Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Intrusion happened on April 16 or 17 and Sony is saying this on May 3rd? They're joking right?


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Arontala said:
Wicky_42 said:
The real issue is that it was hacked at the same time as the PSN... and they've only just noticed. That's just a poor show, and I bet the guys who did this have been laughing at them all this time about it...
Why did you quote me? That wasn't relevant to my post at all. But yeah, I do agree with you to an extent.
My quote was more to do with an earlier quote of yours but was still relevant, mostly to do with the issue being the delay in providing info to their customers not the actual hack, which is what the guy you were arguing with was attacking Sony for.

JDKJ said:
So? It's obvious that they got a shitload of information to go through. They've got old databases going back to 2007 that they don't even use anymore that they've gotta search. Searching all that shit in the load to see what's missing ain't done overnight.
Yeah, but then when your other servers have just been hacked and you know about it, maybe it makes sense to quickly check the same time on the other servers you own, rather than running a full check of the server's entire life, getting to the most recent, known-about event last -_-U


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
This reminds me of a thread a while back asking if the internet had more power than most 3rd world countries... I think this should answer your question...


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Jumplion said:
I really have to wonder how secure Sony's system was in the first place if their services are being hacked left and right. They're either really unlucky or incompetent, and I'm not sure which one is scarier.
Funny how nobody seems to have drawn the conclusion that the hacker could've been working inside Sony. At the point of tens of thousands of credit card numbers stolen that seems to be the more likely conclusion than sheer incompetence.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Wow, I'm so completely unsurprised that it's getting hard to contain all of the apathy and disappointment raging inside me.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
It is kind of sad that all this news that Sony should be telling us as soon as it happens is read on the escapist which has nothing to do with them but,I don't care as long as I find out about it. Even all this shit happening I don't hate Sony, no one knows the real truth, it could very well be neglect behind this. Or a dickhead employee or some douche hiding inside his house with only the light of his PC as he does nothing but fuck up everything and laugh. I want to say one thing whenever I read these threads about this and seeing all those jerks who do nothing but bash Sony and praise the 360 like its the one godly console worth a damn anymore. This is for those stupid trolls who contribute nothing to all this and just makes them look even worse. "No, it is not, also do you remember this happened to your precious 360 before in a similar way?" (This is not for those smart people who actually don't make me angry whenever they bring up the 360.)

http://www.zdnet.com/blog/security/xbox-live-hacked-accounts-stolen/131 It's not as bad as what's happening now but it still happened, so stop being a massive dick about this already, there I proved my point.

I don't really have much to fear credit card wise, the card we once used expired and the new one we never used on PSN, so I'm calm in all this. I just hope that we can all recover and keep playing our games like we used to in the future despite all this shit. I'm still playing games that are dedicated to internet connections without it and enjoying them so I'm trying to have fun while I wait. By the way I wrote this at 3:30 am so excuse my typing.

Niels Van Hellemont

New member
Feb 8, 2011
To everyone supporting these hackers:

Don't you realise you're shooting yourself in the foot by supporting them? Sure, Sony probably could have done a better job putting security in place. They probably also shouldn't have pissed people off. But hey, throw all the corporate conspiracies you want at them. That still doesn't change the fact that we, as gamers, are experiencing the disadvantages.

Think about it ...

Your data is gone, you can't play your games, you lost whatever was on your PSN account.

So, please think a little before you encourage cowardly practices because YOU will experience the inconvenience!


New member
Apr 18, 2008
You would think that one of the largest electronics companies in the world could properly defend itself against hacker, but there you go.

I mean getting hacked like that once is understandable, but twice?


New member
May 6, 2010
Outcast107 said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
I wonder if they are going to come to other system as well. Or just thought they could bring sony down a peg or two with their talk of "un-hackable" system. Though who knows with this. Hate to say this Sony fans but I hope they don't come to xbox or PC(Though not sure how they can do this one...but who knows with these people.)
Thats what Im seeing. I think if they are willing to alunch an attack on this level, I would say it is very likely they go to work on other consoles as awell, the on;y problem is that I don't think they can. Microsoft runs a much tighter ship with LIve security-wise, and does the Wii even have all that much data stored online?

BUt if they could do this and wreak this much havok, who knows what their limits are. Maybe they just walk through LIve like they did the PSN. I sure hope not.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I'm amused so many seems to think this is the end of the world. Sony will get their services back up and in a couple of months noone will care about "that hacking thing that happened". As a PS3 owner I'm pissed, sure, but not at Sony. People are too quick to judge without knowing all the facts.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
When are they going to finally step forward and say "sorry guys we messed up majorly. We should have protected your stuff better." In other words admit they neglected their security due to thinking they were impenetrable.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
NickCaligo42 said:
Jumplion said:
I really have to wonder how secure Sony's system was in the first place if their services are being hacked left and right. They're either really unlucky or incompetent, and I'm not sure which one is scarier.
Funny how nobody seems to have drawn the conclusion that the hacker could've been working inside Sony. At the point of tens of thousands of credit card numbers stolen that seems to be the more likely conclusion than sheer incompetence.
I would consider an "inside job" to be pretty ridiculous and borderline conspiracy theory. I have seen little actual evidence to support that claim, and if it was an inside job wouldn't it be much easier to track the person? On top of that, it wouldn't take nearly this long to find out about said hack, no?

Keep in mind, this is coming from the "#1 Sony Fanboy" of this site, I blame the hackers/crackers/whatever just as much if not more so than Sony. It's just, after 2 weeks of PSN down, millions of people's information being leaked, and only now they just discovered information leak from another service they have, I really have a hard time believing that security was a primary concern for them. The fact that PSN has been down for this long really says something, even if they are patching up their security it wouldn't take this long unless it was just a ship full of leaks.

One thing I've learned out of all of this, however; never use your credit/debt card on the internet, no matter what it is.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Fuckin Hell......

Just PSN was bad enough but this?
and on the same day AND the same information taken

I hope they find who did this


New member
Mar 16, 2009

OT: This is really bad, I actually feel for those people who've had their information stolen and I hope that Sony will make up them losing those peoples data. It keeps getting worse for Sony, I'm sure they've gotta be close to fixing the problem soon.