Hackers Offer PSN Credit Cards For Sale


New member
Jun 18, 2008
HaraDaya said:
Damn, my condolences to all the PSN users that has to worry about this. I'd feel ill knowing my personal information could very well be sold right now.
That's the internet in a nutshell. Really if you use any online service that requires such information, you are at risk.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
Let's all calm down and remember that the PSN store never asks for your credit card CW2's, so... yeah, that would be strange if they really did get that far.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
ANImaniac89 said:
Just checked my account and I still have my prized $0.08 balance (its been a slow mouth:( ) But I'm still changing my card later today.
Best way to avoid having someone steal your stuff is to have no stuff to steal!

OT: Can anyone confirm these reports? If they can then things just got a lot more serious. This whole mess has made me very concerned about my card security (Don't use PSN but Xbox live has my info). Anyone else here plan on using prepaid store cards a lot more in the future?


Raincoat Killer
Aug 21, 2008
farmerboy219 said:
hmmm...can you get a new card from your bank with different numbers and stuff without opening a new account
Just phone them up and ask them to cancel your card because you think someone might have access to your card details. They'll cancel it on the system and send you a new one.
kajinking said:
ANImaniac89 said:
Just checked my account and I still have my prized $0.08 balance (its been a slow mouth:( ) But I'm still changing my card later today.
Best way to avoid having someone steal your stuff is to have no stuff to steal!

OT: Can anyone confirm these reports? If they can then things just got a lot more serious. This whole mess has made me very concerned about my card security (Don't use PSN but Xbox live has my info). Anyone else here plan on using prepaid store cards a lot more in the future?
Either that or just completely removing my card off the system as soon as I use it. Was trying to remove the card on my xbox live account, but it's tied to my subscription, and so I need to phone them up to cancel the subscription so I can remove the card. -.-


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Bags159 said:
The story on Kotaku made it sound like there's no actual proof that they actually have enough of your CC's info to do this. Has solid evidence come to light since then or is this more sensational reporting?
The bad thing is that once they have your number, it is actually quite is to get the other info for Credit Cards. If you track a users IP address (also easy) then you can find their address. If you have their address, you can use their credit cards...

That's how I would assume they could get all your info. Plus PSN makes in enter all you CC infor anyways, so they have all that.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
I dont believe these guys have any information. It sounds like just a bluff. Also, I would love to change my PSN password if it were possible.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
kajinking said:
ANImaniac89 said:
Just checked my account and I still have my prized $0.08 balance (its been a slow mouth:( ) But I'm still changing my card later today.
Best way to avoid having someone steal your stuff is to have no stuff to steal!

OT: Can anyone confirm these reports? If they can then things just got a lot more serious. This whole mess has made me very concerned about my card security (Don't use PSN but Xbox live has my info). Anyone else here plan on using prepaid store cards a lot more in the future?


I got nothing to lose


New member
May 21, 2010
And to think not a month has gone by that I changed my information from my home information to my personal information at my new apartment. I feel disgusted knowing they had my parents address


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Okay speaking as someone who investigates this kind of crap (albeit on a much smaller scale)
This has the air of bullshit around it. Most thieves even the stupidest ones, NEVER EVER say WHERE they got something they stole. Even online because if you admit where you got it it's much easier to trace it back to you.
If they're selling the information they would just sell it they wouldn't announce "look what i stole" and than sell it. I know crackheads who have more sense than that.
Especially when you throw in the 'sony was offered to buy it back but didn't' thing that sounds like rumor mill crap if I ever heard it. Why would they buy it back? Its not like the information could be copied or anything... oh wait. Sounds like people just trying to find more ways to demonize sony.
We don't need to find more ways. They've done plenty on their own.

Echo136 said:
I dont believe these guys have any information. It sounds like just a bluff. Also, I would love to change my PSN password if it were possible.
I totally agree on that last bit. I also am not even SURE what info I put on the network. I don't think i had my phone number, name or even address listed. But I can't check.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Misho- said:
Are debit cards at risk? I mean it's a silly question but I used a Debit Card, not a Credit card to purchase stuff. Well at any rate this made me feel real bad... I feel nausea now.
Yeah, debit cards are at risk too. Never used my new one on PSN so I'm safe, the one on PSN has expired XD I believe Debit has the advantage of having a £250 limit per transaction without a call from your bank to verify it.


Pony Wrangler
Mar 17, 2010
Misho- said:
Are debit cards at risk? I mean it's a silly question but I used a Debit Card, not a Credit card to purchase stuff. Well at any rate this made me feel real bad... I feel nausea now.
I believe so, if you used a debit card any money you loose through fraud may not be covered by insurance so contact your bank asap!


New member
May 21, 2010
Akihiko said:
farmerboy219 said:
hmmm...can you get a new card from your bank with different numbers and stuff without opening a new account
Just phone them up and ask them to cancel your card because you think someone might have access to your card details. They'll cancel it on the system and send you a new one.
kajinking said:
ANImaniac89 said:
Just checked my account and I still have my prized $0.08 balance (its been a slow mouth:( ) But I'm still changing my card later today.
Best way to avoid having someone steal your stuff is to have no stuff to steal!

OT: Can anyone confirm these reports? If they can then things just got a lot more serious. This whole mess has made me very concerned about my card security (Don't use PSN but Xbox live has my info). Anyone else here plan on using prepaid store cards a lot more in the future?
Either that or just completely removing my card off the system as soon as I use it. Was trying to remove the card on my xbox live account, but it's tied to my subscription, and so I need to phone them up to cancel the subscription so I can remove the card. -.-
I find it interesting how this fallout is also un-nerving and hitting XBOX users hard.

Not trusting SONY is one thing, but here and there, you see people losing trust in microsoft as well, just incase this happens again.

About 2-3 weeks ago I was very tempted to put my CC number on the PSN... Glad I didn't


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Misho- said:
Are debit cards at risk? I mean it's a silly question but I used a Debit Card, not a Credit card to purchase stuff. Well at any rate this made me feel real bad... I feel nausea now.
A debit card is even MORE at risk. Once they use the money on that. It's gone. You're not getting it back, banks aren't required to cover their losses on it at all (which is part of the reason they push so hard for you to have one) Change your account number as soon as possible.


Arctic fox and BACON lover
Jun 13, 2009
Its the credit card company's time to shine now. Catching the fraudulent purchases is one thing they can do for the people now.
For the people buying the stolen credit card info, I really think that they will end up being victims in this as well. The fraudulent purchases can obviously be tracked, and some lucky law enforcement will be booking some people for having these numbers.
All in all, not too worried about my meager debit card funds. I'm down into the single digits as far as dollars go in that account, and I'll keep it like that for awhile.

I think Sony will improve on their system, maybe even make a couple of security enhancement for their NGP. They have time though, the PS3 has some staying power. But until then, I wanna see my PSN back.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
I'm a little on the fence about the "buy back" on one hand it's generally not a good thing to give into criminals and there is no real guarantee that they'll keep their end of the bargain.

On the other hand, if I was one of the people with stolen personal information and credit card numbers I'd be screaming bloody murder, it's Sony's fault (to a large degree) and they need to bloody fix it. If corporations are going to keep that kind of information about us and dismiss our "silly privacy" concerns they damn well better protect it better then a nun's virginity.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Misho- said:
Are debit cards at risk? I mean it's a silly question but I used a Debit Card, not a Credit card to purchase stuff. Well at any rate this made me feel real bad... I feel nausea now.
I use a debit card, but it's connected to a separate account from the one where I hold all my money. Basically, all I use the debit card for is the internet, and I never hold any more than about $200 in there at a time.

I'll still be getting a new card though.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I'm Skeptical as to the truth of this report, but still worried. I'm going to keep a close eye on my bank account and developments in this story.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Misho- said:
Are debit cards at risk? I mean it's a silly question but I used a Debit Card, not a Credit card to purchase stuff. Well at any rate this made me feel real bad... I feel nausea now.
Yes it is. Block your card a soon as you can.


Thinking with Portals
Jun 4, 2008
I saw this coming. I haven't gone as far to cancel my card yet 'cause I'd be surprised if they picked my paltry sum out of the millions and millions affected. I'll be checking my balance as soon as I can, though. Just in case.