Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Pyrokinesis said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
Second that notion. Obviously some harbored hate and a way to get sony into some SERIOUS legal issues. Almost Ironic that Sony seems to be good with lawyers.. Like to see them undig that hole in one piece.

On-topic: Glad I didnt bother with PS3. Not to say Xbox isnt as vulnerable but Xbox dosent do much to piss-off its computer savy locals.

It seriously must have been unprepared/un-updated systems for a leak of this proportion to happen undetected. Thats almost negligence of vital information. If it takes that long for them just to figure out "Oh hey BTW someone stole all our important info", then they need some more work done on their systems. I feel some sympathy for those whos info was stolen, but none what-so-ever for Sony, thats just negligence.
I wouldn't say that they have a vendetta, if it was easy enough to steal ## thousand peoples details from one server operated by Sony they probably thought "wow that was easy, what other 'secure' archives do they have on their network... Sony Online, that'll do nicely"

Grand Admiral


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Well im one of the hold outs but was leaning towards getting a PS3 for the god of war francise and heavy rain. But afrter this mess I dont trust sony with any of my information.

Sony has some work cut out for them


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Scizophrenic Llama said:
This doesn't surprise me too much. Hackers are consistent bastards who will attack every weakness available. I'm surprised that the SoE servers weren't taken down along with PSN/Qriocity, given that it's all right up that alley.

Hopefully Sony gets some badass security that gives the next hacker that tries to get into the network(s) a new asshole.
Nice dash btw =D.

But yeah reality hackers need to find jobs so they arn't laying around trying to find fun in wrecking companies work.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Jamie Doerschuck said:
JDKJ said:
Wicky_42 said:
Arontala said:
Spangles said:
What's even funnier about this whole thing is all the spite and hate that people are aiming at the hackers, instead of the company that's pretty much left themselves wide open to this.

The hackers are the only ones who actually ensure safe networks, without them constantly testing and breaking so called security systems, all of your data would just be sitting there for the taking by any little asshat.

If you honestly aren't going to blame a multibillion dollar company who is MORE than able to pay for any kind of security it wishes and who keeps a private 'secure' network where it is possible to hack it from a goddamned home games console, then quite frankly you all deserve to lose your shit.. because if you are going to be that dumb then you'd eventually lose it anyway.

Arontala said:
Harbinger_ said:
Nice of you to have let us all know Sony.... Oh wait! You didn't! Also I don't want free service on a system you can't protect.
Did you even read the motherfucking article? They only discovered it this morning. Christ.
Says who? Sony? Riiiiiight.
I don't even know how to respond to that.

Oh, wait, yes I do. [http://youtu.be/FopyRHHlt3M]
The real issue is that it was hacked at the same time as the PSN... and they've only just noticed. That's just a poor show, and I bet the guys who did this have been laughing at them all this time about it...
So? It's obvious that they got a shitload of information to go through. They've got old databases going back to 2007 that they don't even use anymore that they've gotta search. Searching all that shit in the load to see what's missing ain't done overnight.
I know, right? Since everyone else here apparently knows so much better, let's see how fast YOU go through a database and compile a list of 70 million accounts with stolen information (the original round-up).

Also, I'm not laughing at the hackers so much as everyone else here who's going "LOLOLOLOLOLOL SUNNY SUX HAHAHAHAHA I'M NOT GETTN NO DANG PSX CUZ IT SUCKZZZZZZZ." because of THIS incident when they only got information from 2007.

Yes, the article says the INFORMATION was from 2007. Not that that's how old the security for their database is. None of the SOE stuff is anywhere near recent.

And why are we all hating on Sony, and more specifically PS3 owners? As a gamer, I feel alienated by my community. Because I bought a Playstation to play Ratchet and Clank I'm now an idiot who's been asking to have my information stolen this whole time? I'm seriously concerned for Xbox users (or at least I try my hardest to be, since most everyone is being a jerk to me because I have a PS3). Your system is obviously the next target for this kind of attack. Your service operates in a very similar way to the PSN (auto-saving credit card information) and is at serious risk. I'm actually a little disappointed in Microsoft for not issuing a more mature statement than "Oh, so sorry for Sony.... BUT DON'T WORRY GUYS, XBOX LIVE IS STILL UP!!!!!".

As a PS3 owner I do not feel betrayed, Sony slacked on the job with their security but now this unfortunate attack has brought it to their attention in a splashy way. Now that they've been made the example, I can almost assure you this won't happen again [after these initial attacks] for a very long time. This will be a huge chip on their shoulder, even long after everyone else has forgotten about it. I see this as a learning experience to show that we're not all invincible. And maybe this will teach some people to be more responsible with their credit card information on the internet (and again I'm sorry it had to happen in such a spectacular way).

I feel more betrayed as a gamer. The people who I thought would stand by my side, on all parts of the console spectrum, through this hard time have instead opted to ridicule and insult me. Unfortunately this isn't only limited to my "real life" friends, but it's prevalent all across the internet. I'm more sorry that this has further ruptured the gaming community than the loss of credit cards.
This is the only comment that actually caught my attention.
I agree with this completely.


Aug 27, 2010
Honestly though, I don't blame Sony and I'm not upset about it. They handled things pretty well, sure it could have gone better, but they did what they could. They just messed with the wrong people and got completely PWN'd. I'd just like for the ass-holes that did this to come forward.


Apr 17, 2008
For a while I was like "what, didn't this happen already?"
Then I checked the names.Now I'm slightly happy, because I don't play MMOs or have anything to do with the PSN.

Not that it makes me feel much better, because I can't get my credit card information removed from Xbox Live. I called, and they said that in order to do so, I will either have to kill the entire account or wait for several months until my current Xbox Live Gold membership runs out. When that happens my credit card information can be deleted, because I'll no longer be paying for my Xbox Live Gold membership with a credit card. So, until then I'm hoping that no one hacks XBox Live, and steals my information.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Someone really hates sony, i disliked them for that whole 'you can`t temper with our devices that you bought or well sue your ass' fiasco, but now i can`t help but feel sorry for them.


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
I fell for the people comprimised, but i dont give a shit about sony, i hope the hackers destroy them without affecting thier customers.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
God I hope these hackers get caught.
Their is no vendetta against PlayStation, if that was the case you would just make them not function.
These people are full on thieves and far worse than Sony.
Sure taking all peoples info, is a good way to smear Sony.
But you took my information, which means you stole from 'Me'.
I don't care what your intentions are, 'them' and 'me' now have a serious problem.
Hackers you know where I live, so "Man Up".
Come to my front door so I can make you bloody, then I'll have your drivers license.(Now I know where you live).


New member
Nov 18, 2009
mxfox408 said:
I fell for the people comprimised, but i dont give a shit about sony, i hope the hackers destroy them without affecting thier customers.
You know that's an impossibility, right?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Jesus christ Sony.

Please, just go out of business, right now. You are the biggest morons in the tech industry ever.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010
The Apothecarry said:
Seriously, why? The GeoHotz fiasco is over and Anonymous has dropped their "attacks," so I don't understand why people are keeping this up.
You seem to be confusing this with some kind of political statement or indication of moral outrage over Sony's console policies.

This is just straight-up robbery of an electronic nature. It very likely has nothing to do with any of that PR crap. They're "keeping this up" for money.

This is like asking why some bank robbers cleared out some bank chain's vaults after their investment scandal is old news: they don't care about the bank, they want the cash.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I hope these Hackers get sued for every penny they and their children ever earn.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Ultratwinkie said:
BrotherRool said:
Rogue branch of anonymous then. This was a bunch of people who really hated Sony and also happened to hate other people having more money than them, letting their dreams collide
Anonymous doesn't steal information, its another group of hackers. Anonymous isn't the only hacker group. In fact this is the 4th attack on a database THIS MONTH.
Anonymous doesnt steal info does it?


Edit: hmm, i should have found a better link.