Karadalis said:
Cyanic said:
Not at all, but nice try. As a third party vendor, they are in no way liable. It would be like suing Best Buy because Madden servers didn't work. And that's not even bringing terms of service into the discussion.
Its a no-brainer move as the distributor to throw the company under the bus. Build temporary goodwill and stop sales to avoid the obvious cost of continuing to sell a faulty product.
They are responsible however to take software "off the shelves" if it turns out the software is defect and/or uncomplete/unplayable just like every other shop.
Wich they refused to do with Sword of the stars 2, The War Z (wich was only taken down for a short while) and all the other crappy shovelware games that turn out to be cashgrabs by dubios developers in for a quick buck (game tycoon 1.5). Thats the only issue i have with steam in this case.
Also Terms of service are null and void since they are allways presented after you bought a game. Terms of service do not somehow magically nullify the law you know. One ToS from a game company i cant remember atm had written in it that you would have to give your organs to the devs should they ever need them or something like that... just to show you how absurd some of thes EULAS and ToSs are.
You could argue that in this case the game does actually "runs". You can start it.. you can play through it... its a piece of crap but technically it works. So technically Steam in this case goes scot free... moraly thought...
To be fair, Sword of the Stars 2 works very well now, they fixed their stuff and delivered on what they promised for the game. Yes, they should have pulled it when it was released in such a bad state, but you can't call Kerberos a Dubious developer when it was Paradox who pushed it out the gate unfinished.
Though it is increasingly worrying how many Publishers and Devs are taking the "Release it now, we might fix it later" Attitude, and I can appreciate your mentioning SOTS2 because it's very damn well likely that it never would have been fixed.
I have my doubts Guise of the Wolf will ever actually be fixed or finished fully. Same with Day One Garry's Incident, and Infection: Survival Stories or whatever the War Z is called now.