michael87cn said:
Really I think that TB has lost this one. He may have felt safe before but one more strike against his channel and he'll be looking for another job...
I really think that its good for criticism to exist, but right now the system is being abused and its kind of foolish to continue to stare a bull in the eye. Probably a good idea to stop doing really abrasive, cocky negative reviews for a while, and simply review games that you like....
If worst comes to worst (and it shouldn't. Keep in mind, all of the other false-strikes against him were eventually overturned. If they hadn't, his account would have been gone. Sega gave him one, and so did the Garry's Incident devs. The main issue with this one is that the Guise of the Wolf devs gave him TWO strikes because they took down both videos. One First-Impression vid, and a longer recording of his research stream for the game), I don't think it will be catastrophic. Oh, it'll be bad, don't get me wrong, and very much tragic. But it isn't as if TB is just going to go away. It isn't hard to make a new youtube account, and Polaris will sure as hell promote it to get him back on the map. He won't be able to re-upload all of his old vids, but putting back up everything he's done for the past year? That's doable, gradually. Assuming he even bothers, since he's putting out new content basically everyday. Or he may go over to blip, or some other videohost.
Either way, I don't think this is much of an issue. FUN Creators' claim is obviously false. Under every legal definition. Whether they agree it is or not is irrelevant. Youtube will overturn it like they have the others, because review and commentary videos are protected under fair use law. Personally, I hope they do keep doubling-down on all of this idiocy. By filing a false, and malicious copyright claim, they have actually violated US law. In an actual legal case, both sides' email accounts will be looked through and then all their claims about "photoshop games" won't mean a damn thing. And if they try to do something about that, better tack on tampering with evidence and interfering with an investigation on top of everything else. FUN Creators are completely boned and have no legal leg to stand on. The best thing they can do right now is shut up, fire Jasmine, apologize to TB and be thankful they didn't actually have to have their asses handed to them in court.