lennon...
There are others to list but I can't think of them all.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Jazoni89 said:
Milkatron said:
Jharry5 said:
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
He was vocalist/songwriter in arguably the most important band of the 90's. He contributed a lot to his time's music scene; just like the others you listed did for their times.
But, to each his own...
I guess I should back up my statement.

In my honest, oh so humble opinion, this country went down the shitter when it came to music, all because of him. I have yet to hear a band say they claimed influence from Cobain/Nirvana AND impress me. Without him, we wouldn't have mainstream alternative bands (which is a load of shit if you do any research on alternative msuic) and grunge. Those are probably the two worst subgenres of rock n' roll. Nirvana is the Halo 3 of music: Popular, but severely lacking in quality.
I think the people like you who bash nirvana oviously haven't listerned to any other song by them other than smells like teen spirit which in my opinion is one of their WORSE! songs listern to any song on bleach then try saying they had no talent or weren't a inflence on modern rock and music in general because you sir are wrong.
A. I have listened to Bleach. Nirvana is still shit.

B. Nirvana is an influence on rock and music as a whole. This cannot be denied, as influence can in fact be measured. However, the complaint is about the type of impact, which you say is positive and I say is decisively negative. Cobain obviously had enough talent to make basic chord structures (which in fairness is better than what I can do) but could do little else.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I second, 3rd/ 4th or whatever any mention to Cliff Burton, man he died too young, and Orion and that Anesthesia song were just simply epic.

I am now going to do something to remember cliff everytime it would be his birthday :)

Other people: Jimi Hendrix, Jon Bonham, Kurt Kobain


New member
Apr 16, 2010
It's hard to tell with some. Elliot Smith was an amazing musician, but the struggles that lead to his suicide played a very large role in his brilliance. The happy artist who doesn't suck is a rarity, really.

The Ambrosian

May 9, 2009
Hendrix, Mercury, The Rev, Slipknot bassist (forgot name), Kurt Cobain.

EDIT: Actually any musicians, if they where a good person, no-one deserves to die young. Especially if they where making music and inspiring people, making them happy. No matter what you thought of them.

nick n stuff

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Jimi Hendrix
Keith Moon
John Bonham
Kurt Cobain
Janis Joplin
Cliff Burton (only member of Metallica i like)
Marc Bolan
Gar Samuelson
Tommy Bolin
Eric Carr
Phil lynott
most of Skynyrd (plane crash)
Jerry Garcia
Brian Jones
George Harrison
Paul Kossoff
Freddy Mercury
Cozy Powell
Bon Scott
That guy from RHCP (can't remember his name)

Think i'm done

Quid Plura

New member
Apr 27, 2010
Sir John The Net Knight said:
Kurt Cobain is a legend because MTV and the RIAA deemed it so. His music was boring, angsty and needlessly cryptic. His songwriting style was copied, if not outright stolen, from an earlier band.(The Pixies) And while his popularity opened the door for a few deserving Seattle bands like Alice in Chains and Soundgarden, it also lead to a media blitz of Seattle music from bands just as half-ass as Nirvana. Nevermind* that he made Courtney Love, easily one of the worst musicians of all time, a celebrity by marrying her. A sin that the world still pays for to this very day. And the most ironic angle of this is that he shot himself because he was famous and people were listening to his music.

Anyway, I'll go with the answers I like. Which would be John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix and Elvis Presley. Yeah, there's a much longer list. But I'm sure you can find better sources than me for fleshing it out.

*(Ba-dum, ching!)
This, couldn't agree more. My number one died-too-young-musician would be Freddy Mercury.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Freddie Effin' Mercury.

In my mind, Queen were and always will be the best band ever. It's just such a damned shame that the lead singer and one of the coolest moustaches and voices in history died so early.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Peter Steele from Type O Negative. Unless it turns out to be hoax again but somehow I don't think so. I was really looking forward to another album.

Cliff Burton because I would have loved to see how he would have influenced Metallica's direction. We wouldn't get St Anger that's for damn sure.

Also Ronnie James Dio. I know he wasn't exactly young but the man had plenty of Metal left in him.