Hackers Offer PSN Credit Cards For Sale


New member
Mar 5, 2010
How can you tell if your credit card info is on your PS3. I can't remember if it's on or not.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
This does sound a bit sketchy (Who would advertise they did such a thing?)...but people are an unpredictable sort and what would sound odd to me might be what's really happening.

Sorry, ya'll, but you might as well just change your cards to be on the safe side, for the few sorry people that didn't do that as soon as they heard Sony lost things before.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I'm in a lost for words... [small]fuck[/small]
This is why we can't have nice things.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Joke's on them if someone buys my credit card information; that card's details have already been compromised and I had the card frozen and issues a new one shortly before this debacle started.

Then again, if that hadn't happened, I'd have asked it to be done before now anyway.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
CynderBloc said:
As for the people saying "It's fine, Sony don't keep the CV2 numbers", Yes, that's true, but how hard do you think it would be to brute force hack a 3-digit code?
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the answer to that is "functionally impossible". The only way to verify the code is correct is to attempt to use it. Which means you've got probably around 3 attempts before the bank's software assumes that you're trying to brute force hack the CVV2. So you might get lucky, but it's really, really unlikely.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
samsonguy920 said:
Credit card companies put 100% of the burden on clients to take care of their own account. Everyone who had their accounts stolen is going to be having a very bad day for more than a year. They will have the burden of presenting what evidence they can to show that any fraudulent transactions weren't made by them, and then their credit score is going to go into the toilet, preventing any wonderful summer vacations anybody had planned to go away. As well as some people's homes and jobs. Credit reporting firms are even less responsive than Credit Card companies.
Debit cards maybe. But for a credit card this statement is false. If there are fraudulent transactions on your account, you call the issuer and tell them and for the majority of people that aren't criminals that is more or less the end of it. This is one advantage of credit cards - the risk is borne by the issuer (though we pay for it with interest rates and the transaction costs the retailer gets charged when the CC is used).

And people should stop saying it's their money. With a credit card it is NOT your money. It is the banks money.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Sonicron said:
cocoro67 said:
Hopefully the Hackers who shall be enjoying a nice lawsuit along with more if they get caught.
Honestly, if the identity/identities of the hacker(s) in question is ever found out, I believe it's highly likely someone would actually kill them. Rather quickly, too.
Probably can't say I would ever take a second glance at the fuckers who feel they're in the right to hold millions of people's personal/financial data.

Lesson to learn from here, be careful what details you put into online services, you can always use stock google adresses and pre-paid cards for services like PSN/ X-Box live (I think?)

Unhappy Crow

New member
Mar 14, 2010
This is getting on my nerves. My card hasn't been used by anyone else lately, but it's forcing me to take what's left so as soon as PSN is fixed, I can't get any of my money taken away. Thank goodness my card expires next month (now that it's May).


New member
May 1, 2011
My gods thats scary.

Kinda makes me happy me and the hub have a 360.

Though I play EQ2 so I hope these hackers don't come for SOE next.



New member
Sep 18, 2010
Well at my local Flea market I notice something odd that doesn't really happen all to often some Booths were selling PS3 like 2-3 of them. I've seen like one in like a month but now I've noticed alot of them there.

I know Sony is hurt right now. but I sure they'll pull through hell if they can get them selves out of the Launch mess that the ps3 went through then I'm sure they'll pull through on this one.

I'm still kinda sad right now staring at my copy of MK that I can't play online because its down.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Anyone else hear about how the number of accounts hacked went over 100 million? Yeah... this makes me glad I play PC... but it also makes me facepalm at Sony for their arrogance.
Anoctris said:
So glad I stuck with the 360.

That said, I use my Visa to renew the Live account.

If it can happen to Sony, it can happen to Micrsoft. Reckon I'll cancel that and just buy time cards.

Imagine if this happened to Blizzard/WoW subscribers... how many millions of people play that now?
I'm fairly certain Blizzard uses entirely different methods to secure their information, but it isn't impossible for such a thing to happen. Also, around 11-12 million, nowhere quite as big as Sony's numbers.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
lol, well that sucks.
Good thing I don't own a PS3
<spoiler=Too bad everyone else isn't that lucky>http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/entries/icons/medium/000/005/180/fuckthat.jpg?1302809593