Great musicians that died too young.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Chris Bell - A founding member and songwriter in Big Star and a member of the 27 Club.

Everyone who's listed Elliot Smith here needs to check him, and more important Big Star out if you've not heard of them.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
CuddlyCombine said:
This thread is pathetic.

It's curious how society glorifies those who give up their bodies (e.g. Buddy Holly, Janis Joplin) and minds (e.g. Brian Johnson, Syd Barrett) in the name of their art. We idolize them.
Why are you including Buddy Holly in that list? I don't think dying in a plane crash was exactly his choice. That's pretty fucking harsh man.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Novskij said:
Conqueror Kenny said:
Cliff Burton. Metallica just haven't been the same without him.
If only he lived, Metallica would have made something really incredible i bet.

And Chuck Schuldiner, damn that was a big loss for Metal, and Death Metal.
I love Schuldiner fans.
/hugs screen.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Kurt Cobain, killed at 27 and John Lennon, killed at 40 (ok I know 40 isn't really young but he was still taken away far too soon.)


New member
Sep 12, 2007
Steveh15 said:
Why are you including Buddy Holly in that list? I don't think dying in a plane crash was exactly his choice. That's pretty fucking harsh man.
He died for his art. I don't see how that's harsh.

Carlo Spiceyweiner

New member
Jan 17, 2010
I know most people have put Jimi Hendrix as their post but I can't comment without saying it so,Jimi Hendrix,the dead Beatles as someone else mentioned,Freddy Mercury and couple of others I can't quite think of at the moment.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Novskij said:
aruseusx said:
Novskij said:
Conqueror Kenny said:
Cliff Burton. Metallica just haven't been the same without him.
If only he lived, Metallica would have made something really incredible i bet.

And Chuck Schuldiner, damn that was a big loss for Metal, and Death Metal.
I love Schuldiner fans.
/hugs screen.
I heard they were gonna release some more material from him and his project, Control Denied, the last music he wrote before death probably.
Yeah his family has had legal struggles getting the tracks though. (Fucking record companies)


aka "Who?"
May 11, 2009
Steveh15 said:
CuddlyCombine said:
This thread is pathetic.

It's curious how society glorifies those who give up their bodies (e.g. Buddy Holly, Janis Joplin) and minds (e.g. Brian Johnson, Syd Barrett) in the name of their art. We idolize them.
Why are you including Buddy Holly in that list? I don't think dying in a plane crash was exactly his choice. That's pretty fucking harsh man.
What the..? He was complaining about society's idolization of people who die "young", what the fuck did it have to do with how he died? People who die young get the rose-tinted-spectacles treatment from those who live, always has been the case and always will.

OT: Freddie Mercury I reckon.


New member
May 25, 2008
Freddie Mercury
Jacqueline Du Pre (cellist)
Selena (tejano singer) check out the movie based on her life called simply Selena. It's good.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
cleverlymadeup said:
sirdanrhodes said:
The drowning pool singer Dave Williams!

He sure did let his body hit the floor!
no disturbed sucked, they are one of the things that are wrong with the numetal push

Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
no they were actually good, heck smells like teen spirit is still voted in the top 10 of best songs ever, it's probly the number 1 song of the 90s

Oh well if the majority like it it must be good.

The fact is music is dumbed down for the masses who can't handle a song with more than four chords.

Smells Like Teen Spirit is not a bad song, but it's not a great song either and the fact that it's so worshipped makes it all the more annoying. Along with that the fact that shit like it get the number one spot takes the spotlight away from real amazing musicians, like my choice, Dimebag Darrel, or recently Jimmy Sullivan.

Icy Lemon said:
And Shawn Lane. He really is one of the most underrated guitarists of all time...shame barely anyone has heard of him.

Oh, you win the thread, seriously, Shawn Lane was a god, I love him.

aruseusx said:
Dense_Electric said:
Guess I've got to mention Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, drummer of Avenged Sevenfold. Not only was he one of the greatest drummers the world has ever seen (Neil Peart himself has even credited him as being one of the best), he was an incredible songwriter (A Little Piece of Heaven comes to mind) and a rather unique vocalist. A7X just won't be the same without him.
I bet your only saying that cause he's dead. I can name many drummers way better than him without including John Bonham.
Jimmy Sullivan was actually really good, also, you can't name any drummers "better" than him, because how much you like a musician is subjective except for technical ability, and his was pretty damn good.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
tomtom94 said:
Steveh15 said:
CuddlyCombine said:
This thread is pathetic.

It's curious how society glorifies those who give up their bodies (e.g. Buddy Holly, Janis Joplin) and minds (e.g. Brian Johnson, Syd Barrett) in the name of their art. We idolize them.
Why are you including Buddy Holly in that list? I don't think dying in a plane crash was exactly his choice. That's pretty fucking harsh man.
What the..? He was complaining about society's idolization of people who die "young", what the fuck did it have to do with how he died? People who die young get the rose-tinted-spectacles treatment from those who live, always has been the case and always will.

OT: Freddie Mercury I reckon.
Nope, he was talking specifically about idolising people who 'give up' their lives and minds. Janis Joplin killed herself with a heroin overdose, Brian Jones and Syd barret both damaged their minds with an over use of druugs, Brian Jones ended up dying because of it.

Buddy Holly did not 'give up' his body in the name of his art, he was killed in a plane crash. It's kinda insulting to list him among the others.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Milkatron said:
Jharry5 said:
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
He was vocalist/songwriter in arguably the most important band of the 90's. He contributed a lot to his time's music scene; just like the others you listed did for their times.
But, to each his own...
I guess I should back up my statement.

In my honest, oh so humble opinion, this country went down the shitter when it came to music, all because of him. I have yet to hear a band say they claimed influence from Cobain/Nirvana AND impress me. Without him, we wouldn't have mainstream alternative bands (which is a load of shit if you do any research on alternative msuic) and grunge. Those are probably the two worst subgenres of rock n' roll. Nirvana is the Halo 3 of music: Popular, but severely lacking in quality.
I think the people like you who bash nirvana oviously haven't listerned to any other song by them other than smells like teen spirit which in my opinion is one of their WORSE! songs listern to any song on bleach then try saying they had no talent or weren't a inflence on modern rock and music in general because you sir are wrong.