Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I see so many posts saying, "Fuck you hackers"

But aren't these cyber thieves?

The same ones who have been stealing our identities for the last decade now?

I know the lines are blurred, but aren't hackers and the people doing this two different groups of people?


is the king of kong
Jun 21, 2009
Drummie666 said:
Who the fuck is doing this!? For christ's sake would you assholes just let us play our games!?

*Goes into fetal position and cries* *Wished he got a PC instead of a mac*

Seriously, what the hell.
i don't understand this comment relating to the story.
but i approve of the HILARIOUSNESS of the content.
OT: wow, sony really are just hitting all the worst scenario buttons aren't they. glad my secure data is being held by a competent company like micr..... oh wait. doh!!


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
TheAngryMonkey said:
mxfox408 said:
I fell for the people comprimised, but i dont give a shit about sony, i hope the hackers destroy them without affecting thier customers.
You know that's an impossibility, right?
I didnt word it right, as long as thier info isnt compromised is what i meant.

Snow Fire

Fluffy Neko Kemono
Jan 19, 2009
If I ran a big company, now would be the moment I casually walk into the department heading up security with a megaphone, and tell everyone in the room that they are fired. This is really a massive train wreck in security. I'm hoping for good news soon, there's no way this could get any worst than it already is.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Wait, does that mean debit/credit card holders not in the mentioned countries are safe?
Or was that just for this attack, not the one on PSN?


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I loved when extra credits said "Don't mess with the kind of people who install Linux on their game consoles". It's not a threat it's a warning like "if you find a sleeping bear in the woods, DON'T poke it with a stick". Your going to get mauled no matter how tough you think you are, don't blame the bear.

Never give people who have nothing better to do with their day than make your life a living hell have a reason to come after you. Sony for a while has been pissing on the hacker communities, geohot just being the most public, all the while thinking there was nothing these people could do.

Sony was wrong; and regardless of what they think it can always get worse, for everyone.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
mxfox408 said:
TheAngryMonkey said:
mxfox408 said:
I fell for the people comprimised, but i dont give a shit about sony, i hope the hackers destroy them without affecting thier customers.
You know that's an impossibility, right?
I didnt word it right, as long as thier info isnt compromised is what i meant.
So nevermind all those people who actually uses Sony products because they like them? Also, you're a bit late on that seeing as how the information has already been leaked. As for whether Sony didn't actually have "real" security in place is impossible for us to actually say. Maybe they did and maybe they didn't.

And so what? Lack of security doesn't give anybody the right to steal your shit, no matter how idiotic that lack of security may be.

So, IF(!) Sony didn't take proper security measures, then sure. Be angry with them. But don't forget they weren't the ones to leak your information.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
You think after the latest scandal about PSN they would beef up all of there network services, guess not.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
I hope they don't keep your details in record even after you cancelled you account.
Also the people here are a bunch of idiots.They can't take a few days without online games.
And they can't get you information if you haven't given it(which you don't have to).


New member
Jan 13, 2009
danpascooch said:
BTW, not everything is crackable.
Maybe not and the actions themselves prove the criminals are highly skilled hackers. However if they continue they increase their chances of getting caught and for all we know the F.B.I etc already have leads.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
I don't see why everyone is placing so much blame for the attacks on Sony. Regardeless of how secure the network is, it can be broken into by anyone with the right resources and know-how. The only thing done at Sony's fault is not making this a bigger world news deal, getting authorities involved, and not telling us about it as soon as it happened.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
This is one reason why I disapprove of hackers.
I feel bad for the customers and the hardware users of this incident.

While I have said I disapprove of this, Sony and every single large business company in the world needs to learn a lesson from this. No matter how big you are, it only takes a single group to tear you from you seat up high to corrupt and destroy everything you have made.

In short, Stop attacking your customers! It may not be the customer attempts of vengeance, but people don't like it when big companies attack their customers with law suits and to be truthful, I'm getting tired of seeing gaming companies and global business running around and doing what ever they want because they can.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
NickCooley said:
I would of though after the initial hacking incident they would have beefed up security. Or is the hacker plugged into the Matrix?
Some people started to wonder if most of this was an inside job, or at least started that way. There could be some merrit to that.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Sounds like according to a new press release even more info was taken. On top of the news of the 12000 credit/debit card infos from the outdated database


24 MILLION SOE accounts info may also have been taken, doesn't sound like creditcard or debit card data with these, but, all your personal info and login names and hashed passwords.



New member
Nov 8, 2010
Haven't read all of the comments so someone else may have said this but the because of all this madness, the NGP, if it even comes out now, will be big deal breaker for Sony. Either it will be so great that consumers will be drawn in and forgiving or people will not think that highly of it, whether on its on merrits or in reflection of these events, and it will be dead on arrival. I have a feeling they're probably going to have a price drop at launch to encourage sales.
Sep 14, 2009
sheic99 said:
gmaverick019 said:
sheic99 said:
Mr. Omega said:
Yeah! Go hackers! Take care of big, bad EEEEEVIL corporations like Sony! Who cares that you're likely going to put millions of people out of work? Who cares that you are performing a felony on millions of people? Who cares that your selfish actions are causing nothing but misery? Who cares that people are being denied a simple service all becuase you wanted to go hack big, bad Sony? You're taking on an EEEEEVIL corporation, so that makes it all ok!

...God I hope this fucker is killed on his way to the courtroom if when he gets caught...
This has nothing to do with "sticking it to the man". These attacks are just about good ol' greed. Also murder is way too extreme for identity theft.
you wouldn't believe how pissed off people get over the phone when im at work, they hear someone has been using their card and they near shit bricks saying how they are getting all their guns out to find this fucker.
I honestly feel sorry for you, for having to deal with that shit.
NickCooley said:
I would of though after the initial hacking incident they would have beefed up security. Or is the hacker plugged into the Matrix?
Same day as the original attack. It just took Sony this long to find it.
ha oh it is a job for a sucker, that is for sure, when they were first hiring its all "oh its easy, you'll take a few calls here and there, just give some customers some advice, maybe activate some cards, no biggie, and you'll get to do your homework while your taking calls!"

*dumb me agrees to it back in February*

all i can say is, never ever depend on pay pal, or PNC for your bank, they are fucking.awful.